Yasmin : Oral Contraceptive

1145 Reviews

21 yellow tablets
Active Ingredients:
3 mg drosperinone and 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol.

Inactive ingredients:
lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, pregelatinized starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, macrogol 6000 NF, titanium dioxide USP, talc USP, and ferric oxide pigment, yellow NF. The white inert film-coated tablets contain lactose monohydrate NF, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

7 white inert film-coated tablets
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 31, 2010


Regular periods, good birth control, noticeably larger breasts, 95% clear skin


Truthfully, I didn't really experience any so far

I have been battling acne since I was around 16 years old and I am now 23. Last September, I began grad school and experienced the worst acne I've had to date. I had cystic breakouts along my jawline and my chin that were so painful I couldn't sleep on my side because the pressure was so painful. I went to the doctors and was prescribed Yasmin as well as miocycline at the same time because my face was so severe. 8 months later I can finally say that my face is nearly clear except for the scarring that the cysts left on my face. My confidence level is very high and I feel like a completely different person! I no longer lock myself in my room crying because of the physical and emotional pain. And most importantly I am not embarrassed to be around my family who used to tell me to wash my face properly (which I always did!). I am not longer taking minocycline and will continue with Yasmin as long as I am happy with the results. If you are at rock bottom like I was, I think it is worth a try... it worked for me but everyone responds to treatments differently and you may have a better or worse experience. I was so desperate that I had nothing to lose and it was all worth it to me because I am confident now.
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March 8, 2010


Cleared skin for the most part, more consistent. Predictable, shorter periods. Bigger Breasts.


At first I got headaches but they went away, i still get a few and im pretty sure its related to the pill. Acne is not completely gone but is definitely better. Sore breasts.

Worked for me! I love it
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March 5, 2010


Kept acne more under control


I gained some weight, but was able to lose it and keep my weight under control!

I took Yaz for 3 and a half years! Kept my acne under control for the most part! There were good times and bad for my acne, but it was still MUCH better than without the pill! As soon as I stopped taking the pill, I broke out like crazy and have been battling horrible acne ever since. I am going to start taking a different birth control pill now. Fingers crossed!
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December 10, 2009


Great for skin!
A fantastic option for acne if your body cannot tolerate harsher meds


Felt nauseous for the first few weeks

I have had severe cystic acne since I was a teenager. Unfortunately am highly allergic to Acutane/Isotane, which I believe to be the best product on the market for acne. I have been on Yasmin for 3 months and have seen a significant improvement on my face!! My chest and upper arms are clearly slowly, and the back is taking its time... but I am seeing slow and steady results! I would say this is worth a try for anyone struggling with skin.
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December 4, 2009


lost a bit of weight
skin is clearing up after getting worse initially
shorter period


initial breakout
must be patient to see results

yasmin is proven to be a great BCP for acne. Over 9 cycles it has been shown to be just as good as diane but it is much healthier for you and you can be on it forever, it is for the treatment of MODERATE acne not mild or severe. If you switch from another BCP to yasmin it is very likely your skin will flare up the first month or two while your body adjusts to the new hormones. It has been proven to work IF you give it time to and of course if hormones are the root of your acne problem. if something else causes your acne you may not see significant improvement. If you get on it be ready to commit to letting it work. too there are far too many reviews on this site saying it made acne worse after they have only been using it a month or 2. you must be patient!
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November 24, 2009


Don't know yet!


Was on Dianette, great drug! had 2 come off it coz docotor said been on it for too long. 3 tablets & I can feel like my skin is going to flare up. I can feel large spots coming through. Will b really ticked off if I break out wedding 2 attend in 2wk

Will give it to the end of the week, then Docs in trouble!
November 24, 2009


Typical birth control pros, Helpful for those with PCOS


Acne has never been a problem for me, but after taking this pill, i have HORRIBLE acne! I couldn't believe it, I thought it would help my skin rather than hurt it.. I now have large hard pimples on my jaw line and chin!

I'm not certain if this will go away after a while. I have only taken it for a short time, so I am hoping things will change, but this acne has gotta go! - However thanks to great health care the price is cheap, and the active ingredients make this great for those with pcos.
November 20, 2009


no weight gain (other than chest, thats not a bad thing for me...)
very cheap because i have a great medical plan
less red/oily skin.


i have a large breakout at the moment, but i think this is because my skin has to get worse before it gets better! Im confident that it will get clear soon.
I had slight nausea for a few hours after taking it.

i trust the product, even though it hasnt quite worked as well as i'd like it to. (ive only been on it for 3 weeks though) but its made my skin less red/oily so thats a start.
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November 13, 2009


Better skin, statistically reliable birth control


Fatigue, slight nausea

I just wanted to post here because I'm having a decent experience on yasmin, and I've noticed that a lot of the posts are extremely negative. Because it's a hormonal treatment everyone's response will be different. My skin was terrible before I went on yasmin, but literally by the second week I am seeing drastic results. The first couple days my skin did seem to get a little worse, but I figure it's because all that residual gunk had to come out some way. I'm really relieved and pleased with the progress I'm seeing. So for all you ladies who haven't seen results with any non-hormonal treatments, I'd give this a shot. I was a little tired the first few days but that seemed to pass. I also have experienced a loss of appetite. Overall the side effects I've experienced with this contraceptive are way more bearable than any other pill I've tried. Try it out. Don't be scared.
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November 11, 2009


It cleared up my skin[I would only get the odd spot] and apart from that I have had no other side effects. My periods are now more regular.


None so far!!

I would definetly recommend it. Everyone I know on other birth control have gained weight.
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