Flaxseed Oil

204 Reviews

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September 14, 2010


Not entirely clear


None whatsoever

There are a couple of reasons that cause the "pros" of my personal experience with flaxseed is not entirely clear; firstly, I have only been using it for 2 weeks, and secondly I am using it in conjunction with so many other skin care products it would simply be imposable to decipher what it was causing the improvement. However, there is a DEFINITE improvement. Until about 2 months ago I had no real problems with spots whatsoever - however a short way into my summer holidays an explosion of acne appeared that just would not budge. With my return to my final year of college approaching, and the angst that I had about coming back to clearer faces whilst mine had dramatically worsened, I invested in pretty much every tactic there is... unfortunately it was not soon enough and I was greeted with grimacing faces and baffled eyes. BUT, just half a week later, and I can already tell my skin is not only getting better but beneath the last surfacing spots and scars, it is healthy, smooth, and glowing. I'm hoping in a month I will be completely clear :) I've always resented my skin and thought myself so unlucky, but these past few months have taught me a tiny bit of patience and what's more given me the up most admiration for people who suffer with acne for years, some even half a lifetime. I had no idea how common it was for adults to be sufferers! Honestly, I think quite a lot of you deserve a medal, because acne really can be a complete sh*tter if you let it rule you. (I often do.) Completely forgot this was about flaxseed, if you aren't looking for a natter look straight here!: Flaxseed has a large list of health benefits, which is where my recommendation comes from. If your considering trying it, I recommend the ground form. The reason for it being ground is that in oil and capsules it doesn't contain 'photo-chemicals' and antioxidants, so it's possible the excess omega-3 without these could be causing some of the breakouts people are ha
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April 3, 2011


cheap, many health benefits besides improved skin condition, keeps you regular, may help with ibs


annoying having to remember to take ground flaxseed daily, may cause purging at first, not suitable for everyone

it works for me. i had been taking two tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily from july 2010 until about a month ago (beginning march 2011). while i was taking the ground flaxseed, my skin was clear, i didnt get clogged skin and rarely got cysts either. (i also take msm, cod liver oil and probiotic supplements too and these also play a big part in keeping my skin nice) then i got lazy and stopped taking the flaxseed and my skin got dull and clogged. my acne didnt return, but my skin wasnt at its best. i have since started taking two 1000mg flaxseed oil capsules daily and my skin has improved (its less hassle to take the capsules than the ground flaxseed for me). my face looks brighter, its "glowing" and my dehydration lines have gone too. i cant say enough good things about flaxseed, and this is from someone who has been taking it consistently for 8 months. i understand that it doesnt work for everyone though, some people swear by biotin but ive used that on two separate occasions and it gave me so many cysts, it was horrible. i think if you go into it knowing you might purge at the start (i got cysts on my chin and inflamed pimples on my cheeks but i stuck to it and they healed up nicely) then you might give flaxseed more of a chance instead of panicking because its bringing spots to the surface when you first start taking it. i am putting that my acne severity is very light, i dont actually have any active acne anymore, just scars that i am getting rid of with retin-a, use of sunscreen and gentle exfoliation, however, prior to taking any supplements, my acne was moderately severe.
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September 21, 2010


Too much to count!


So far, nothing that I've noticed.

I started taking flaxseed oil in hopes it would help clear up my skin. I've been dealing with acne since I was a young teenager, and I'm so sick of it. I noticed a difference immediately. My skin feels wonderful; I feel like I'm glowing. I've also noticed that my hair is softer and more luxurious, which was a nice surprise. After reading others' posts, I suppose I should mention that I work out daily, I have a healthy diet, and I take a multi-vitamin. I also wash my face twice a day. But all that has been consistent over the years, and I have tried endless treatments. I used to eat salmon regularly, and that helped my skin, but after having my son I can no longer stand the smell of fish. Which is why I decided to try flaxseed oil. And I'm glad I did, because I feel wonderful now.
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October 13, 2010


NONE for me!


Broke out in very red inflamed cystic acne that kept getting worse for a month after I stopped the flaxseed oil. The antibiotic Doxycyclomine (not sure if I'm spelling it correctly) helped clear me back up.Plus I take B-5 - I only need 3 or 4 500mg once or twice a day.

