Bactrim/Septra : (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) Oral Antibiotic

420 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim.

Inactive ingredients:
Docusate sodium 85%, sodium benzoate 15%, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate and pregelatinized starch.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 14, 2010


Completely cleared mild-to-moderate cystic acne around my jawline


I may be allergic to it, may not be a long-term solution

This antibiotic cleared cystic acne that Solodyn could not. Began working after the first week; cleared all zits by the end of week two. Unfortunately, this drug is not ideal for long-term use and I do not plan on taking it more than one or two months. If necessary, I will get on spironolactone after discontinuing this product since it is probably safer for long-term use and will address what I suspect is the underlying issue for my acne--excess androgens. Additionally, I have had a small, localized rash on my stomach for the past week. At the same time that this occurred, I began getting a sore throat, headache and low fever. The doctor said I did not have strep throat, so I am wondering if I had an allergic reaction to the Bactrim. Fortunately, my sore throat went away, but the rash remains...I may not know what is causing it until I stop using Bactrim in a few days.
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January 27, 2010


Cleared up skin great along with the Duac gel applied to acne spots nightly.


After being on it over a year I recently developed severe stomach cramping along with vomiting a few hours after taking even when taking with a meal. Also caused headaches almost daily.

Cleared up skin beautifully but the sides effects (which is to be expected with long term use of anti-biotics) became more of a problem than it was worth. Drink LOTS of water while taking. Make sure to get blood work done. Because of the negative effects I'm switching to Solodyn. Would've been great without all the side effects!!
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September 26, 2010


-Cleared up acne SUPER fast !
-Noticed improvement overnight (:
-No side effects


None, This is a Miracle pill .

I really wanted Accutane because I lost hope, but I couldnt afford it so my dermatologist put my on Bactrim & within 2 weeks my acne pretty much disappeared. This is the best option if you dont wanna do accutane.
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December 17, 2009


I don't know of any pro's - yet.


I am still breaking out with cysts all over.

I am not seeing the same effect's as others. I originally started taking Septra for what was diagnosed as MRSA by 3 Dr.'s later to find out it was just a regular Staph infection. I still keep breaking out with them in different locations. I have been taking the meds now for 2 months with no change. They are very painful and don't seem to be getting any less frequent!
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February 17, 2010


Cleared up most cysts and a lot of shoulder/back acne.


Did not clear face up too much, just the very large acne. As soon as you stop, you break out again.

I have been off and on for several months. It's easy to forget one pill once in a while. It cleared the very large acne, but not the smaller acne which is on my face and chest. I stopped taking it for a bit and I broke out again, terribly but not with as many cysts. I got back on it again and it didn't do a dent into the smaller pimples, etc. I started taking green tea extract along with it, which I think helped somewhat. I am getting off it though to try something else. But really, it does work for some people just not for me. BUT less cysts which was nice.
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January 19, 2010


was clearing my acne up pretty quickly


had an allergic reaction. acne came back after i got off it. dont like being on medications.

I was on this for 3 weeks when i developed a bad rash all over my body. when i stopped taking it i was almost clear though. my acne slowly came back. in about 3 months it was getting pretty bad again. i am now on yaz which is helping, but hasnt cleared me up yet. frustrated. i might start doxycycline soon, but im nervous to start it.
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December 31, 2009


Cleared me up about 85%;
Very cheap with insurance;
Easy routine (one pill in the morning, one at night);


Acne came back after I got off it for a month;
Still had a zit or 2 throughout treatment;

I took this for severe acne all around my chin and cheeks after creams didn't work. I didn't see much happening at first, but after about 3 weeks, my acne got really bad on the right side of my face for a few days, and then didn't come back. The same thing happened the next week on the left side of my face, and after that, I only had occasional pimples in random spots, but it was significantly better than before. I would recommend this, but it's not a permanent fix.
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April 21, 2010


I always had acne, but in my 20s i developed more cystic acne on the sides of my cheeks. This cleared up everything for me. I can finally leave the house with no makeup and not be completely embarrassed.


I broke out like CRAZY when I stopped taking it.

I've tried almost every treatment on the market. This is the only one that has worked for me. I don't really care if I have to take this for the rest of my life. After dealing with acne so long, it's worth it to me to take a pill everyday to have clear skin.
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September 22, 2010




Side effects
Hearing loss

I've been taking Bactrim for 2 days. This is not long enough to see any results for my moderate, but persistent acne. But it's definitely giving me side effects. After 2 days i've got a massive headache like a throbbing pain. I never get them maybe once in a couple months, but even so it would last about 5 minutes. Also i just got ringing in the ears. I checked with my ent (ear nose and throat doctor) she stated Bactrim or these Sulfa drugs are ototoxic. Which means they can cause hearing loss and ringing in the ears(tinnitus). I'm sure it would've cleared my acne up! but the side effects are not worth it.
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October 29, 2010


Clear skin


dizziness, headaches, possible immunity from long term use

I use this regularly and it clears up my acne within a few days. I have sometimes been prescribed to take 1 pill twice a day, and sometimes told 1 pill once a day at the same dosage. I usually only take 1 pill/day as this is a sulfonamide and it dehydrates you. 1 pill seems to do the job for me. I have had dizziness and headaches on occasion, but when I drink more water it stops. Drinking water is always good for clearing skin, but it is ESSENTIAL to drink A LOT of water with this medicine or you WILL get dizzy and have headaches. Due to concerns about long term effects on the liver and the possibility of building up an immunity to this, I only take it when necessary. Usually for about a week around that time of the month. It's a pretty useful antibiotic in fighting respiratory infections and many other things so it would be a shame to develop an immunity from constant use. I highly recommend this, but be careful. Sulfa allergies are quite common. And make sure you drink a lot of water!!!
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