Clindoxyl : Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

396 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Non-Medicinal ingredients:
Carbomer 940, dimethicone, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, edetate disodium, glycerin, hydrated silica, methylparaben, poloxamer, purified water, and sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 17, 2012


-Cleared up acne
-Didn't break out at all since I started using it


- Skin was so dry the first month, but not anymore
-Can bleach bedding/clothing (I let it dry for at least half an hour, so I didn't have any problem)

I have been using this product along with Differin for 6 months (still on my first tubes), and they are amazing! I've had maybe 2 pimples in that time frame, (it was my fault for missing a night) but was gone the next day. If you start using it, your skin will most likely get dry, and your acne could get worse. But that's because it's cleaning out what's in your pores. If you keep at it, the results will be worth it.
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August 8, 2012


Clears acne
does not dry skin
evens skin tone


need prescription

I have not worn no foundation since I was like 13. I had the most severe acne. I began taking diane 35 for 2 months (which I highly recommend), afterwards (last two months) I have been using this. I believe this is what is keeping my acne at bay because if I miss a night i will get a pimple or two but after the next night and applying this they are gone again. I had to wear foundation my whole life and hated it! My skin was SOO bad! I feel so amazing, I am finally comfortable in my own skin and never thought I'd feel that way! It would not hurt to try this!!!!!
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March 23, 2012


-After using it for 3 months, my (pretty severe) comedonal acne on my forehead is completely gone.


-Acne got worse within the first week or two

I was 17 when I started getting comedonal acne and other pimples on my forehead. I used benzoyl peroxide for a year and still kept getting pimples with no improvement. I ran out of it and stopped using any creme at all. I broke out like crazy. My acne had never been worse. I then started using Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Stress Control 3-in-1 Hydrating Acne Treatment and my forehead improved within a week, then went back to breaking out. I still kept using it for another 1.5 months with no improvement. Finally, my doctor told me about clindoxyl. Within the first week or two my acne got worse (could be because I got my period around that time) and I was skeptical. But I kept using it. I saw major improvements within the first month. Now, after 3 months, my skin is COMPLETELY clear and I'm so happy about it. I have some post inflammatory hyperpigmentation on my forehead, but that'll fade with time and is barely noticeable. PLEASE TRY THIS.
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February 22, 2012


-Faded acne scars
-Noticed improvement within the first 3 days.
-Clearer skin
-Even skin tone


-Expensive for the amount they give you
-Slight peeling from the first few usages (but that's usually normal for an acne medication)
-You must use it every night... I skipped 1 night by accident, luckily nothing happened, but when I ran out of it for about a week and a bit, my skin started to get bad again.

The kind of acne I had, which was more under the skin type of deal, and very uneven; this gel cleared it right up. Within the first week, I noticed improvement with the texture of my skin, the evenness, and the amount of blemishes per week I was getting, dramatically decreased after using this. I recommend it to anyone. Try it! I tried almost EVERYTHING, and felt like there was nothing out there that would cure my skin- until I tried this. Requires a prescription, but it's worth it! Trust me! Some cases I've heard about the clindoxyl gel, and that it worked for awhile, and then their skin stopped responding to it- but that wasn't the case with me.
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February 3, 2012


clears acne on daily routine



Great acne treatment but if you miss even one night the breakouts start immediately
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February 1, 2012


cleared up acne overnight!
reduced visible scars


drying (but what's worse: acne or dry skin?)
a bit itchy

if you have not tried, this try it now! I've used clindoxyl gel for over 6 months now, I stopped for 2 months and my acne flared back up, I restarted using clindoxyl gel yesterday. Overnight it started to clear up my cystic acne, along with my all whiteheads.
January 8, 2012


Clears acne fast
Very effective
Helps scars go away
Easy to apply


Might make your skin very dry and itchy the first few times
It is expensive without insurance

It works great! helped clear up my blemishes
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November 25, 2011


Clears up acne fast
Keeps skin clear from zits
A little gel goes a long way
Very effective


First 2 weeks skin is dry and flakey
Takes longer for deep acne
Pulls up deep acne (blackheads/whiteheads)

I've been dealing with light acne for about 7 years, it's gotten more severe over the past 2 years. Two months ago i had a horrible breakout, 5 deep zits on one cheek, 4 more on the other side close to my nose, and deep acne on my chin. They were red, angry, and puffy, make up did nothing to cover them. I tried to get rid of them with hydrocortizone cream and nuetrogena cream but it did nothing. I think i didnt go out of the house for 3 weeks, i missed work because of it. So i went to the doctor and he gave me Clindoxyl Gel, cost $56.00. He told me to put it on 2 hours before bed, keep it on for an hour then wash it off with warm water, then gradually have it so you put it on an hour before bed then wash it off in the morning. It took 3 days before i noticed a difference, on the 5th day i could tell my spots were smaller. 2 weeks later my acne was nothing but small red marks, i kept putting the gel on my acne and another 2 weeks it was completely gone. At first the gel drys out your skin pretty bad, but i used Nuetrogena sensitive skin, oil and fragrence free moisturizer, and after 2 weeks the gel didn't dry me out anymore. I put the moisturizer on in the morning after i washed my face with warm water. I've been using it for about a month and a half now and my face is 90% clear and smooth. I've found that the Clindoxyl gel brings out deep, hard, painful acne on my chin sometimes. I think this is just deep dirt in my skin thats it's bringing out and eventually i won't get it anymore. I have seen though that in the first month i was getting a lot of black and white heads, it wasn't a big deal, i would just steam my face and carefully pop/push them out and put some gel on it and i couldnt even tell in the morning. Because i've done this the deep blackheads ive had on my cheeks and forehead for years are gone! I've you are fed up with acne then get this product! Within 3 weeks to a month your skin will be great. Im so happy and confident n
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November 11, 2011


clears up your skin fast (my skin cleared up within the first week of using it!)


My skin became pretty dry (I also had a couple dry spots on my chin, but they went away eventually)

This product is amazing!! It got rid of my acne completely, and I got a lot of compliments on my skin :)
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November 3, 2011


clears cysts
reduces redness
shrinks breakouts over night
works well under makeup


mild dryness
mild breakouts for first few days of usage

i' m 22 years old and have never had any severe issues with my skin, just mild breakouts a week before my period and stubborn black heads but it wasnt until the beginning of this past summer it started out with small rash like bumps on my forehead that i thought were just from the heat and sweating, but it started spreading down my face , along my jawline and eventually felt like every single pore on my face was a little pimple. only some would form whiteheads but it wasn't until i noticed larger cyst like bumps appearing along my jaw line that were deep under the skin and would stay for weeks! in the light my face looked rough and bumpy, and felt like it was overloaded with oil. so after an entire summer of ugliness i finally made an appointment with my Dr. and she prescribed clindoxyl .. I started it mid september and have been using it twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. its been about 2 months now and have noticed a huge difference with everything my skin isnt oily anymore and all the little bumps that were everywhere are gone. i had a alot of scarring before too and it has really evened out my overall complexion and dark spots. my pores are smaller and i havnt had a serious breakout in a few weeks, just little ones before my period which are expected. the cysts are gone completely and the overall redness in my complexion is gone. i really tried to avoid wearing make up while ive been using clindoxyl which is difficult to do but has paid off because now i hardly wear it at all because i dont feel like i need to conceal anything. I was using a bareminerals foundation powder which was light and non comogetic every so often and didnt experience any reaction to it. i did experience a little dryness but used a oil free moisterizer in the morning about 20 minutes after applying the gel. bottm line... it works. you just have to be patient. hope this helped.
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