Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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June 23, 2011


Glowing skin.
Completely evened out my skin tone.
No spots.
Removed mark of 2 years.
Natural/Full knowledge of contents.


Can't tell others.
Not being able to hold my pee in the morning before getting my daily batch lol.

Seriously, and I am not at all a person to exaggerate or over sell. This has literally changed my life. For a whole week I kept coming back to this reviewing because I could not believe what I was reading, that people were actually lathering their faces with there own urine... But then I remembered how hard I found it to look in the mirror without feeling a load of sh*t. So I started using it, 2 weeks to be exact; and it's really worked wonders. My face is evened out, my scars have faded dramatically, my skin glow beautifully. And all I had to do to get it like this, is to rub my pee on my face. Please try it out, especially those in complete desperation. Nobody is attempting to pull the wool over your eyes, or trying to cheat you out of your money.
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March 9, 2010


Cleared up very slightly


Takes getting used to
can smell
didn't notice a big difference but some

You should try it to see if it works for you it may work better on some I will continue to use to see if I have more improvement
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January 26, 2011


Clears acne, clears redness, tightens pores, free and limitless!


I think that is obvious..

I never write reviews, but I am in a total state of shock. It has been 5 years since I have been dealing with acne and I have tried almost everything! I spent so much money on prescriptions, walgreens products, makeup, natural products, nothing would work. I didn't realize that the most natural thing of all would cure me, my own freaking pee. I was grossed out at first but at the same time beyond desperate so I tried it on a cotton ball and left it on. I could immediately feel it working and at the end of the day I could already see the difference. It has been two days since I have tried this (thanks to the reviews on here!) and I honestly can't believe my eyes when I look into the mirror. I actually have a complexion, my pimples are almost gone and the redness is gone!! My father said, "wow your skin looks really great all of the sudden." So I know it isn't just me! I honestly can't fathom a life without concealer or foundation or powder, but I am actually going to be able to go outside without it and be confident! I am so elated, I can't even believe this. TRY THIS! I don't work for a corporation and I won't get any money from you using your own pee. The people who are writing these reviews just want to help you :)
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March 24, 2010


Actually worked, free,


Well....its pee....

I tried it and it worked for me in less than about 4-5 days. It cleared up all of my zits and made my skin cleaner
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March 7, 2010


First I have to thank God for something that truly works. Reduces Pores, Softens Skin, Reduces Scarring SUPER FAST. Quickly eliminates pimples.


Secrecy, smell.

Notice the negative reviews are from people WHO HAVE NOT TRIED IT!!!! This is simply amazing. Speaking as a 30 year old woman with brown skin and scarring. This has been a blessing. I totally give God thanks and praises for me stumbling upon a website where someone talked about how UT worked miracles. And it has. I had a severe break out, and I used UT and within 2 days it was totally clear. BONUS, my scarring is fading in an AMAZING way after 3 weeks of use~ I simply use a cotton ball of mid stream fresh pee pee, and apply it to my face at night. If I won't be out and about I also apply it in the morning. GREAT.. Please don't knock it till you try it.
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July 29, 2010


Clears skin fast
Pores reduced
Skin glows


It's urnine. Period.

I have never written a review for anything before, but just had to for this! I have had acne for over 20 years...since I was 12. I have tried everything...every OTC and prescription (no accutane...too scary) and nothing has worked. I have been using Dan's system coupled with urine and I have never been so clear so fast. It's only been 5 days,and my skin looks sooooo much better. I was honestly repulsed by the notion of putting pee on my face, but figured I had nothing to lose but my pride and, more importantly, my acne (which sucked most of my pride away anyway). It really didn't bother me at all the first time I did it (caught urine midstream on sterile cotton pad) and rubbed on face two to three times a day. I would NEVER tell anyone, but wow, what a difference. You need to consider trying it!
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July 12, 2010


Skin has lost all redness, reduced inflammation of cystic acne dramatically, skin looks glowing and smoother than ever, seems to balance out oiliness and dryness like no other product I've ever used!


You have to get past the thought you're using urine. Some paranoia someone might find out, yet wanting so desperately to tell everyone you know because it works so well!

