Lemon Juice (applied topically)

1226 Reviews

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February 18, 2009


Makes skin KIND OF SOFT


gets this lemon gunk all over your face

FOR ME: It did not do anything, my skin glowed a bit afterwords and was kinda soft but my big ANNOYING pimple still didnt show any changes! UGH
February 16, 2009


Cheap, Makes skin soft


doesn't get rid of acne spots!!! and stings!!!!!

makes your face look healthier.. but doesn't fade marks.. which i really need
February 16, 2009


It cleared up my skin and lighten my dark acne scars i've had for over 14 years. It worked very fast.(african american skin/ honey brown complexion)


It stings for a few sec's, and may itch for a sec; but will quickly stop.

I wash my face in the shower in the morning and at night. I then put the lemon juice on my face after my shower , because the steam from the shower opens your pores.It does work, very well. I love it!
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February 12, 2009


smoother, softer, less oil....


irritation, tightness, redness, stickyness, a huge mess, inflamed zits

just, no. I used it for along while and it just made it worse. no fading of marks
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February 12, 2009


clears acne first use
gives skin a glow
nice scent


burns a bit the first 1-2 min

i used this last night and i added a bit of asprin to it so it would work better. i also added an egg and 1/2 of a lemon, and left it on for 3 hours. it left just a bit of pimples left, but im clearing those up :) PLUS it was free! my mom has 5 lemon trees growing everywhere and the lemons are gigantic
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February 10, 2009


Minimizes and eventually gets rid of pimples, makes your skin soft and smooth, brightens it, cheap.


STINGS like hell, sometimes itches.

I'm slapping myself right now. Why couldn't I have used this before? Lemon juice is really clearing up my acne, and its only been half a week. It might take a little bit more time, but I'm positive I'll be clear in one month!! One thing i hate though, is the stinging. It really hurts for a few minutes and itches, but it goes away, and i would pick that over acne any day! Ignoring the pain, lemon juice is a good choice.
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February 9, 2009


- Works really well on all types of acne, but especially body acne (chest, back, neck)
- Reduces redness
- Good Fragrance


-Stings a good amount
-A bit of a hassle

Really worked for me. Almost instantaneous results. It did miracles for my chest and back acne, and cleared up the few zits I have on my face. Kind of a hassle to cut up a lemon and apply it, but its worth the results.
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February 2, 2009


Cheap and cheerful, really seems to work. How did I not know about this before?! My whole face looks better


Hard to travel with (weird taking a lemon with your overnight clothes)
Can sting like a b*tch

Make sure you use fresh lemon, not the bottled stuff. I tried that for a while but it made my skin very sticky and itchy and didn't do much. I use about 1/10th of a lemon, squeezed onto a cotton pad, then I wipe it over my clean face before bedtime. I use a normal oil free moisturiser in the morning because too much lemon makes you face dry.
February 1, 2009


Made my skin clear up almost completely, brightens and evens skin tone, fades scars


Makes your face feel sticky, Stings a bit

This stuff is amazing. I was on Accutane for six months, and my skin was mostly clear, but I had a lot of scars left over. After a while, my acne started to come back. I'd read about using lemon juice on here, so I started putting lemon juice on a cotton ball and applying it to my entire face. You could literally see results in days. The pimples I had disappeared, and my skin seemed a lot brighter and more even. I've been using it for a month now, and I now I can actually feel confident leaving the house without foundation, something I never would have been able to do before! Definitely give this one a try. It's cheap and you have nothing to lose. Great stuff, I'd recommend it to anyone.
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January 31, 2009


it works so well, and practically immediately! and my lips taste like lemons :)


stings a decent bit at first, kinda itchy, and sticky

works well, and i cut the lemon in half, then into fourths, and used only one of those fourths for one use, so the tiny amount of money you spend goes a long way. i have such sensitive skin to man-made products for skin care, they always make it work. it seems that more natural remedies (like this) work the best- because i really know what is going onto my face ;)