Dianette : Oral Contraceptive

777 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg, ethinylestradiol 35 micrograms.

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, povidone, talc, magnesium stearate, sucrose, polyethylene glycol 6000, calcium carbonate, glycerol, montan glycol wax, titanium dioxide (E171), and yellow iron oxide (E172).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 10, 2008


I took it to treat my acne, and hoped that it would treat excecc hair and hair loss asociated with PCOS. I am also under weight. Well it cleared my skin, helped me to gain weight and improved the hair situation, BUT..


Well! coming off Dianette was like experiencing a MINI MENAPAUSE. I experienced much worse acne than I had known before. My hair got worse in every way. My skin aged too! I was only 23 at the time but felt like I was approaching 40! my period shortnd

Being on Dianette while I was on it cleared my acne and improved my overall problem with over-sensitivity to androgens. However after being on it for a year I started to feel sick for the first pill of each month.I knew it wasn't right to stay on something my body was fisically [link removed]ing off it is best described as a mini menapause- eveerything was worse than before and the worst thing for me on reflection is that my period shortened from a long 5 days strong period before Dianette to only two full days and it has never recovered. The good news is a herb called Agnes Castus cleared my acne again; the bas news is it took a full year on agnus castus before it worked but the results are amazing. At the moment I am conmsidering taking a diferent anti androgen drug but without estrogen so unlike with dianette there will be no awfull estrogen withdrawal symptoms. Tke it if you must but please please consider other options first. acne is bad but menapause is worse!!!
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February 16, 2008


Less facial hair, controlled oily skin.


Make me very nauseous,didn't make my skin that much better I got worse spots if anything. Make me very moody and loss of sex drive. Make me very bloated.

I took this for about 2 years and I will never again go near it, I want to go on another pill for contraceptive reasons and I'm very wary after this pill. This is pill was definitely not for me.
February 1, 2008




Depression, weight gain, acne got even worse!

Totally not worth it. I've found that eating plenty of fruit/veg and a good multivitamin has helped my acne much more.
January 28, 2008


None so far


Nausea, bloating, moodiness. Skin worse than ever.

I'm 31 and I've been suffering with acne since my late teens. I've been taking this for about 8 days and was feeling quite nauseous for about the first 5 but this has now subsided. I don't feel depressed exactly but I seem to over-react emotionally to everything. I felt close to tears at the supermarket because someone brushed past me roughly. This is not typical behaviour for me! My skin was not terrible before, but now it is! I've broken out all around my chin and on my neck and chest where I didn't have any spots before. I'm hoping this is because it has to get worse before it gets better. I don't want to jump to any conclusions about the effectiveness of this medication yet but I am certain it's affecting my body and mind in lots of ways. I'm not really sure it's worth it to improve my (not so terrible) acne. Also, why are doctors so keen to prescribe this? My doctor wouldn't even consider offering me any alternative so basically I have to try this before I can have anything else.
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December 17, 2007


I had the biggest breakout ever, and my skin was even more greasy than usual! I had severe migraines which I have never suffered with before. I am usually a very optimisitc person however dianette made me feel very low.

You need to try as many other alternatives before you use dianette, however you need to remember it affects everyone differently. I am currently on erythromycin and panoxyl gel 10, and it is working brilliantly!
December 9, 2007


Better skin, contraceptive, lost weight.


Really bad mood swings, severe depression

The bad far outweighs the good here - We're talking bad bad bad depression. It might be worth trying but be very careful and stop if you start to have mood problems.
October 30, 2007


well i hav only been on it for 6 days so need some advice relly???


i have really bad headaches from it bearly everyday so far and feel really bloated! i did feel sick on the second day but thats gone now

I am using this pill for my skina nd contaceptive but i was wondering if anyone had these symptoms and then they went away after giving it a go for a month or so cos iv nly been using it for 6 days now????
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July 24, 2007
i've just started using dianete and im using it in order to put in weight im 19 years old 5' 4 and weigh only 7stones 5lbs, so i was wondering how long i takes to see the changes in your weight
July 10, 2007


Minor improvement to skin and quite quickly.


Major depression, panic attacks, crying fits, nausea, messed up menstrual cycle (fortnight early then nothing again for 5 weeks - never happened before this pill), PMS just as bad if not worse, acne returned before I'd even stopped taking it.

Only got through two and a half strips before I couldn't stand it any more and stopped. I'm miserable (emotionally numb, panicky, anxious, suicidal - I've had problems with depression before but never this bad and not for ages). I'll cry like a loon at the drop of a hat, getting hysterical to the point of having a panic attack. At the moment, I feel sick almost constantly, sometimes even the smell of food makes me want to throw up (which makes me panic about pregnancy even though I'd been taking it flawlessly) and can't bear eating for days at a time. It also made my menstrual cycle IRREGULAR and didn't do anything to make periods lighter/shorter (and they were completely fine before). All of this kicked in pretty much straight away and steadily got worse. Now I've given up on them but I'm scared it will take ages for my moods and cycle to get back to normal, and my acne will get even worse.
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June 25, 2007


Clear Skin


when I came off this pill my skin was 100 times worse than it was previously also caused headaches and thrush, and had no sex drive whatso ever

I was on this pill for 7 years....I was put on it when it first came on to the market....I was 18 and I had a some spots on my forehead....not bad enough to be classed as acne but it did bother me so when I mentioned it to my GP I was put on dianette...the spots cleared up with about 2 weeks...and so I decided to stay on it as a contraceptive... 7 years on I decided to come off it after a month my face was covered in acne this must be due to hormones now being completely imbalanced....now I have been off dianette a year my skin is still bad but the acne has cleared up by about 70%....although now I am left with scars on my face and neck....I do not currenly have the money to see a dermatologist so i'm afraid it is just a case of covering myself in make up every day. Bottom line if your acne is so bad that it is having an affect on your life dianette could be an option for you, if you just have a case of some spots that bother you look at other alternatives first
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