I've used it all...I mean ALL...proactiv, murad, arbonne acne regimens...even spa treatment regimens like peels, masks, high end products like Pevonia and True not to mention oodles of cash on 'healthy' cosmetics. Not even kidding...I washed my face with mild soap (to remove make-up) then honey, applied the urine as a 'toner' (peed in a cup 'mid-pee' then dipped a cotton pad in for application), then applied my normal moisturizer (some fancy Pevonia stuff I'm reconsidering now :))...I woke up and my skin was GLOWING. I've never seen such dramatic results so quickly in all my years and products! I have very very fair skin, I'm in my 20's and started getting chin, forehead, and jawline acne. Not to mention natural redness, and of course added redness from all the stuff I tried to use to balance my skin and get rid of the hormonal/stress acne. It was terrible because my skin is so fair, so when I'd get a huge cyst or pustule, it would take weeks to heal and almost always leave a red scar. After my first UT treatment I had NEVER seen my skin so beautiful and flawless looking...it's amazing! What do you have to lose? Other than some bodily fluids lol! I wish I could tell everyone I know...and if I start getting compliments, I don't think I can help but chuckle as I tell people it's just some 'natural' stuff I'm trying...no big deal right? ;) DO IT! DO IT NOW!
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May 4, 2011


~Gets rid of Acne
~Makes skin GLOW!!!
~Moisturizes skin
~Evens skin tone
~Free and always readily available
~Helps fight aging on skin
~Helps with scars


~The smell

Ok alot of people would find this realy gross, cause you know alot of people have been tough urine is a waste product, but its not, do your research, Urine consists of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals , salts, hormones and enzymes and Urine is entirely sterile after secretion and has an antiseptic effects. Ive tried everything possible out there for acne, lemon juice,ACV,acne spot treatments,acne washes,honey,baking soda,tea tree oil,etc.(Though they did work a bit, but by far not as great as urine and the UNnatural products diden't seem to work at all -.-) and i have severe acne, like everywhere on my face, this is like the only thing that works absolutley amazing for me, ive been using it for weeks now and my skin is clear! ive been suffering from severe acne since i was 15, and iam now 20, no one knows i use urine to keep my face looking amazing <.< exept my two sisters, but other people would be horrified, so iam not going to tell them lol. So here's how it works ( well how i do it) My morning and night routine: 1.Wash face with water 2.(sometimes scrub my face in the morning, if i did not do it at night, with honey,tea tree,nutmeg and vitamin e oil mixture for about 1-2 minuts and leave it on for 10 minuts and wash off with cold water, if you dont do this at night, do it in the morning but at least every other day unless your skin is very sensitive, then do it once a week) 3.This is when i put on my eye "serum" all natural, you can make it with grape seed oil and vitamin e oil and put a tiny amount on your finger ,rub in and put on all over eye area, i even do my eyelids (it wont hurt you, its all natural) 4.Take a cotton ball and dip it in fresh or old urine ( 3-8 day old urine works alot better) (dont worry about the smell, it will go away, but if it realy worries you then wash it off after 10 minuts) 5.Put on oil free moisturizer with out any perfum or colorings like my cetaphil moisturize
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September 4, 2010


-reduced redness throughout the day
-my acne died down (and i've only been using it for a day!)


-it stings a bit, but i dont know if it the asprin mask i put on before

What's better? just knowing its natural, free, and works like a charm! I accidently got some in my mouth (I kknowwww, I know) and it was kinda salty but it was bad! I kind of want to drink it because I heard that it's really good for you but I know i won't ever have the guts to do that. TRY IT! You've got nothing to loose (litterally)
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February 2, 2010


Reduces redness, and appearence of blemishes on face. Although doesn't clear the acne, it does blend it better in with my natural skin tones. It makes it soft and moisturized (I find on UT I don't have to use a moisturizer). Also, I can now wear make up after just two days of using UT (when my acne gets bad, there's no point in wearing acne 'cause my skin's so dry, and it just flakes, and doesn't cover anything). Love it.


The only con I found is trying to find something to put it in, and use to put on my face. Also, since it doesn't come with instructions, you have to experiment a little bit with how long you leave it on, if you wash it off at all, what to use to apply, best times, etc.

I have used it before and my skin cleared up nicely. Eventually it came back, but I'm just starting the UT again and I am very happy with the results. Not a lot of things give me hope, but UT does.
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