Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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September 4, 2010


Clears up acne at an astonishing, even incredulous, rate. Leaves skin looking healthy and beautifully glowing, removes pigmentation. It's a miracle cure.


The smell.

I have had acne for 4, coming up 5 years. I saw several different doctors and dermatologists, tried just about every different soap, cream, spray and cure out there, extending even to homiopathy. What did work was urine. I started it about one week ago, and since then my acne has been vanishing stupidly fast. I recommend this to anybody and everybody.
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July 12, 2008


Noticed the redness going down within an hour, Made the pimples less noticeable almost immediately,


It's not something you can share with your family and friends!

I was pretty open minded, after reading all the good things about I decided to try it, peeing on a Q-Tip is a little weird, but you get over it. I have only used it around 2 - 3 times but man can I already see a difference. Recommended for sure.
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March 8, 2011


Shrinks bumps
Smooths skin
Evens skin tone
Brightens face
Good for scars


Smells (depending on urine, if your hydrated and drink lots and lots of water until your pee is clear, you'll be fine)

The first day i tried it, my fiance immediatly told me my face was glowing. I used it for a week, my face isnt fully clear yet because i have severe acne, but its def worth the try. My face is smoother and have less bumps, all i need to worry about now is scarring and redness, which i believe will take another week, you def have to be consistent. It helps if you use this AFTER you use acne treatments, you can either use urine alone or with acne scrubs. Dont put lotion on and then urine or any thing that will block ur skin from the urine. Everytime i pee, i use the pee on my face, so the more times you do this the better.
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April 5, 2013


Works almost immediately to reduce imflamation, redness, and the size of blemishes.


Well come on, its a little gross. You probably won't want to tell your boyfriend that you're putting pee on your face.

This is the best thing that ive found for my acne. I am 23, and ive had acne since i was 13. I've tried everything. Prescriptions, proactiv, murad, every drug store wash and cream. I have cystic acne, plus the small blemishes and a sea of blackheads to match. As strange as it sounds, this really does work! I've been applying urine topically for 3 days, twice a day, and its already working wonders! The large cystic spots have come to the surface (which usually takes almost a month), my smaller bumps are literally gone, and my face has been less oily and it feels very soft. Also, the redness from the cysts and some scars have lightened up a lot.I really can't believe its working. My boyfriend actually already noticed a difference, but I haven't told him about the pee yet. Haha. I've been using a cotton ball dipped in urine in the morning and at night. I let the first application sit for 5 mins and then do a second application. I don't rinse it off. I've been using only a sugar scrub and water to wash and exfoliate before I apply the urine. Seriously, if you're out of options, just give it a try. Its free and you don't have to shout it out that youre trying it. I wish I would have known this would work years ago. Thanks for reading :)
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March 8, 2011


Dried everything up, natural, made all my acne go away after one day, made my face feel brighter.



Okay so this is the grossest thing I have ever done in my life, i'm so embarrassed that I did this, but I honestly don't know what else to do. I've had acne forever, since I was 12. I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on acne products that would work for a couple days and then quit. I'm so desperate I just want a clear face and I'm so tired of smearing white gunk on my face every night and not seeing any improvements. I'm a waitress and its so embarrassing to go up to a table and know that they are just looking at your acne. I cover up my acne and scars with tons of makeup which just seems to make me break out even more. I was suppose to be studying for my test one night and just happened to stumble on this site. At first I was so grossed out but I just decided to try it, i've tried everything else, why not this? So I tried it before I went to bed and then when I woke up I tried it again. At first it just made my face very very dry and it caused all of my pimples to flake but by the next day my skin seemed so much better :] I've only tried this a couple days but already I can see an improvement!! I hope this works :]
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July 18, 2008


Well it does even out your skin well and makes it soft, not oily. I noticed less redness on my skin as well. As for acne it has reduced size, no new ones, but they haven't gone away. I'm trying to let the pee sit for a few days to get results.


It is pee, so weird but hey the packaging is GREAT and is very affordable. Fragrance can be bad if you don't drink up, lol. Don't want to keep it on when in public.