I had been almost perfectly clear for over 5 years thanks to B5 keeping the oil in my skin normalized - the only thing that has ever kept me clear (other than while on Accutane). I read about the health benefits of Flax seed and I tried it to help me with terrible digestion problems. I wish I had never heard of the stuff - the break out was horrible and painful! Took me back to my miserable acne years only WORSE - and felt like forever to get clear again - leaves scars - I HATE it!
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September 14, 2010


- Good for you
- Helps reduce acne
- easy to take


- Does not cure acne or compeltely get rid of it but it does help reduce it

I personally would suggest taking the 3 oils, Omega 3,6 & 9. Instead of taking only flaxseed or fish oil.. I take 2-3 caps a day of the 3 essencial fatty acids which is combined in one single capsule. I get it at the health food store its pricey but worth it to me. Depends on if you want to take vitamins or not. It does help. Because Ive been taking it for over 7 months now and I stopped taking it for a week and I broke out really bad just our of no where! Its something you do need to take daily and keep up with to see results!! And also make sure to take this with a facial cleansing regimen aswell for best results.
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March 25, 2011


omega-3 fatty acids
high fiber


serious breakout

Unfortunately, it took me several months to realize that this supplement was actually the thing that started my acne! sigh. My skin was clear before I started adding flaxseed to everything trying to be healthy. While researching, I discovered that flaxseed contains a large amount of phytoestrogens. I guess this is a problem for me. Ever since I began my flaxseed boycott, my face has been clearing. In fact, not one new blemish.
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August 13, 2010


Gave skin a bit of glow. But virgin coconut oil does the same without the cons..


..which comes in form of horrible cystic acne. I got it all over my back, shoulders, upper arms etc.

Only one pimple on my cheek but it scared me enough to just throw the whole bottle in the garbage.

Seems to be different for different people. My sister swears by it and does not have any acne problems with it. For me and others on this page, it seems to just make it worse. I used a bottle from the health food store and had about a tablespoon a day. The recommended dose.
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September 11, 2009


All Natural, Great Flavor, Boosts of energy, Healthy Bowels, Cancer fighter...Omega-3's!!!


Seeds get stuck in my teeth...lol...big deal, right?

Cleared up my SEVERE to MODERATE acne. 30 Years old and suffered with ACNE since I was 16. Who knew that acne is from within? Doctors will NEVER tell you to change their diet because if we all ate better & truly focused on how certain foods cleared up our acne and helped us become more healthy, then doctors and pharmaceutical companies would CRUMBLE & go out of business!!! I have been on every kind of acne antibiotic, topical skin creams & gels and even expensive skin care products...NONE worked. It's all about how we take care of our bodies; what we put in will reflect on our skin which is our largest organ. I have had MANY years of IBS - and constipation. Did you know constipation is linked to acne? yes. When our bodies cannot rid itself of all toxins through the bowls on a regular basis, it rids the toxins out through our skin, thus ACNE forms!!! I did an ACNE DETOX for one week and continued to eat well, and I am Finally cured at 30 years old!!!! xoxo
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February 9, 2010


good for you


caused breakout

After being clear for about a month, I had a breakout on my chin and forehead. Having not changed my regimen, I noticed that the only change I have made is that I've been eating flaxseed at breakfast. After reading other reviews, I have no doubt that this is the cause of my breakout.
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March 28, 2010


greatly improved my severely dry hands (I have ocd with handwashing) and improved my mood.


severe acne

I used it for 4-6 weeks and had the worst skin of my life. Same thing happened to my friend. This supplement has amazing benefits (recommended for my vision but also helps with numerous other things), but I had to stop taking it because it wreaked havoc on my skin. I wish I wasn't allergic to it, but I'm not surprised because I also have allergies to caffeine, alcohol, and zinc. I have a clean diet because my system is very sensitive. Once I stopped taking flax seed oil, the acne went away. There isn't a "no acne" option in the "acne severity" box, but I have absolutely no acne whatsoever (thanks to pricy SK II products and Armani makeup lol but hey super clear skin is worth it to me).
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