Bactrim/Septra : (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) Oral Antibiotic

420 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim.

Inactive ingredients:
Docusate sodium 85%, sodium benzoate 15%, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate and pregelatinized starch.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 31, 2009


Cleared me up about 85%;
Very cheap with insurance;
Easy routine (one pill in the morning, one at night);


Acne came back after I got off it for a month;
Still had a zit or 2 throughout treatment;

I took this for severe acne all around my chin and cheeks after creams didn't work. I didn't see much happening at first, but after about 3 weeks, my acne got really bad on the right side of my face for a few days, and then didn't come back. The same thing happened the next week on the left side of my face, and after that, I only had occasional pimples in random spots, but it was significantly better than before. I would recommend this, but it's not a permanent fix.
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December 17, 2009


I don't know of any pro's - yet.


I am still breaking out with cysts all over.

I am not seeing the same effect's as others. I originally started taking Septra for what was diagnosed as MRSA by 3 Dr.'s later to find out it was just a regular Staph infection. I still keep breaking out with them in different locations. I have been taking the meds now for 2 months with no change. They are very painful and don't seem to be getting any less frequent!
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December 13, 2009


Cleared my face took it a few months, but has made a difference, people are noticing the difference.


The pill is really big, i have to cut it in two. I did get really dry and red and peely but not nearly as bad as being oily all the time.

It's worth the side effects of dryness and peeling it is much better than having acne all over your face by far!
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November 25, 2009


Cleared up the infection which caused my cystic acne very effectively. :)


May cause mild diarrhea or thrush, which REALLY sucks.

I have been using Bactrim in conjunction with Diane 35 for a few months now after developing cysts on my cheeks. Nowadays my skin is 100% clear. I have never had skin this good.
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November 23, 2009


I have been Septra and Spirlactalone for about a year off and on. When I discontinue the medication the acne comes back. I have been on many different types of acne medication for about 20 years and this is the only one that has ever worked.


Its an antibiotic so yeast infections are common (at least for me with any antibiotic)

IT WORKS WONDERS. It may not clear the small little pimples, but those are the least of my problems but it does keep them at bay. I don't get very many of those anymore. It takes care of the half dollar sized cysts that would take over my chin and cheeks for months at a time. I have a very old school Dermotologist and he is the first person to take me off the "childish" treatments other dermotologist had always put me on to treat my acne (which is no longer teenage acne). I have a feeling I am a lifer on the meds tho. (I don't mind as long as they don't cause life long problems)
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November 20, 2009


Completely cleared up my cystic acne. I've forgotten a few times/days but it hasn't had changed the effectiveness or led to breakouts. Long term use does not reduce effectiveness.


Not as helpful with smaller pimples. Slight sun sensitivity

I love it. I've been using it for 4-5 years now (when I stop for a few weeks I get horrible, painful cystic acne), and I haven't had any long term effects from it. Its not very expensive considering how well it works, and I would definitely recommend it for anyone who has been having trouble with cystic acne. I suppose a con could be that I have had to use it for a long time, but since the alternative was roaccutane, I'm not too upset about this outcome. Taking it twice a day isn't too hard once you get used to it. Anyway, I'd recommend it.
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November 19, 2009


easy to take, inexpensive, keeps face free of the painful cysts and blackheads


If you miss your dosage for a few days, you have to start all over with building it up in your system before you can see results. Does not allow you to taper off after long-term use without acne returning full force. Makes skin sensitive to the sun.

I have used Accutane, Erythromyacin(sp?) and Bactrim for moderately severe acne for more than 20 years. The Accutane worked for only a few years, the Erythro worked but was too expensive, and the Bactrim upsets my stomach unless taken with food, but is the least expensive. I am going to give ProActiv a try. I don't want to keep abusing my body with an antibiotic, but I don't want the pain and hassle of the cysts either. I would suggest Bactrim for short-term use, but not as long term fix. Look for progressive dermatologist to prescribe healthy skincare regimen/diet to control the acne.
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November 17, 2009


Cleared up face within a few weeks.


Headaches, swollen glands, swollen/sore neck. Discontinued for a few weeks, then restarted once I finally felt better--thought symptoms may have been unrelated. Same side effects happened again. I'm also allergic to minocyclene.

Still sick from the side effects. Quit taking medicine 3 weeks ago.
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November 13, 2009


in one week great more whiteheads


redness still on my face

i have been using it for a week. so i am not sure yet.
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October 28, 2009


Works great, reduced my cysts and redness in week 1, 2x 800mg daily. My cysts dont hurt anymore and redness is reduced.


Its a antibiotic so i can become immune

great drug, get this if u have sever acne and want to get rid of it QUICK!
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