Bactrim/Septra : (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) Oral Antibiotic

420 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim.

Inactive ingredients:
Docusate sodium 85%, sodium benzoate 15%, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate and pregelatinized starch.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 21, 2009


It clears you up.


..but for most people who have had consistent acne it will come back after you get off it (within 4 months)...So you'll then have to decide if you want to get back on it or if you want to mess with Accutane

so yeah it's good...but it's not a long-term fix
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September 19, 2009


Completely cleared up my skin. Even went off it for 1month and half where I was acne free now its creeped up again so started again.



Great acne medication - something to think about if all other medication is failing
September 17, 2009


Works fast!!, amazing for severe inflamatory acne.
took mino and doxy before this, those suck and give u breakout before working


only works if your not allergic. have to keep taking it.

works good, have some breakouts, but works better than mino and doxy
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September 11, 2009


Cleared up my moderate and cystic acne. I've taken it for 2 years. It's been a god sent, I'm no longer self conscience about my face.


I wonder how long I can stay on this med. My doctor is trying to lower my dosage, but the acne starts to creep up again.

It's been a god sent, I'm no longer self conscience about my face. It also has an extra benefit for me. I no longer get painful boils on my body. All in all, I highly recommend looking into it.
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September 10, 2009


None for me personally.


I had a horrible allergic reaction, including some of the reactions listed as severe and "contact your doctor if"

I couldn't use this because it made me very sick.
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September 4, 2009


great for my face , i have been using for over a year and i love no side effects. Keeps any break out from getting out of control.


The size !!!!!. If i don't get down on the first try it starts to dissolve and taste nasty.

Great for acne , as long as you don't suffer from any of the side effects
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September 2, 2009


Brilliant stuff cleared up my skin completely in a few weeks. No spots or whitehead. Everyone should stop complaining about the size of the pill. It's worth it for skin so clear!!



In only taking half a pill a day and still clear!
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September 1, 2009


With insurance, this antibiotic is cheap.


It's been over a month and it hasn't changed my breakouts in any way. It's also a huge pill -- slightly bigger than those women's one-a-day multivitamins. And it's uncoated, so it doesn't go down very smooth.

Different anti-b's work for different people, and I don't think this one is working for me. The doc has me on it for two months, so there's still some time left -- but you're going to be fairly disappointed if you're looking for quick results with this one. I had better results on doxycycline back in college -- but the side effects were nasty (nausea + yeast infections!). At least with this one, I can't say I've had any nausea or yeast infections! Just MAKE SURE to actually drink a full glass of water after taking it.
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August 21, 2009


Cleared up Acne in no time. I have tried EVERYTHING (minocin, birth control pill, Doxycycline, tetracycline, you name it I have tried it.... including Accutane. My Obgyn prescribed this for me and it has been a GODSEND!


Pill is a little big but the pros outweigh the cons

I live in the south and this is one of the drugs that is free from ourr grocery store. So I don't pay ANYTHING to take it! Gotta love that. If you have tried EVERYTHING else and nothing seems to work....give this drug a shot.
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August 21, 2009


Gets rid of most of my cystic acne


Doesn't always work, but best thing other than accutane which i don't want to take.

Works well, especially when used with a topical routine, but for me did not always get rid of all my cystic acne, nor did it always prevent new acne from flaring up. I used it about a year ago with good results, cycling on and off. Did not use it at all last year - tried to manage w/ just topical. Florida heat/humidity plus stress of exams put me over the top and went back on it a month ago. Works well, but not necessarily good to use antibiotics long term. May try accutane, but do not want to risk its side effects if I can help it.
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