Bactrim/Septra : (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) Oral Antibiotic

420 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim.

Inactive ingredients:
Docusate sodium 85%, sodium benzoate 15%, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate and pregelatinized starch.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 26, 2010


-Cleared up acne SUPER fast !
-Noticed improvement overnight (:
-No side effects


None, This is a Miracle pill .

I really wanted Accutane because I lost hope, but I couldnt afford it so my dermatologist put my on Bactrim & within 2 weeks my acne pretty much disappeared. This is the best option if you dont wanna do accutane.
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September 22, 2010




Side effects
Hearing loss

I've been taking Bactrim for 2 days. This is not long enough to see any results for my moderate, but persistent acne. But it's definitely giving me side effects. After 2 days i've got a massive headache like a throbbing pain. I never get them maybe once in a couple months, but even so it would last about 5 minutes. Also i just got ringing in the ears. I checked with my ent (ear nose and throat doctor) she stated Bactrim or these Sulfa drugs are ototoxic. Which means they can cause hearing loss and ringing in the ears(tinnitus). I'm sure it would've cleared my acne up! but the side effects are not worth it.
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September 14, 2010


Minimal side effects

It worked for me!


Only minor complaint I have are the size of the pills for my dosage. Sometimes I have trouble swallowing them and have to take them with food to avoid gag reflex. Very small price to pay for what they do. They also taste terrible if you can't get them down on the first try. Taste alone triggers a gag reflex with me. Again, not even enough to consider a con.

I really give it a 4.5/5, but that wasn't an option. I have taken Bactrim before years ago and it did work, but because of my fear of needles I quit after the first blood drawing for lab testing. I'll start by saying I rated my acne before starting Bactim as maybe a 6/10 on my face, and 7/10 on my back, this is me already on the regimen for several years. I started taking Bactrim again about 2 months ago and within 3 weeks 80% of my facial acne had cleared, along with 60% of my back acne (which was more of a reason I started taking it again). Now 2 months in I would say my face is 95% cleared up with maybe a single pimple every week or two popping up, but they only last a short time compared to before. The body acne has reduced further to maybe 80% clear, with only a few really deep and hard to treat cystic bumps remaining. The new bumps on my back that do appear, which is rarely, go away within a week or two compared to maybe months before, and they are less severe. The only thing I really have left now is to worry about how to clear up scars and reduce redness left behind with the scars. My face is still prone to look red and bumpy when I sweat, but they are just scars or damage left behind from years of acne. Same goes for my back, lots of large cystic bumps have left some pretty deep and red looking spots. I think time will heal these. It also doesn't help that I'm pretty pale and need to get out in the sun more. Night shift work doesn't help that. So Bactrim for me worked very well where topical treatments failed me for years. I do still use the benzoyl peroxide and moisturizer regimen, but it never had complete success, it only lessened the severity. the two working together however seems to be very effective. Considering the cost and very minimal side effects, I would highly recommend seeing a dermatologist and seeing what they say about this antibiotic for your acne.
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August 21, 2010


Cleared my skin instantly


I am allergic to the product and it took me two weeks to find out, which was at work.

This product worked great for me at first but as soon as I had an allergic reaction things went down hill. I had a rash covering my entire body and couldn't stop myself from shivering. I had hallucinations at night and suffered from a slight depression. So I would say it's worth it if your not allergic because it worked great at first!
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August 18, 2010


Cleared moderate instantly, you could eat whatever you want and do anything to your skin that would be bad to do usually.


Antibiotics for long term cause Candidiasis which actually produces acne itself.. so once you become immune you then have to deal with the overgrowth of candida in your body from taking Bactrim long-term.

Cleared moderate acne almost instantly, was clear for 2 years then I became immune to the antibiotic and it came back twice as bad.. had to resort to accutane which is probably a better decision anyway around $10.00 a month for this, but it was a short time miracle for me-just screwed me in the end.
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August 17, 2010


~clears skin VERY fast!
~skin is very soft
~easy to take


~makes me kinda gassy, but nothing horrible!

I was originally on Minocycline pills. I couldn't swallow them, so my dermatologist suggested this. (liquid form) I was reading other reviews that said "skin cleared in 24 hours!" which I didn't believe. however, I woke up in the morning with noticable improvement in my skin! I didn't have ANY new breakouts, and my old ones were drying up! I was shocked! I've been on it for aboutttt.....I'd say 5 days. my skin is almost 100% clear! I've never been happier! I had moderate acne to begin with. I now say I fall under the "very light" section! I am not wearing foundation anymore, just concealer over redness and maybe a light powder. it's the best feeling ever when somebody compliments on your skin! I really recommend you try this!
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July 19, 2010


Clears up skin mostly


Acne comes back once you cycle off the drug

See if benzol peroxide works for you better trying anti-biotics, because anti-biotics can effect your overall health in ways other than getting rid of acne. I would only try anti-biotics if you have persistent acne which you cannot control. An anti-biotic can clear you up, but you must maintain your skin with other methods after you cycle off the drug, or you'll just break out all over again.
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June 14, 2010


Cleared up skin totally



I took this for maybe 15-18 months a while back, cleared up my mild cystic acne completely. Ever since I stopped about a year ago nothing has been as effective and I now feel I have to go back on it to avoid accutane. Ultimately where other antibiotics fail this will generally succeed and you won't need accutane.
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June 2, 2010


I've been on this product for a week, and its really working! I don't have any active spots at the moment.. just old one's drying up (about 4 or 5 in total)

I've also been pretty slack with it.. only taking the pill once a day (at night) instead of twice, because i hate large pills. I'm also into my second month of yaz.. so im not sure which one is most responsible for the change, but i think it's the bactrim,


you lose the contraception benefits of the pill.. which is why i can't be on it for much longer. praying the acne doesn't return once i get off it (hopefully the yaz will have kicked in by then and taken over)

try it! It works really fast.. its been less than a week and im amazed at the way its drying everything up.
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May 14, 2010


Completely cleared mild-to-moderate cystic acne around my jawline


I may be allergic to it, may not be a long-term solution

This antibiotic cleared cystic acne that Solodyn could not. Began working after the first week; cleared all zits by the end of week two. Unfortunately, this drug is not ideal for long-term use and I do not plan on taking it more than one or two months. If necessary, I will get on spironolactone after discontinuing this product since it is probably safer for long-term use and will address what I suspect is the underlying issue for my acne--excess androgens. Additionally, I have had a small, localized rash on my stomach for the past week. At the same time that this occurred, I began getting a sore throat, headache and low fever. The doctor said I did not have strep throat, so I am wondering if I had an allergic reaction to the Bactrim. Fortunately, my sore throat went away, but the rash remains...I may not know what is causing it until I stop using Bactrim in a few days.
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