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April 16, 2012
it's pee. Yet it doesn't stink.
i've suffered from acne for about 3years. I have more scars than acne itself. I've tried many products but those don't help. I also use home remedies and never know if it helps or not. And just a few days ago i came across this site that you need to pee on your face. I don't think it's gross cos it's your own product. I just apply it yesterday and the result has yet to appear. I hope it'll help cure my acne scar. I'm so desperate to look at myself in the mirror and i don't wanna mingle with other people. I think your should try it cos it's free!
November 14, 2011
makes my face worse
increase redness
its a pee
i read alot of comments here and i decided try urine therapy.. i wake up piss on a cup and apply it 3 times a day in 3 days my acnes get much worse and redness to.. i decided stop that before it got worse over. now i'm very depressed and desperate.. i dont recommend.. but it can work for you..
December 18, 2011
Didnt work
Its dosnt smell ! - i put it on half of my forehead for a week maybe 2 i dont remember and on the one with the urine i got new pimples and they didnt go away i did this for 1-2 weeks you can try you have nothing to loose - just dont be suprised if it wont work
January 25, 2013
- Did not clear acne
- Is just plain nasty ( smell , where it came from)
This is an absolutely disgusting method for clearing acne. After doing some research , I discovered that using urine on your face can actually increase your acne because urine is filled with toxins and bacteria.DO NOT USE THIS , IT WILL NOT HELP.Trust me, there are products out there that can help that do not come from your inside fluids....nasty!
August 3, 2008
it unexpensive, and a good quanity lololol
doesnt work very well and smels like friggin piss all night. i almost gaged trying to put the stuff on!
it doesnt work dont waste your time peeing on your face!
January 19, 2010
Seems like the same people are writing the review using a proxy.
January 2, 2010
urine is full of bacteria and nasty-ness! think about it's the waste that your body is trying to expel!
its simply unsanitary and disgusting! even if it does work (which i highly doubt and will never test) it's unhealthy and backwards. your body is trying to get rid of stuff through your urine why would you want to expose your skin to those things ?
Not yet seen the result cos just use it for 2 days.