Lemon Juice (applied topically)

1226 Reviews

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January 27, 2009




burns and lightens skin

be very careful with this. It works, but it will lighten whatever skin it is applied to, and if you are dark skinned the light spot will be very visible..
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January 24, 2009


i have seriously tried everything short of accutane, and fresh squeezed lemon juice cleared my horrible acne better than anything else!!! it made me 90% clear! plus its cheap, smells good, and doesn't bleach clothes.


it burns and dries out your skin.

try it! but it you have sensitive skin, don't leave it on overnight, and make sure to use a moisturizer.
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January 23, 2009


Smells GREAT!! Easy, affordable, and REALLY works!


stings a bit

I have such bad acne scars dotted around my cheeks that I thought would NEVER disappear, they always made my face look red and nasty. But now they're gone!! I got tired of squeezing lemon juice, so I slice up a piece of lemon and apply it to my face after I take a shower at night, and after I wash my face in the morning. My mom thought I was CRAZY but it got rid of my white heads, black heads, shrinked my pores, and LIGHTENED My acne scars!! My face is totally smooth and not so red looking anymore!! TRUST me, I have tried Everything and the only thing that truly works is lemon!!
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January 22, 2009


its has a great tingy feeling when you first put it on..makes your skin feel fresh and brightens up your tone...LOVE IT it also makes your pores verrrrrry small


none really.may take a while to work

its great and cheap
January 22, 2009


it lightens scars, tones, deep cleanses


stings for a minute and is not very softening

i soak a cotton pad in the juice and apply gently over my entire face every night. my marks which were red a month ago are almost the same colour as my skin tone. my skin is now paler, so be spot apply if you don't wish to lighten your overall skin tone. be patient with this method, i saw results after about 2 weeks. definitely worth it, it's cheap too.
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January 19, 2009


WORKS!! cheap, natural. Cleared my skin up fast!! Haven't had any breakouts since using. Any small pimples i get go away within a day or two!! Had a really bad cyst zit on cheek, cleared it up entirely!


does not do anything for red spots left behind from acne. Mine have yet to go away from when i started using lemon juice over a month ago. But no new breakouts means no new read spots!! yay

Love it Love it Love it. I wish I had known about it years ago!! I would definitely recommend over anything else!! Try it, its cheap and worth it. And if it doesnt work at least you can use the leftover lemon juice to mix into your mixed drinks;)
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January 18, 2009


-lightens scars and skin
-feels nice


-stings a little like over recently threaded/waxed areas

Part of my regime
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January 17, 2009


Cheap, fades scars, pores are smaller.


Itches and burns for a few minutes. Also not sure if it helped with the active acne, but scars seem a bit lighter.

It seems to be lighting up my scars. I had a few breakouts while using it but nothing like the cystic ones I used to have. Would happily take the small breakouts over those painful, huge scar leaving cystic ones.
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January 12, 2009


Fades scars, you can feel it working kind of like a chemical peel,
skin feels and looks better.


Stings the first couple times you use it. Will stop after so many uses though. Not bad

Do it. What do you have to loose. Cheap. It will lighten scars it has been proven. Makes your pores tighter. All natural.
January 11, 2009


made my skin look vibrant and fresh the next morning


stings and itches like the dickens!!!

i used this once and the next morning my skin looked more even toned, vibrant, and fresh. my zits even looked a little bit smaller. it does itch and sting verry badly when you irst apply it but it might be worth it. i wil continue to use it and hopefully see more results!
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