
756 Reviews

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November 21, 2009


It's fast, effective, cheap. It gets rid of pimples. I buy the cheapest brand for my treatment :)


It leaves slightly dark spots on your face after the pimple is completely dried out.

Toothpaste really helps in drying out pimples completely. (If you have sensitive skin try it out on one single pimple, leave the toothpaste overnight and watch for any reactions the next morning.) Do not use the toothpaste method for long periods of time. I just use it once or twice a week. The bad side to it, is that I noticed dark spots on my skin a few days later after the pimple was gone, but a good facial whitening cream should correct this problem.
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April 12, 2016
I faced the same thing as well, actually what happened is that we kept it for too long and it burned our skin.. I'm thinking to use it for an hour only on the pimple and see what is gonna happen.
April 12, 2016
I faced the same thing as well, actually what happened is that we kept it for too long and it burned our skin.. I'm thinking to use it for an hour only on the pimple and see what is gonna happen.
April 12, 2016
I faced the same thing as well, actually what happened is that we kept it for too long and it burned our skin.. I'm thinking to use it for an hour only on the pimple and see what is gonna happen.
November 20, 2009


It worked, left my skin feeling nice. Sweeling and redness went away and it dried up my pimples


It BURNS alot at first, but then it cools down. like an icy hot patch but real burn. It dries out your skin so use good moisturizer

Try if you think you should
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November 17, 2009


It calms down pimples fast, feels cool itworks



Its better than proactiv to me!
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November 13, 2009


its cheap , and it works!


it burns a little ..

it refreshes the skin ,makes any acne go away!
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November 8, 2009


gets rid of the pimples and makes redden areas lighter


it burns like hell for a while

its great. just a little dab on the spot of pimples will help get rid of them. do nawt let it on for too long (15 min max) for it will suck you dry. it will burn pretty bad but its nawt unbearable. i love this product
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October 27, 2009


works well, and fast
smells good


it does burn a little, and make your eyes water

use it. the other comments i've seen about it sucking, and drying out your skin, by NO means should you keep it on over night, or even more than an hour for that matter, especially if you are using a mint toothpaste. i usually put it on twice a day about 5 minutes before i brush my teeth and wash it off when im done. works fine for me.
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October 11, 2009


Worked quickly.
Smells good.
Has fairly noticeable differences in the first ten minutes.


Stings a little
Makes skin feel sticky for a few minutes

Very good. I've been arguing with my parents for a while about the skin stuff I use, so I secretly use the toothpaste and I can continue getting the products I like!
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October 6, 2009





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September 29, 2009


It works,
Smells Great,


Ahh, it burns :(

Well, I read the other page on Lemon Juice for acne. So I got the bright idea to mix them. Wow, It really makes your eyes water and skin burn. My skin was a little dry but otherwise it's worked well; just mosterize afterwords.
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September 26, 2009


reduces redness, swelling, oils (for an entire 24-hour period), and with consistent use reduces the presence of acne period


may dry out the skin if not oily enough, a moisturizer is not used, or method is used more than once a day; type of toothpaste is highly dependent on one's own skin!

I use Colgate Advanced Whitening. I have tried other toothpastes and many have been far too harsh for my skin - intense burning sensations in some cases. However, I did not give up, and though this toothpaste has a strong tingle and can feel 'cold', I have had no burning, markings, etc. Within the reasonable time I have it on my face, that is. I don't dot and leave for long periods of time. I use the toothpaste like a face soap. I keep a tube in the shower, wash my face with a facewash to get all the dirt/crap off, and then I turn up the water. I let my face soak in the hot water/steam for a couple minutes (while washing my hair or whatever) to get my pores open, then I take about a dime size amount of it and spread it over my fingers to smooth a light layer over my face. I leave it for about 30-45 seconds - no more than a minute! - then rinse it off. Ta da! I've had AWESOME results, but if your acne is a result of hormones, it probably won't work as well. Good luck!
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