Clindoxyl : Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

396 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Non-Medicinal ingredients:
Carbomer 940, dimethicone, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, edetate disodium, glycerin, hydrated silica, methylparaben, poloxamer, purified water, and sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 14, 2017
Works wonders
This product is truly a miracle cream. I suffer from hormonal acne and within a week of using this gel, my acne was almost 90% clear. What I love about is that I didn't experience an ib and it managed to clear the deep under the skin pimples that I had. What's rather unfortunate is that it's been discontinued in my country, South Africa; and no other acne medication works as effectively as clindoxyl gel for my skin.
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September 8, 2017
Hey, I just got mine today. You can find it in Dischem or other pharmacies other than Clicks.
July 19, 2016
Fabulous product
Unfortunately for my skin it wasn't enough, but generally I would highly recommend it for keeping infection under control and limiting breakouts. I used it daily for 16 months. It really stung and dried my skin to start with from the peroxide but geez it cleared up my skin quickly
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July 6, 2016
Really works
Took me 1 month to have a flawless skin . unfortunately I had to stop using it due to my intestinal problem( ulcerative colitis) :( . If you dont have any bowel disease go for it , working even if you have big painful cystic acne
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December 3, 2015
Love it!!
I've been taking Clindoxyl Gel for maybe a year now (Clindoxyl Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%)) and it has truly worked wonders for me (I am 22 and started taking it at 21.) I have not had any skin irritation problems and the acne along the sides of my face is practically completely eliminated. If I ever get some zits there, it's during that time of month. While the Clindoxyl Gel didn't get rid of the acne along my jawline and underneath it, it helped a lot to control it and keep it to a pretty good minimum. I started taking Vitex a couple of months ago and that has helped a lot with the acne along my jawline and under it. I started taking Clindoxyl Gel because it worked so well for my friend (female, same age as me.)
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January 13, 2014
Best Acne Cream Out there


Gets rid of acne fast!
Doesn't have an odour to it!
Makes skin tone equal!


Gets skin dry sometimes
Gets skin tight
Slippery skin when you wash it off with water

I had a lot of acne especially on the both sides of my face I had about 20 each and a lot small ones. I had some on my forehead and cheeks and this cream got rid of all them well 70% in about 15 days works well I recommend it!
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October 25, 2013
Very helpful product


Works quickly


Shiny skin

Having had bad skin for years and no success with over the counter products, I finally went to see a dermatologist, who gave me a prescription for Clindoxyl. After a week of use, my skin started to get better, and after a month it was almost completely clear. The only issues I have is that it leaves my skin looking rather shiny, and if I miss an application, my skin will start to act up again overnight. That being said, it's a very effective product, and I highly recommend it.
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October 22, 2013
great product
This clears acne in a couole days and keeos its away
August 24, 2013


Clears acne
Clears scars (not completely)


Dry skin

So I always had clear skin until this summer I broke out like crazy.. Got scars all over my cheeks. I started using this gel first week it worked wonders, but became less effective overtime. But after 2 months it cleared up everything, even made my scars barely noticeable and gets rid of blackheads, pimples under the skin. This gel is amazing. I still got pimples here and there but it would clear them out within 2-3 days which is awesome. I'm so so so happy with this product.
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March 28, 2013


This stuff works !


Is not an instant fix, you need to stick with it but the results are fantastic

My daughter started highschool in September with moderately severe acne. Her forehead and chin were an angry red mess. She was very unhappy and selfconscious. We saw a dematologist in Oct and he perscribed CLINDOXYL. He told he to wash with water cleansers. She would put it on before bed and wash it off in the morning. It took about 3 months to see the real results but the difference is truly amazing. She has not had a pimple since and the scars she had are almost gone.
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February 9, 2013


-works quickly
-you don't need much
-if you have insurance it is covered


-I did not have any side affects however I use 100% pure argon oil as a moisturizer so that is most likely why

This product is a god send within 5 days my acne significantly improved to the point that people actually noticed. As an acne sufferer for 10+ years I was amazed and I still am. As stated above I used 100% argon oil as my moisturizer I recommend this to everyone. You don't need to use much of either product just enough to give a very thin layer is enough. I am so grateful I asked my dr not only am I getting clear skin but thanks to Insurance it's free even if it wasnt this is well worth it
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