Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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April 16, 2012


Not yet seen the result cos just use it for 2 days.


it's pee. Yet it doesn't stink.

i've suffered from acne for about 3years. I have more scars than acne itself. I've tried many products but those don't help. I also use home remedies and never know if it helps or not. And just a few days ago i came across this site that you need to pee on your face. I don't think it's gross cos it's your own product. I just apply it yesterday and the result has yet to appear. I hope it'll help cure my acne scar. I'm so desperate to look at myself in the mirror and i don't wanna mingle with other people. I think your should try it cos it's free!
March 31, 2012


-Cleared up some redness after a while (Maybe 45 minutes)


-Smelled for some time (Something like 5 minutes)

{INTRO} -Haii guys! I JUST started using UT today...I saw redness results in the first 45 minutes! Obviously it's natural and free, so that's a plus! I am going to give UT 2 weeks...I'm gonna end UT on April 13. If I see results, I'll keep it up! I was wondering if fresh or old urine was better...any answers? The only con was that it smelled for a couple minutes....ew! {MY THOUGHTS} -I PERSONALLY don't care about putting urine on my face, it's natural and it's from MY OWN BODY. I don't want any "Eeeewww!" comments or anything.....however, you may think it's completely vulgar. {MY ACNE} -I have moderate acne I guess. I have an oily T-Zone...for those of you that don't know what that is, it's your nose and forehead. On my nose, I think it's really only a couple ACTUAL zits, and then the rest is "scars" or "marks" or whatever you call them. My forehead doesn't get "scars" or "marks". The zit just disappears and leaves my tan skin(: {MY BLOGGING} -I will be posting on these dates.... *Today (3-30-12) *One week from today (4-6-12) *On Judgement day (4-13-12) Thanks for reading!
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January 23, 2012


Reduced the size of my pimples!!! Just started using it on thursday night, its now monday morning and my pimples of gone down quite a bit.


Sometimes it smells! Drink lot's of water and eat healthy.

I'm desperate and desperate times lead to desperate measures. Still waiting on full results, twice a day for the next 2 weeks.
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December 2, 2011


Redness subsides within days
not quite sure about others yet


it comes from your wienerrrr

i have only done this for two nights. my face was very red after using proactiv for 3 months (which sucks dont ever think about buying that scam) it got really bad when i was put on duac which is 5% BP, you could see were i would put it on at night just by the amount of redness. putting pee in and leaving it has gotten rid of all that redness that i thought i was doomed with. i have a few bumps which came up that look like clogged pores so im hoping thats not from this because the results are already better and quicker than everything else ive tried!
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October 7, 2011


Nice Glow.
Good Tingly Feeling (like its working!)
Of course Free..


Currently Breaking me out.
Hopefully will get worse before getting better.

Well ! Where to start...... I have had acne for about 6 years now, I'm a 19 year old male. I usually have between mild>>moderate acne. Anyways I have tried varioud methods such as BP, Clearogen, Natural Remedies, Everything and Anything and spent £ £ £'s. I don't know about anyone else but I am just completly sick of trying various products that dont work or make any difference I know different stuff works for different folks but ive been having no luck. So I got to the point last week where I couldnt even stand to look in the mirror anymore, Everytime I look in the mirror I just see 'ugly', I cant look aroud the spots I just see them on my face and think ...'why me ' ?. Big red spots, small ones, blackheads, it varies day to day my acne and week to week, sometimes I can have 1 spot on my face the next 10, its no a nice surprise to wake upto as you can imagine !. So taking into account all of the above I came across Urine Therapy whilst looking through various products to try and see what next could cure me lol, On coming across this I was like NO ! I cant do this, but the more I thought about it the more I thought whats there to lose?, And who's going to know but me ! So as unpleasant as it sounds i tried this starting from Sunday night (today is Friday) , I apply it on with a cotton wool pad at night and sleep with it on. The smell can sometimes be awful but all depends on what you have been eating/drinking etc. On applying it to your face it feels a little tingly (and all very weird when your sat looking in the mirror and thinking to yourslef, Im actually rubbing pee in my face!) So I have done it for around 5 nights now and being completly honest I think I am still in the early stages, my skin is awful blotchy still but I think I am still recovering from a very bad breakout due to some wrong choice mosituriser. I don' know if the urine is maybes bringing all the bad stuff out but I shall persist and see, It d
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September 8, 2011


Free, smoothing, cleansing, refreshing, gets rid of redness and bumpiness and blackheads.



