Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 25, 2009


- Reduces/control blemishes
- Fades hyperpigmentation/red spots gradually
- Not as drying as other toners


- burns & stings like a mf
- smelly!

I was skeptical at first about using ACV--something you would put in food--on my face. It smells so bad and burns my entire face for a good few minutes, but after that the smell subsides and the burning stops. A few days of using this & I can see my acne becoming under control: less frequent freak breakouts. A few weeks of using this (along with some hydroquinone products) and my hyperpigmentation/red spots have gotten lighter. Overall, this is highly recommended because it's so affordable and natural!
January 21, 2009


cheap and works


it stinks, of course

It stopped my un curable break-out that starts when i was about 15. it doesnt seem to help with my red acne scars from previous acnes, but bottom line is that I dont have any new break out since I used ACV as a toner.
January 13, 2009


terrific toner; lightens marks; antiseptic


smell (who cares)

Normally I don't write anything on these forums unless I have tried something for at least a few weeks or even months. This time, however, I can jump the gun and recommend this. I have been using this stuff (50-50 water dillution) for a week and it has really made my skin look better. Does it clear acne all by itself? I really doubt it. still, this complements other things I think and if it doesn't irritate you (if it does, dilute more), why not? It is very cheap and easy to use.
January 4, 2009


Makes your skin soft and i think it works for me but my acne is not cleared yet but i go on and off im trying baking soda now again so we'll c ill keep u all updated



Give it a try everyone has different reactions
January 4, 2009


I tried the Body Ami apple cider vinegar because someone told me it tasted better and it had additional anti oxidants


It stills has a vinegar taste, but it works, and it is more expensive.

I've tried other apple cider vinegar products, but the Body Ami product taste better, and I don't have to add anything else since they add juices and organic honey. My face is definitely more clearer and I have more energy.
December 31, 2008


Did not further irritate skin.


Smells terrible, did not clear skin.

Have to say, this is just another disappointment in the long list of others, as far as I'm concerned. I applied it topically with a cotton pad every night for a week. Nothing happened. Literally. Acne did not get worse, did not get better. I feel like it made my skin a little rough, if anything. Like the feeling you get when you haven't exfoliated in a long time. It just wasn't at all working for me, and given the awful smell, was really no point in continuing.
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December 18, 2008


Cleared redness and reduced swelling almost immediately


Not the best odor, stings a bit

I usually get at least one or two stubborn cysts on my chin from hormones. I've recently started running again, and I think the combination of sweat loving bacteria and toxins being pushed to the surface of my skin has caused a mild breakout with some whiteheads popping up here and there. I also have one fairly bad cyst on my chin and red marks from previous ones, including a large dark red mark from a particularly stubborn one. I started using ACV topically three days ago, and I am amazed by the result. It has really lightened my red marks, even the big one, and has reduced the redness and swelling of the cyst. Also, no new pimples have cropped up. Even my impossible-to-budge blackheads on my nose look smaller. I apply 5% directly to existing pimples, which can sting, and then I dilute it and wipe it over my whole face. Works better than anything I have ever tried.
November 16, 2008


Works really well. Gets rid of breakouts and prevents future. I dont atcually mid the smell of vinegar so it wasnt relly an issue for me . Skin seemed to have a nice glow to it :)


dryed my skin out a little around my mouth area but with a little extra moisturizer it wasnt a problem
stings a little if youve recently popped a pimple but it isnt that bad

a cheap and effective solution works well . i recomend trying it .
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October 27, 2008


Clears skin, cheap. I've tried tea tree oil, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, vitamin E, and Minocycline (prescription), and nothing worked until I tried apple cider vinegar. This stuff is amazing!


I have really sensitive eyes, so being near the vinegar makes them sting, even if it doesn't get in my eyes.

Give it a try. It works!
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October 19, 2008


it works !! , its cheap , u should already have it in your kitchen cupboard, takes the redness away. :)


it smells a little but it fades away after a while , and if it gets in your eyes it hurts

it actually works , since ive had pimples/acne i have been trying lots of different creams, washes everything really !! lately i have been using clearasil wash and a cream and havent seen any results. :( .. but i was so down one day i looked on gooogle for quick fixes and i found this, so i tryed vinegar at first i had my doubts but now im alot more confident and i really liked the results. after washing my face just before bed i dipped a cotton bud into vinegar and only put it on the pimples then i woke up the next day and they had almost completley dissapered. i would definatle recommend this but only onto the pimpls/acne not allover your face .. :)
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