Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 20, 2011


- Fades marks
- Prevents new zits from forming
- Cheap


- The smell slightly lingers on and makes the skin taste like vinegar. Ew.

My back cleared up alot from spraying this on, once a day. I do not use it on my face because it can be pretty drying. I dilute it with 50% water.
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May 15, 2011


Absolutely wonderful
Fades red marks
Makes skin look lovely


Smells a bit (you'll learn to love it when you see the results though!)
Can make your eyes water

My Mum has been going on about apple cider vinegar for years. I just always thought it was that disgusting kitchen product that was forever turning up in the bathroom, oh how I was wrong! I use 50:50 water:ACV and it is by far my favourite 'beauty' product. I use it as a toner (usually only if I'm staying in because I get paranoid that people might think I smell of vinegar) It seems to be fading some annoying red marks I've had for what feels like forever quite quickly. It leaves your skin feeling very soft once dry (I don't wash it off, the smell does fade) and it gives skin that nice dewy glowey look we all crave!
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March 27, 2011


evens skin tone, gets rid of redness treats pimples.


smell, stings

This is the best toner you can use. I use apple cider vinegar. I dilute half of it with water and use a pad or cotton ball and apply it after I wash my face. I use to use it consistently for two years my skin was amazing, then I switched to lemon juice because of the smell and I was going out alot with guys, but my acne came back more when I stopped using acv toner. I'm using it again and I see a huge difference in my skin.
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February 15, 2011


-Balances skin pH level when used with Baking Soda



After washing my face with Baking Soda (mixed with Cetaphil), I use Apple Cider Vinegar as a topical toner. It works great! There are many recipes online for the toner, some adding extra ingredients just to alleviate the pungent smell. I would not recommend using ACV by itself - it can be pretty harsh. I use a mixture of 1/3 cup ACV, 1/3 cup green tea, and 1/3 cup water. I keep it in a leftover olive oil jar with a twist-on lid. I also keep it in the fridge.
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February 14, 2011


It works and is inexpensive.


If you use it as a topical and work out later, you'll bring the vinegar smell back up. It stings if you have open wounds.

I started using this after I realized I was getting some perioral dermatitis along with acne. I've been using it for a week and my perioral dermatitis is almost completely gone and I have 1 pimple today. 1!!!!! I usually get multiple spots per day. I've tried accutane 2x, brevoxyl, aczone, clindamycin, benzaclin, differin, tazorac, sulfur wash... The organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar is what has helped the most. I still use tazorac at night. I use the vinegar diluted 50/50 as a toner after washing. I let it dry and then moisturize.
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January 27, 2011
it does not work
January 17, 2011


works great!!


Stings a little and will leave face slightly red for about 20mins...this is just the ph balance of the skin working

Use as a toner morning and night leave on all day/ night. I use ACV bragg's, what this does is kills all the baterial that causes ance through the Acid...eventually pimples cannot form due to having no baterial!
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January 3, 2011


Clears up acne
Hair care alternative
Decreases body odor


Smells until it dries
Stings a bit if it gets in open wounds or eyes
Can create little blisters if not diluted for sensitive skin

Love it! After having severe cystic acne on my back and shoulders for over 3yrs I'm almost completely clear! It turns out that it was shampoo and conditioner that was the biggest cause (probably the sulfates and coconut in the products) Now I use baking soda to wash my hair every day and diluted apple cider vinegar as a rinse about 2-3 times a week. I saw results after about 2 weeks of using this. Apple cider vinegar works by making your skin too acidic for bacteria to live on. This helps stop body odor, acne and can prevent dandruff! On the days I use the rinse I use it @ night so I don't have to worry about going to work with my wet hair smelling like vinegar but if I notice a breakout I'll rinse my body with it more often and once I've toweled off there's no smell. Give it a shot and try it for about 2 or 3 weeks at least to see if it will help stop your acne!
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October 1, 2010


Helps with red marks
brings cysts to a head faster
seems to help prevent new zits


kinda stinky (but I'm used to it)
have to use consistently
may cause minor IB

So far, so good. I use the Spectrum organics raw unfiltered kind. I apply 1/2 water, 1/2 ACV plus 2-3 drops of Tea Tree Oil toner to my face 2x daily, Also, I make a poultice of the toner on flat cotton pads and let it sit on my problem areas for 10-20 minutes. It helps to flatten and heal pustules and cysts. I have had a couple new spots spring up in the 10 days I've been using it but it may just be bringing clogged pores to the surface. I read on the message boards that this helps you restore your skin's acid mantle. I'm a believer.
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August 1, 2010


*softens acne scars
*lightens acne


*smells like vomit
*stings eyes a little
*dries skin

I read almost every review on this site before deciding to try ACV. I bought Bragg's with mother in it. I have tried every acne product and every skincare brand available for my acne, which was pretty severe at one point because of a medication I was taking. At the moment, I don't have particularly bad breakouts, but I do have a lot of scarring, which is worse, I think than actual acne. Acne at least goes away, but these scars have been here for years! I've only been using ACV for a few days, maybe a week, morning and night, and I swear I can already see a difference. I really don't think this is my imagination. The new scars are already fading, but the old ones I think will take much longer. The few active breakouts I had are healing, and my complexion seems much brighter. I hope these great results will continue! My hope is renewed! One day I might have the porcelain skin I was MEANT to have!
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