I don't really understand why people are so disgusted by urine therapy, because it comes from your own body..? My pee has a buttery aroma <3 HAHA anywayss. I recently went on a trip to Florida (which was super depressing cause I couldn't even go in water or my makeup would come up and my real skin at the time wouldve been revealed ugh) and the combination of the humidity, heat, cheap sunscreen and hotel soap made my skin the worst it's ever been in it's life. Along with that, I got so obsessed with my face that I was washing it 4-5 times a day. Nottttt gooood. When I got back home, I was on the boards, and literally just stumbled upon the Urine Therapy topic. I researched it alot, about how it wasn't a waste product but rather a sterile liquid full of just excess water and nutrients, and decided to try it without hesitation. The scent doesn't linger whatsoever, which is good. I have no idea how this works so well, maybe it's the pH acidity or something? I dunnnooo. But all I know is that I started with blackheads, clogged pores and whiteheads along my T-Zone that were spreading outwards of my lips, and now, 2 weeks later, my skin is smooothy smooth, with no new breakouts at all, and redness that is quickly reducing into brownness. Red marks are much more of my concern than acne itself, but I think I'm beyond what topical treatments can do- I'm looking into laser therapy. For now, it's nothing makeup can't hide :/ Urine therapy will work if you have any actual acne- from blackheads to actual zits. Along with doing that, NEVER skin-pick. With that advice, you'll be on your way to amaaazingly improved skin.
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August 18, 2011


Helped clear skin


Sometimes smelly

I had a really bad time with my skin a few months ago - it was the worst it's ever been - and then I came across urine therapy. I thought to myself, I've tried everything else so what do I have to lose? I haven't had an outbreak since. Is it just coincidence? I don't know. But my skin has never looked this good... So do it, I really don't think you'll regret it.
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July 7, 2011


does work after a while


people woundnt agree with it. Just dont tell anyone, thats what i do.

When I first read about this urine therapy thing, I was like, is this for real? But I've encourage myself to give it a go, as its free and i could stop if i didnt like it. I want to say, i am so glad i found urine therapy. On my first week of using my pee on my face I was a little uncomfotable, but now it doesnt bother me at all. At first my skin started breaking out, and after the breaking out phase i was left with clear skin. I have started using this a month now and I have seen a huge improvement in my skin. After 7 years of suffering form acne, i think i have found the miracle cure. I will continue using urine therapy, and keep posting updates on my acne.
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July 7, 2011


*Well, it does reduce the redness from the first application..:D


*Havent really found any yet, what have any of us desperate-get-rid-of-my-pimples-girls-and-guys got to lose?

When I first read about this, like any other person i was disgusted. But I am DESPERATE to get rid of my acne... I mean DESPERATE. I think all of us have that one reason to get rid of acne, for ourselves, for others...I feel bad about myself, when people talk about my acne openly, I guess everyone does...This has just been my first day of UT, and I am going to be frank, my acne is not like vanished, but the redness is going yes...I will be writing another review in a week...until then- fingers crossed!
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June 29, 2011


Reduces redness
Brings pimples to a head
Does help with clearing pimples


Sticky after application
The smell
Not socially acceptable

I've had acne for about four years, and I've tried just about everything. I came across Urine Therapy while surfing the net about a week ago, and I started the next day with it. Do not expect a miracle cure for your acne. It did not clear up my acne in half an hour or an hour like some people have previously mentioned, but yes, after a few days of using Urine Therapy morning and night, my acne did start to clear up a bit, as well as a reduction of redness. I am giving it another week before I write another review, but until then, I am staying positive and giving Urine Therapy a chance to work. Good luck!
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