Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 9, 2012


.clears up skin
.feels refreshing
.doesnt dry it out


.tingles alot
.makes ur face a little red, but it goes away
.the smeel

I loved it! i noticed a difference after a week. i put it on every night before bed and it works miracles!
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April 3, 2012


Very effective antibacterial
Simple, natural ingredients
Easy to find
Dries up acne FAST
Nice tingly feeling upon application


Can be drying if not properly diluted
Pungent smell, but I don't mind it

WOW! Tea tree oil, along with witch hazel has really helped clear up a nasty breakout I've had for the last couple months. I had fresh bumpy zits all over my cheeks and along my jawline, even some on my neck, and I'm finally getting relief. My face is smoothing out and the zits are drying out more and more everyday. It's really amazing to see my face finally clear up. I mix up a toner containing 10% tea tree oil, 90% witch hazel, and apply this all over my face and neck with a hypoallergenic cotton pad, twice daily after cleansing (gentle BHA cleanser). Proper dilution is key! I use a graduated cylinder to make this exact dilution and keep the mixture in a small 3 oz. squirt bottle. This 10% dilution is perfect for me and doesn't overly dry but is still effective against acne. I want to give my skin a chance to breathe while it's healing from this breakout so I moisturize just very lightly afterward. Bottom line, tea tree oil is incredible and very effective at treating skin infections such as acne. You just need to be very careful though and find out what dilution works for you. I wouldn't advise using 100% since it could cause more problems in the long run due to dryness and skin irritation. Use a dilution between 4-15% and you should be good to go! Anything less than 4% can be ineffective, and more than 15% can be overly drying. Try it, it really works!
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February 24, 2012


Dries spots
Helped my red marks
Personally LOVE the smell


Only problem is I go through the small bottles too fast!

I LOVE tea tree oil <3 If I feel a pesky spot coming up I just dab some on and it takes the fight out of it. It doesn't seem to be too effective on the cysts I get sometimes though, but then, nothing is. The smell does kind of stink up your whole room, but I love the way it smells! All in all, it's a must have in my spot fighting arsenal.
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February 24, 2012


1. Works fast.
2. Reduces redness.
3. Anti-bacterial.
4. Can be used with other natural acne remedies to fully clear acne.


1. Can only be bought in small amounts.

I use Tea tree oil in a mixture together with extra virgin olive oil and sugar. I find that using the sugar to get rid of dead skin cells and then the olive oil to moisturise helps the Tea tree oil go even further. It also means no drying out of the skin. However, if I have a random or severe breakout I will use the Tea tree oil as is only on the area that has had a breakout. I suggest using Tea tree oil with another natural acne treatment you find best and applying it to your skin on a regular basis because in the long term it may just clear your acne altogether.
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February 21, 2012


*Dried out zit
*Redness reduced
*Drew out impurities
*Tingly feeling
*Semi-fast absorption


*the smell is strong, my room smells of it for days and i only use a little!
*a little drying, can be combated with good mostiurizer/egg white mask & egg yolk masks
* so expensive for such a small bottle :(

I've suffered acne since 4th grade and although it has been improving through the years, this is definitely helping during those extreme breakout periods I have INCREDIBLY dry skin (thanks eczema -.-) and acne products that work on my skin just dry me out like a desert, i'm talking scales and dry patches for WEEKS maybe MONTHS during the winter/ early spring after reading the reviews on here, i popped into my local rite aid and bought 100% tea tree oil. all i can say is WOW. after a few HOURS my HUGE zits reduced in size and my zits that were already healing VANISHED. it is KEY though that you dilute the oil if you're going to use it on the ENTIRE face, especially if you have dry skin like me. but as a spot treatment it is fine oh gosh the smell -.- it is an incredibly high smelling menthol smell!! the first time i opened the bottle a slew of vulgarities came out of my mouth lol. the smell is so strong that my room smells like it for days so make sure you open a window or are in a well ventilated area my regime is just a basic wash with purpose soap followed up by bio oil (AMAZING ON MARKS!!!) if i have a really bad skin week, i spot treat with tea tree and during a chill day, take one egg white add a little tea tree and whisk until frothy then apply to my face and harden. rinse it off and then follow up with egg yolk applied to face and let it harden. wash off with warm water THEN cold water. BEFORE ANY MASK i steam my face with salt water, really opens up the pores hope this helps!!!
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February 20, 2012


Definitely saw major improvement!
Loved it to the last drop...then I bought more :)


Small bottle

Great! Buy it now.
February 19, 2012





Seen results almost immediately.
February 18, 2012


Only a small amount needs to be used,
Feels clean & fresh,
Fast results & it's all natural.


A small bottle can be a little expensive.

I am about 18 weeks pregnant. I have always had a problem with acne but it has gotten more severe with pregnancy. Your options are limited when your expecting so home remedies I have found are the best option for me. I have been doing a acne regimen of my own every night for about a week. First, I make a paste with baking soda & water. I scrub this on my face & let it dry (takes about 3 minutes) then, I rinse with lukewarm water. Next, I take a cotton ball with witch hazel on it & use it as an astringent (It doesn't sting or dry my face out like a normal astringent). I then moisturize my face with a oil-free moisturizer. Finally, I use the tea tree oil as a spot treatment. My husband & I have had wonderful results so far & I cannot wait to see what our results are a month from now! Good luck to everyone & I hope this review helps :)
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February 17, 2012


- has a nice herb smell
- results in a day or two
- has cooling and relaxing effect
- can be applied daily


- very oily and runny, so can get a bit messy

I would say this is so far the best natural treatment I've used to reduce my acne. It works quickly and feels natural. You can also find cheap ones with small concentrations of tea tree oil and it still works.
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February 16, 2012


Awesome results


First day u may see more redness but it is because it have started the process of healing.. next day morning ur face will look more clear

I had this bad acne on all my face... I followed the following process and believe me I have so happy ..wid almost no acne marks on face 1. Face wash- Body Shop Tea tree oil facial wash(Massage it for 30 secs and wash your face with cold water) 2. Moisuriser- Only when going out. Otherwise apply Body Shop Tea tree oil only on affected area. 3. Himalaya neem face pack(Need to be applied weekly) 4. Daily night apply honey/ Body Shop Tea tree oil on ur face and sleep tight ... U will definetly see the difference in a day .. I promise
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