
756 Reviews

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December 3, 2011


-You already have it
-Its cheap!
-Makes swelling go down within an hour
-Reduces pimple size within 2-3 days
-Can be used overnight


-Makes eyes water
-Tingling sensation can be uncomfortable if you apply alot
-Can dry out your skin

Toothpaste is a little zit-zapping fiend! I absolutley love using toothpaste. Whenever I see a big pimple swelling up, I just put on a dab of toothpaste and ta-da! Swelling goes doooooown. DEFINITLEY recommend it if your looking for a fast, effective and cheap way to reduce your pimples.
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October 1, 2011


Gets rid of them overnight, Minty smell


Burns at first

It works and its worth it.
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August 4, 2011


-Made white heads go away
-Made my bigger pimples smaller or flat
- It didn't try out my skin, only my pimples, maybe because I dotted it on or something but the funny thing is when I washed it off my skin felt alot smoother! :D


- Kind of burns, but maybe thats just me
- Some people are alergic to baking soda and/or peroxide and that's the main ingredents in a whitening tooth paste so the first time you do it I recomend you only do it in one area and but just a tiny bit on to see if your skin is alergic or if you have an alergic reaction!

It cleared up most of my acne, made the redness go away or fade and it's something you should have lying around in your bathroom anyway. USE THE PASTE NOT THE GEL and it actually made my skin feel softer. All skin types are different though so it might not do the exact same for you but I would try it.
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August 1, 2011


Made almost all my white heads and small pimples go away
flattened out my larger ones
makes your skin smell good


Dry Skin

I personally had no tingly feeling but it still worked for me. and I would reccomend this for every once in awhile use not daily.
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February 8, 2011


DOES work in reducing inflammation and redness.



If you use this home remedy (which I do highly recommend) please,please be sure that you use toothPASTE not the gel kind. Also, don't drown the pimple in the toothpaste!!! You don't need a lot, just a dab on the pimple, and you must rub it in so you can no longer see the toothpaste. Make sure you do this right before you go to bed. As soon as you wake up in the morning, gently wipe it off with a damp cloth. The pimple should be visibly reduced.
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October 29, 2010


dries out acne
easy to use
you've got some in the bathroom already


dries out skin
can make skin red
burns a little (I think it feels kinda nice)

I wear this as a spot treatment occationally. I put it on after washing my face in the evening and I wear it all night. I find it helpful - it dries out skin and prevents acne that's forming under the skin from becoming a problem. If I catch a blemish forming under the surface early, this will stop it! However, it dries out skin a lot! don't use more than one or two nights in a row - I made this mistake at first and got horribly dry, red skin. Give it a try, though - you've already got some at home, what do you have to lose? :)
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July 4, 2010


Easy to get


A bit uncomfortable when the toothpaste gets hard, and flakes off.

It works for me, but reading reviews - people use gel toothpaste which is often blue, green, etc. White toothpaste is what you need, because I think it has baking soda. Often, I try to pop the zit, or open it - then put on the toothpaste to dry it out. If it is impossible to open up, just slather a bit, using a q-tip, on the zit. It makes it dry enough to peel some skin off - then keep applying. Works very well for me. It's a family remedy from my dad :)
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March 28, 2010


Currently still clearing my acne! Works like a charm


Aggravating knowing that you will have to hot rinse it off later;
Getting your pillow stained blue

I have had TERRIBLE acne since i was 13. I will be turning 20 in June of this year. I just started putting Crest (blue paste, not the gel!) Plus Scope Cool Peppermint for about three months now and my acne has been get WAY better, drastically. Bottom line is, I havent seen my face like since since i was 12, and im 19 boout to be 20. Thats a damn shame! Anyway the point is, THIS product, and this alone is curing my scne. I might as well say cured cured there has been a 87% improvent in my face within the past 3 months! Im so happy I started using it! Listen, acne only exsit because of the extra oil that builds up in out glands/hair follicles. Toothpaste is obviously a drying agent, so, its makes common sense that if you put it on your face everyday and everynight, then it will dty and kill all of that oil and bacteria! Thank the Lord for toothpaste!
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December 16, 2009


it works, pimples go down in size


burns/ gets all over your sheets

if you are desperately wanting to get rid of acne then do it. fa sho
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November 23, 2009


I have peen suffering with acne for a long time. After I tried this my face looked much nicer than it did before! IT BURNS LIKE HELL FOR A WHILE THOUGh :{p... I would reccomend it though

