Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 9, 2010


- As effective as using Benzoyl Peroxide.
- 100% natural oil that contains no harmful chemicals (the organic equivalent of Benzoyl Peroxide).
- Can be used neat, depending on skin types and skincare regime to increase remedial effectiveness.
- Can be added to other carrier oils as a topical remedy for other skin ailments.


- Pure tea tree oil (cold-pressed and not adulterated) can be a little difficult to find.
- Can be a little pricey, depending on the quality and extraction of oil.
- Expiry date should be carefully observed/oxidation will occur if exposed to light and heat.
- Can be drying and may not be suitable for all skin types.
- Can take a while before any noticeable results (as with all organic oils). Patience is key.
- Smell can be strong and unpleasant for som

I would have given it a rating of 5 if not for the fact that it can be drying to my skin. More often, it has been very effective in the remedy of acne and oily skin for me when I was using it for a while. It dried out the pus-filled acne and helped heal acne wounds. It's an effective remedy as the oil is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antiseptic. It is also commonly used therapeutically to relieve nasal congestion, sinus, minor cuts, wounds and sores. Other than lavender essential oil, tea tree oil can be used neat on the skin. However, as with all essential oils, it is not recommended that the oil be taken orally (unless specified otherwise ie food grade). Even if you do not use this oil for acne, it is a very handy oil to keep in the medicine cabinet or first aid kit. I ran out of tea tree oil a month back and have not been able to purchase a new bottle as it is currently out of stock. However, with my current acne regime (antibiotics, Shiseido products), I would definitely use tea tree oil to treat acne wounds.
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March 27, 2010


It makes a great toner, the TTO feels good and really works!


Can dry skin out.. make sure to moisturize! I put it on a cotton ball and apply to slightly damp skin after cleansing [the skin being slightly damp allows it to be applied undiluted], I let it sit for 5-10 min, rinse then apply a honey mask, let sit, rinse and moisturize. [I do this twice a day]

This is a great product! I have been dealing with acne for way too many years and love TTO, I started it almost a year ago and my skin has cleared up a lot, another great product is apple cider vinegar [I tried it before the TTO and it worked pretty well, but TTO works the best]. Although my skin isn't completely clear, it is doing a lot better than it was before I started using TTO and only gets really annoying around that time of the month [which I have noticed taking aleve a day or two before menstruation, during, and a couple days after really helps] For me, the bottom line is get it!
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March 24, 2010


leaving skin feeling smoother then before.drys up (some ) pimples.depends on the zit


burns and leaves skin RED and smells horrible can smell it across the room.

its good for acne scars but leaves skin red for a hour or so. also it dry up skin so use oil free lotion on AFTER IT DRIES! but dont put it on right before bed, your boyfriend will complain! dont use it everyday.maybe couple times a week.
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January 13, 2010


Works good so far!


Smell is strong, you get used to it.

From reading many of the reviews the bad ones seem to be from people using the Body Shop line of tea tree oil, wonder why that is. But I got a small bottle from Trader Joe's and so far it works good. I like the tingly feeling, feels like its working. Immediately after putting it on a couple pimples ive noticed a decrease in size. Im just starting out so theres still much to clear up.
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December 31, 2009


Good smell (IMO), reduces acne without much drying of the skin, reduces redness also.


Expensive (one bottle costs 12€ :S )

Apply three of four drops to a cotton bud and rub onto whole face. Will reduce redness, swelling and blistering. Do twice a day, once after getting up, another before sleep.
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December 11, 2009


Appealing to kill bacteria around your face, prevents acne and dries up any developing pimples.


Slow procees, Expensive in Boots; £4.00 for 10ml, which is quite a bit, as well only being beneficial if used in steaming water, directly applied on skin could harm.

It alright, not the best of treatments for acne, or spots. Causes quite a bit of dryness,Worth the amount of meoney 100% I believe but Im not an expert read the other comments for further information
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December 9, 2009


It reduces the size of pimples, lightens red marks, is easy to use and is organic.


The smell, stings.

Overall, tea tree oil is great for acne. I use a 100% pure liquid as a topical cream on my face in the evening and a blemish stick under my make-up. Both are from the Thursday Plantation which specialises in tea tree Oil. On open cuts it burns; which is good insentive to not pick at pimples. I have post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation and have found that using 100% tea-tree oil on the red marks every couple of days and I have found that it helps fade them away. It is a very gradual process and I have been careful putting tea-tree oil on unaffected areas of my face - if you don't need it on part of your skin, don't put it there. Plain and simple. Another use is to put a few drops of the oil into a bowl of boiling water and steam your face with it. Basically, if you use tea tree oil right it will help with acne and red-marks. It's not a miracle treatment but it does help significantly. Tea Tree Oil = wonder from Down Under.
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December 5, 2009




bit drying on skin.. but a good moisturizer can clear this up!!

okay... i thiught i would never clear up my spots!! about a week ago.. it all became too uch for me!! i was studying for exams and completly broke out even more..!! i had one spot .. big ugly thing that was there for months which i never thought id be rid of and loads of others!!! I purchased tea tree oil last sunday.. it is now the following sat... and og my god!! THE DIFFERENCE!!! iv bin suffering so long and cannot believe i have not used this ever b4!!! i had heard of it but didn think it would work.. but i was willing to try anything!!!! it cleared up and complety dited out the big dirty spot on my cheek and all the othr small ones have faded!!! i am so pleased with the results.. neve thought i wud be able to say that about any acne med!!!! GIVE IT A GO PEOPLE!!!in my opinion.. and i am not BS'n...its a lifesaver!!GOODLUCK!!
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December 3, 2009


-Works great on cysts and other mild to sever acne.
-Helps reduce red 'bumps' that are caused by cysts


Dries out skin so make sure to moisturize, expensive

I used this to treat my cyst that formed next to my eye and it helped it reduce it and finally make it go away. Word of caution: don't use this product to cover your whole face with it. Instead use it on spots with a Qtip. Also... Do NOT use this on skin where you applied benzil peroxide or anything else that dries out skin. If you do your skin will get extremely red and irritated.
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December 2, 2009


dries it up and the spot doesnt comemup, great stuff


sometimes after use the pimple would get really dry and stay there for weeks, ( just under the skin ) so use it but make sure you do it before the pus in the pimple has formed

its good, but dries skin
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