Yasmin : Oral Contraceptive

1145 Reviews

21 yellow tablets
Active Ingredients:
3 mg drosperinone and 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol.

Inactive ingredients:
lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, pregelatinized starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, macrogol 6000 NF, titanium dioxide USP, talc USP, and ferric oxide pigment, yellow NF. The white inert film-coated tablets contain lactose monohydrate NF, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

7 white inert film-coated tablets
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 11, 2009


Not pregnant (even though I missed a pill here or there). No weight gain. Greatly helped PMS/PMDD mood swings! Has not decreased my sex drive.


My face started to break out, and I didn't have acne before. Severe leg cramps and breakthrough bleeding that is almost constant.

Good for prevention of pregnancy, though that might be because I'm bleeding all the time. I've been on it for 3 mos and am switching soon if the bleeding doesn't stop.
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August 8, 2009


Helps acne, eventually. Predictable periods.


I remember this from the last time I was on Yasmin - it can take awhile for the acne to go away and will often worsen before that.

I was on Yasmin for 3 years before getting pregnant and it worked wonders for my adult acne. Now that I am getting back on it, I am remembering that it takes awhile to work. I am on the second pill pack and my acne is TERRIBLE. However, I hold out hope that it will improve soon like it did the last time I was on it. Anyone else with similar experiences?
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July 30, 2009


Skin has become smoother in rough places. Havent got pregnant


Worse breakouts ive ever had! Depression. Low sex drive. Leg cramps. Migranes

I been on this nearly 3 months now... first month was fine, second month I got awful leg cramps and migranes for the first two weeks and my back acne which is usually mild went awful! big horrible boils. Now Im on my third month, no leg cramps, migranes are still here, my back is much much better, boils have gone and its getting clearer BUT... my face i awful I am waking up every morning at the moment with atleast two new spots! and they are big and ugly, so its really getting me down. I hope it will do like what my back did and get better next month. If it doesnt IM SWITCHING! Ive never felt so ugly in all my life
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July 29, 2009


I think the pill has contributed to a more sensitive/ irritable stomach,thas all

Yasmin works for my,it make a better period ,better skin,it is the first birth control it works for me so far
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July 28, 2009


does what it says it should - I haven't gotten prego, less bloating and cramps


Moody, moody, low sex drive, moody, breakthrough bleeding (however I think I'm an exception on this one)

I like this pill more than some other one's that I've tried, however, after being on it for almost a year, I am really starting to feel dragged down emotionally. I have these crazy mood swings that I've never had before (not just when I'm PMSing), and god love my boyfriend because my sex drive has tanked. I'm getting so tired of having side effects to pills, but I would take slight acne and cramps over the depressing mood swings I get with Yasmine. I guess I'm off to the dr to see what other options I have.
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July 13, 2009


Skin improved after only a few days use


Moodiness, Anxeity, Nasuea

Hoping the moodiness and anxeity go away! Life has enough stress to offer, no one needs the added anxeity. My poor husband! lol Will try it for the rest of the month. It may not be worth the nice skin.
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July 11, 2009


no weight gain, no depression, regular periods, not that hard to take a little pill


~been on it for almost 7 months and haven't noticed an improvement in acne that i could attribute to the pill
~it takes a while for the effects to kick in (3-6 months they say) so i will wait...it hasn't made acne worse though

My acne spots seem to heal more slowly...leaving hyperpigmentation marks even for the tiniest pimple. i never had this problem before...i don't know if this is due to this pill or something else I lost much weight..i think the pill has contributed to a more sensitive/ irritable stomach I would recommend this pill for people wanting a bc method and some help with acne. I think after 6-12 months you will see a difference...give it time and don't believe the bad reviews you see here Bottom line is: every pill/ regimen whatever will react differently on different people. This pill might work wonders for you, but it should be accompanied by a healthier lifestyle choice too (regular exercise, drinking lots of water and green tea, staying away from sugar/processed foods, having a simple cleaning regimine)
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June 18, 2009


Decreased acne noticeably and quickly, effective birth control, light short periods


pre-menstral moodiness and tension not improved.

After dealing with moderate acne for over a year using Levlen BC pill...I finally switched to Yasmin and now have light and manageable acne after 4 months and I hope it will get even better. The improvement was rapid and I felt and looked much better after 2 months. I would recommmend switching to this if you are on a traditional pill and dealing with bad acne - chances are that the problem is hormonal.
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June 15, 2009


Much lighter periods, PMDD seems to be subsiding, (some) reduction in acne


Still seem to be some breakouts, skin is unpredictable

In fairness, I've only been using Yasmin for seven weeks and it sounds like it takes three months to really understand how it works with your body. But here are my observations thus far: 1. In the first few weeks, my skin went completely crazy. Acne everywhere, even on my forehead (I absolutely never break out on my forehead). A few weeks later, I have a few emerging pimples but for the most part, my face seems to be in healing mode. 2. My PMDD, which got pretty severe the day immediately before my period started, seems almost completely gone. The difference between my last period before Yasmin and the first one on it was pretty obvious. Very very light and manageable, so I'm ecstatic. 3. Body changes: slightly larger chest and more resilient nails. No real changes in my hair yet. So, I'm pretty pleased with the results so far, but I'm getting pretty impatient about my skin. It does seem like I need to give it at least another month to be fair though, so I'll writ
June 15, 2009


bigger chest, clearer skin, healthy hair, no cramps, regular periods


dry skin, increased appetite

if you know when your body needs food, as opposed to when it wants it you will be fine. i have been on it for about 2 months in the first month i gained a kilogram but dropped it virtually straight away.