Lemon Juice (applied topically)

1226 Reviews

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March 31, 2009


Clears up acne , lightens scars , in 2 weeks many of my marks/scars after acne is gone and I don't have a lot of pimples even though they're still there.


If you're allergic you might have a bad reaction to this including more breakouts and irritation

I have extremely sensitive skin after using acne products for 3 years so I actually had to dilute the lemon.. Here's what I did I took a lemon, took some of the juice and mixed with water until I had approximately 50% of each... Then I put it on my clean face and left it overnight. You have to give it a few weeks, good thing is you can skip a day every now and then, I also recommend combining with lemon as a drink. here's a page that explains some things with lemon. [link removed]
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March 29, 2009


lightens acne scars



First time today using it on 2 old acne scars and they almost disappeared instantly. I'm loving it so far:)
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March 27, 2009


everything =)


stings a lot.....

to cakeandbubbly, Novi, MI Lemon WILL work, but it takes time. It will "push" your "acne -to be" deep inside your skin out to the surface of your skin. So it is normal to get worse before getting better. Give lemon at least 3 weeks to see result. Same thing happened to me when i started using lemon. I broke out a lot, but it's getting better in 2-3 weeks, I used to have very severe acne, and now I'm acne-free. Be patient, and you will see result within weeks. Drinking freshly squeezed lemon every morning and night will also help acne. Good luck! =)
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March 25, 2009


none so far



I have been putting lemon juice on my face for 5 days now. At first it helped even out my skin tone but then I noticed a wrinkle on my forehead is actually deeper now than it was 5 days ago, I broke out with large cystic acne on my cheek (which I never had before) and it seems like my skin has darkened. Does anybody know why these things happened to me?
March 21, 2009


Works if you use it smartly.


I wouldn't use it alone.

What I do is mix lemon juice with honey. That way I won't experience the irritation and stinging found when using lemon juice alone. So, you get the moisturizing, antibacterial qualities of honey with the brightening and exfoliating qualities of lemon juice. It works for me. I would also wear a sunscreen during the day. The sun could easily undo the work lemon juice has done for your skin.
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March 21, 2009


It works!!! I've been using lemons to treat my acne scars for about 2 weeks now and I'm seeing results! I use it at night only though.


Aside from the stinging and itching, there's no cons. It will take time before you start seeing results.

Remember to be consistent!! That is key! It won't work over night like some people claim but in 2 weeks or so, you'll see a difference in your skin. I'll be more tone, even out and your scars will be less noticeable. Use a vitamin e type lotion/moisterizer too. I started breaking out real bad 2 years ago and I get really bad nodule cystic acne on my chin (PAINFUL!) and it leaves an ugly scar. Plus, I have bad scarring on my neck!!! The scars on my cheeks and chin are fading faster but its taking more time in the neck area. So I use a baking soda exfoliating mixture in the neck area followed by the lemon mixture. Its working!!!
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March 17, 2009


It is cheap, and effective. Smells good, has many benifits if taken orally aswell, apart from helping cure acne.


A slight sting might ensue for afew minutes after application. No big deal!

It has cleared up my blemishes very well, evened out my overall skin tone and i have less zits appearing. Actually, none at all to be precise! It also shrinks my pores and gives my skin a healthy shine! Drink abit of lemon juice diluted with water every morning, half an hour before breakfast, and at night before bed for the best results! Id reccommend this to anybody. Applied topically : just dab a cotton bud in freshly squeezed lemon juice and spread it all over your face. And feel the burn baby! Now, repeat everyday and watch the amazing results you get. Also, notice the pores of the lemon skin, and how similar they are to human pores. Strange coincidence, ey?
March 15, 2009


reduce ance scars!!!


sting a bit

GARNIER Overnight whitening cream. IT REALLY WORKS!!!!! Should try!!! BUT only use at night time. It consists of PURE LEMON ESSENCE and NATURAL PEELING FRUIT EXTRACTS.
March 14, 2009


gets rid of acne.. REALLY worth it,,


slight stinging when applying but doesnt matter if youll gonna be clearing your face in no time..

i was suffering acne for about 6 years.. ive tried almost every product, although they cleared up my acne they still come back worse than before!! on my 6th year of suffering of acne my face is very red because of acne scars,, and new bigger acnes are forming on every part of my FACE!! a friend of mine told me to try a lemon just squeeze it on a cotton and leave it overnight.. i noticed a difference after a week..!! my acnes are starting to dry up and i noticed that i dont get that oily skin anymore.. its a miracle and now im using it for a year.. i wished that i cud turn back time and use this thing that cleared up my skin so that i cud have avoid those perma scars...
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March 13, 2009


works well for acne scars
sticky but dries up


sometimes mild stinging, not often

I apply this every night using a cotton ball, and usually keep it on overnight and wash it off in the morning. In the 4-5 days that I've been using this, as well as a regular facial cleanser, I can say I have noticed a huge improvement! This is mainly on my forehead, with some smaller improvements on the side.