Flaxseed Oil

204 Reviews

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December 27, 2008




Tried 1 tablespoon a day for only 3 days and within a week several deep, painful spots broke out along my jawline, much worse than any breakout I've had in years. The spots wouldn't come to a head and are still healing.

Never again.
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December 1, 2008


ewwww not many


totally bad acne ..... painful breakout everywhere

i wanted it for the health benfits but...my friends said my skin looked terrible knew something was wrong with something i was taking....going mad i stopped taking it and wow no more acne ...grrrrr
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November 22, 2008


gave me a soft complextion and glow. hydrated my skin.


haven't found any yet.

i'm using the flaxseed oil capsules twice a day. i haven't seen any side effects and i've been using them for three weeks. it hydrated my skin and from what i've seen i have no more small little bumps. my skin is smooth excluding my chin area which has always been a problem for me but i'm working on it! i'll wait to see a dramatic difference in a few months:)
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November 12, 2008


Cheap, good for regularity, took it to avail of the good omega's.


Gave me bad acne

I started to take two Flaxseed oil capsules on Sunday, one in the morning, one at evening and by the next Sunday I was broke out around my chin and lip line terribly and very painful. I stopped taking the capsules and still had a terrible time healing, literally weeks.It was almost like the pimple would not turn to a whitehead nor go away but very painful and swollen. Prior to this I had no pimples but just wanted to take advantage of those good amega's. I got a raw deal!!!!!
October 19, 2008


Cheap and it works


Takes a month or so to get used to the taste

I take 2tbls twice a day - organic, cold pressed oil. You need to continue to use it - even though you are likely to break out badly after the first week (I did). I also had a mild breakout at week 2. I kept going and after about 20 days a patch of skin really improved. It's just getting better every day now (I'm about 6 weeks in) and can't believe how soft my skin feels and how clear it is. Friends who haven't seen me face to face in the last 6 weeks just can't believe it when we meet. I have had bad rosacea for about 15 years and have tried everything - IPL, antibiotics, etc. Just give a try - what do you have to lose?
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October 14, 2008


Health benefits


Not working for me.

This is my 7th day and I'm pretty broken out, and now it is cystic and it has never been before. I'm hoping it just takes time so I'll keep taking it. I am taking it for depression anyway. Has anyone had it make your face flare up and then clear?
September 27, 2008


Affordable and natural


Has worked for me but I am trying to know why. Maybe the dosage...

I made me breakout even more. I tokk 1 tsp a day, then increased to 2 tsp. The acne was just horrible . Do you know why this happened. Was I taking too much?
September 8, 2008


Cleared my skin and gave me a healthy glow - almost tan color. I stumbled on this after reading about the BUDWIG DIET, which is named after a German scientist (9 times nominated for the nobel prize). You must search this more! It's amazing.



I'm reading the Budwig diet which has some major points. 1. You should mix flax oil with cottage cheese until there is no oil. There is a GOOD reason for this which i won't go into here. 2. You need to stop eating all partially hydrogenated oils. Otherwise the flax oil won't work. This is why I think some people are NOT having success or more acne. Read this website for more info - they claim it even cures cancer! No joke - must read: [link edited out]
September 5, 2008


Incredible skin



I have tried everything from accutane to birth control to antibiotics to every single topical treatment, and nothing has worked better than flaxseed oil and probiotics taken together. I take two tablespoons of flaxseed oil a day (you can take up to a tablespoon for every 50 pounds of body weight, according to Udo Erasmus). The probiotics help to balance the good and bad bacteria in your body. I take capsules because I can't stand the taste or texture. I haven't head a whitehead in months now. It's also important to keep saturated fats low in your diet. These will clog your pores! And eat lots of vegetables and fruits for antioxidants!
July 9, 2008


Easy (mix 2Tbls with orange juice each morning). Cheap! I buy mine pre-ground in the baking aisle of my local Whole Foods--a large bag is $3-4. Also promotes bowel regularity and cardiac health.


I think the lignans in the flaxseed oil may have dysregulated my menstrual cycle one month (longer menstruation than usual), but have not had a repeat occurrence.

Worth a try for acne and definitely worth using for its cardiovascular benefits (lower blood pressure, etc.).
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