I would totally add this to whatever regimen you normally do, along with a good diet. (I would want to make sure my pee is clean, no?) Make sure to rub it in good as well. Its really not as bad as it sounds, plus while you peeing its like an extra reminder to treat your face and you can do it anywhere. Yay pee!
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January 6, 2010


active big zits shrink, fresh wounds heal so so fast, scars are visibly fading, pores shrink, skin is perfectly hydrated


NONE, get over the smell it's just pee...

urine smells bad, urine has bacteria in it..BLAHBLAH!!! people who say that obviously haven't done any research yet and just say what they think from their shallow mind :) just a little info, poop is the real waste of your body, urine is a liquid just like sweat & saliva.. i did the urine lotion for about a month before (once a day every morning) and my skin was slowly improving but somehow i stopped & forgot bout it.. this time my breakouts were getting so so bad & my scars were really bugging me, i remembered the urine lotion and i've been DOING IT FOR ONLY 2days now and the RESULTS ARE SIMPLY AMAZING!!!! (this time i used the "lotion" almost every time i went peeing so like 4-5 times a day and i even made a mask of it) no matter who says what, results are results. PLEASE PLEASE TRY IT EVEN FOR JUST 1 DAY, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?? start on friday night and do it all weekend and i promise you will see results!! but make sure you're eating somewhat healthy like a week before you do it to get best results, doesn't have to be crazy-healthy & drink lots & lots of water or hot green tea is even better and pee on a cotton pad(always let some of the first pee out and use mid-stream) and wipe your whole face with it and leave it on. if you want to, stick the pads on your face until they dry out. if you really really want to wash your face but i'd recommend not to for the short weekend boost... what do you have to lose? you want to get rid of your acne right? just do it, enjoy it, and be super happy!! yeay :)
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August 4, 2010


It works
It's cheap
Works better than acne medicine
Takes away redness
Tightens up your skin on your face
Smoothes out your skin on your face


You could say it smells...but then I'd just tell you, sounds like a personal problem. Drink more water :)

For everyone saying that their face broke out...it is only the first urination of the morning that you are supposed to use. The Urea in the urine makes it sterile overnight which makes it okay to put on your face. You should also do it midstream, not just sit down and pee in a cup. You aren't going to see miracles in a couple of days, you have to continue, but I can tell you that I have red marks...acne scars on my face and since i have started this the redness in my face has gone away. It didn't happen after the first time, probably after the first week, but it works. I also had some huge pimples that are now completely gone and I havent had any new ones since I've started. You can take the urine and store it in a cup and apply it several times throughout the day. It works best if you wash your face first with a mild face soap and then apply the urine because it acts as your toner. You can also apply it before bed. You don't have to wash it off after a certain amount of time, but I do suggest washing your face with at least water a few times before applying the urine. I suggest using a Q-tip to apply it. As long as you are drinking enough water, there is no smell. I still wouldn't let people kiss your cheek or anything, but once the urine is dry no one will be able to tell you applied it, it is virtually odorless. To be honest, I've had acne for many years and this is the best thing I've tried so far. For people who say it doesn't work or that it's making them breakout...you might want to check to see if you're using your first urine of the day and also, don't expect to be cured after 2 or 3 days. It takes time just like everything else in this world :) Just keep with it :)
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August 4, 2010


Amazing outcome! Now I have clear, glowing, flawless skin. I wear moisturizer (which I never would have imagined doing before this!). Only have to wash my face twice a day...no other products used! Get compliments all the time!


Too embarrassed to tell people I am doing this!

I've had light acne since I was in 3rd grade and it got worse and worse through the years. And then when I hit my 20's it EXPLODED! I started getting stressed more, which led to cystic acne--and even worse, scarring. I was devastated, embarrassed, piled on make-up, tried so many different products, dropped tons of money on products and dermatologist appointments. Then finally stumbled on UT. At first I was extremely reluctant to try, only did spot treatments. Saw minor improvement, then got brave enough to put it all over my face and let it sit. I did this 3 times a day for a week, and was ASTONISHED. The next week I didn't have to wear nearly as much make-up, so I didn't do the UT....week later broke out Horrrrrribleeee! Tried UT again on and off, and every time I use it...it works fantastic! No longer am on any oral medication, any topical medication. No longer have to buy expensive products. Can use a moisturizer, which blows my mind! My face is so smooth, glowing, and I get compliments all the time. Was persistent with it for about a month(1-3 times a day) to start out with, now I only have to do it every other week. Try it! I couldn't live with acne anymore, it was ruining my life! UT really did saved my social life, my career, and me!
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June 5, 2015
Experiencing from years
I am in my 20s now. I have been this urine therapy from last 4yrs. I started getting acne when i was 15. I tried lot of medi creams and consulted many doctors. But there were no results in reducing of acne. Once my mom gave me idea of applying my own pee on my face. I felt it weird but for my betterment i did it. Applied the pee on face kept it for 20-30 mins and then washed it out. I did it 2-3 times in a day. And within 3 months my face was clear, soft and shinning. And till today i keep on doing the same technique and i love it a lot...
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