Yasmin : Oral Contraceptive

1145 Reviews

21 yellow tablets
Active Ingredients:
3 mg drosperinone and 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol.

Inactive ingredients:
lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, pregelatinized starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, macrogol 6000 NF, titanium dioxide USP, talc USP, and ferric oxide pigment, yellow NF. The white inert film-coated tablets contain lactose monohydrate NF, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

7 white inert film-coated tablets
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 5, 2009


Clearer skin! ; little to no cramps, shorter & lighter periods, barely any weight gain, bigger boobs


Mild headaches (for the first week I took Yasmin - they went away by the end of the week), spotting before period ( only for the first 2 months)

I had tried Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo before Yasmin & I had a lot of issues with feeling sick in the morning, my face seemed to break out even more while I was on it - so at first I was quite hesitant to try Yasmin ( I was worried it would have a similar effect). However! Am I glad I tried it! Within 3 months (almost to the day) my skin has cleared up. Before, I used to get huge, painful cystic pimples & now I have absolutely nothing ( I have a a SINGLE small pimple and it went away in 2 days!) I no longer have cramps & my periods have been bang on every month. Im really happy I tried this birth control & although the side effects are different for everyone - I would definitely try Yasmin to combat your acne!
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June 2, 2009


Not pregnant! No headaches, sickness or mood swings like with other brands,


Depression, weight gain, more spots, dry skin

I gained 7lbs on this pill because my appetite was crazy, but it calmed down and i've managed to lose the weight now. Have tried 4 other pills and didn't gain any weight on them. My mood is really low, probably depression but not sure if I can put this down to the pill or not, thought it's definitely had some effect. I've never suffered from acne (just found this site by chance) but my skin is really dry since using this pill, and I have more spots than before, although still not many. I am going to stick with this because i've tried so many others and this has the least side effects of them all! I would recommend it but obv everyones body reacts differently!
June 2, 2009


weight loss,no periods when taken consistently and better moods.


spots on face, leg cramping after being on it for 4 years and forgetting to take it,lol.

great for anyone that can tolerate it.
May 26, 2009


No weight gain, bigger chest, hair and nails seem healthier


Mood swings more often, nausea constantly, having to pee a lot, HUGE initial breakout, appetite is huge, heavy periods

I just finished my first month so maybe this is too soon to review. I take Ocella, which is the generic of Yasmin. NOTE: OCELLA AND YASMIN ARE MADE BY THE SAME PHARMACEUTICAL LAB AND DO NOT DIFFER AT ALL EXCEPT IN PACKAGING AND YOUR BRAIN THINKING IT'S DIFFERENT. It ain't. It has a big initial breakout, I had lots of deep whiteheads and cysts and it's bringing them up. I'm having to deal with it but my skin seems to be healing which I can wait for! It is working. Made my chest bigger which I don't need because I'm already a 34DD but hey if you're flat it helps. It made my hormones out of control, but it's getting better as time goes on. I would suggest this brand, but STICK to it for at LEAST 3 months. I am improving and my hair & nails seems so much healthier- must be the estrogen. A really good pill, get the generic if you're strapped for cash, works exaaactly the same.
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May 22, 2009


Helped control acne, lighter periods, feel great on it


If i forget a pill my skin looks worse the next day..other than that its great.

I have had severe acne for over 3 years and nothing worked that my dermatologist perscribed. I needed to go on BC so she told me to try this. My skin dramatically cleared! I have like one or two zits when I get my period but other than that my skin is very smooth. The lighter periods are a plus too!
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May 2, 2009


Not pregnant, no acne, predictable and lighter periods


Noticeably less effective than Yaz, when it comes to mood swings and bloating/cramping

I was taking Yaz for a few months, and it was really awesome. Lighter periods, I was way less crabby, I even stopped taking Pamprin for the aches and pains! Unfortunately, my insurance got switched and only covered Yasmin, which I immediately noticed is a lot worse in the PMS department. I guess I skipped the whole "it gets worse before it gets better" acne stage, maybe because of the Yaz? I'm not sure. Yasmin works pretty well, but I'd have to say Yaz is definitely the better option.
April 21, 2009


Cleared up acne!


Chronic Yeast Infections?

I wanted to go on accutane for my cystic acne but in order to go on accutane I had to go on birth control, and I found that Yasmin cleared up my skin on it's own. Only downside is chronic yeast infections. I have been on Yasmin since November 2006 and lately in the last year I have had frequent yeast infections which don't seem to be cleared up with the Diflucan my gyno prescribes. Going to see Gyno again next week, hope I don't have to change birth control because Yasmin really seems to be the best to clear up acne (previously taken Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo and Yas with positive results but no where as successful as Yasmin).
April 21, 2009


cleared spots, no weight gain


little bit low sex drive

was excellent went on it after dianette which was good but had to come off and yasmin did the job of keeping my skin clear. this pill also doesn't make me want to eat everything like other pills do which made me gain weight!
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April 18, 2009


cleared acne very well!! periods are very pradictable, bigger boobs


slight headaches every now and then.

when i went to my doctor she told me of how great yasmin is and how it works like a charm for her acne, one thing she didnt mention is how my ance would be getting worse before it gets better. as i was just about to get off yasmin because of my ance getting worse on my face, neck and back. i googled yasmin and discovered the acne gets worse before it gets better. stick with it!! after the first two or three months i saw a drastic improvement!!!
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April 5, 2009


Helps my skin, but i think that forms of generic ortho-tri cyclen have worked better. Normal periods, but that has never been my struggle.


Doesn't help my skin as much as I would hope for. Occasional cysts. I definitely still have emotional effects of a period, it does not help me with this at all, almost seems to have a negative affect.

OK, more expensive than my generic orotho...but it is such a pain to switch birth controls. I had one generic orotho REALLY not work for me that is when I switched to YAZ. (when I have switched insurances different pharmacies have had different generics...they have different effects/ results).