Clindoxyl : Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

396 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Non-Medicinal ingredients:
Carbomer 940, dimethicone, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, edetate disodium, glycerin, hydrated silica, methylparaben, poloxamer, purified water, and sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 8, 2011


Works fast
Clears cysts!


Dries skin a little
Can cause initial breakout

I have had bad acne since I was 14 and tried Proactiv and other acne regimens with no success. A few years back I decided to see a derm and she prescribed me Clindoxyl gel, I started seeing good results within 2 weeks. Within a month my skin looked amazing! Recently my acne has come back so I am back on Clindoxyl gel. I assume this is because I was inconsistent when I used it. Please be aware that when you are using this prescription that you must stick with applying it once in the morning and once before bed if you want to keep the bacteria away! Even if your skin is staying clear keep applying the Clindoxyl gel, otherwise the bacteria will come back causing you more breakouts! Use up your complete prescription (ex: I was prescribed Clindoxyl for 6 months, so I must use it for the 6 full months) Also because Clindoxyl gel is killing the bacteria under your skin you may break out worse, do NOT stop applying it. Your breakouts will get better! Believe me it is worth it! If you find that your face is burning or stinging apply the Clindoxyl gel for only 15 minutes and then wash it off, my pharmacist told me to do this because I have very fair and sensitive skin. It still worked amazing! This is a great way to keep your skin clear as long as you stick with it! Good luck!!
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August 28, 2011


-Fast results
-Doesn't flake
-Product is not visible, unless you apply too much, in that case you can see a white chalky cover
-Causes pimples to form whiteheads (speeds up the process)
-Does not burn


-Expensive without insurance
-Product needs to be discarded after 4 months

I have only been using this product for 1 week and I've already seen improvements. I had been using Stievamycin gel (a similar product) for almost a year prior to this so my skin probably got used to these ingredients and as a result, did not breakout at first. My acne has definitely gotten better after using this product. I'm so excited! For sure, try this out but for people who haven't used products similar to this, your skin may get worse for maybe around 2 weeks before it gets better. Just be patient!
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August 14, 2011


Dries the pimple REALLY FAST


Dries skin
Have to wait until the pimple is formed (usually, when you wait until there's a white head, it's better)

I don't know what to say except that it WORKS. I put it before I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning, the pimple is almost gone (a normal size pimple). This is just amazing... It cleared all my acne (I only have a few pimples sometimes but hey, I'm 17 :P) and I had A LOT of it! I can't live without this stuff!
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July 11, 2011


Dries Very Quickly
Makes Pimples Clearer over night
Does not get irritating
Gets rid of acne scars


Itchy when you first start using.

i have terrible acne ever since the age of 13 cystic acne too, i spent hundreds of dollars on brands like Clearasil clean and clear but they just made it worse, last thing i could do was go to my doctor and he recommended clindoxl gel, this is the best product i have ever used if you have bad acne i my recommend it your pimples are 10x lighter in the morning. AMAZING PRODUCT!
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March 28, 2011


Improves appearance of blemishes overnight, pleasant smell, nice consistency, dries quickly


Bleaches clothing, expensive without insurance.

I wouldn't want to live without Clindoxyl Gel. I was initially prescribed it about 3 years ago as part of an acne regiment that also included Diane-35. I had severe acne over my back and chest, which basically cleared up after about 6 months. I am now off the Diane (have been for about 2 years), and use Clindoxyl as a spot treatment for my light back and facial acne. This stuff is magic for my skin, it significantly improves the appearance of pimples in hours and keeps the breakouts in check. It doesn't prevent my acne - but it gets rid of the spots like no other.
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January 27, 2011


I am a dark skin Indian man, I have had acne since I was 14 and am 25 now. I was prescribed clindoxyl by my doctor, because it was expensive I wanted to read a little about it before I paid for it. After reading a little about it here I went ahead and got it. To my amazement it got rid of all my acne in a week, first I thought it may be a fluke but after 5 months I have not got a single pimple. I use it every night and dont dare to miss applying it ever, I cant belive at last I dont have acne.


a little expensive Paid $50 Canadian for it.

For someone who has tried Accutane and a lot of other creams Clindoxyl is a miracle gel. With little or no side affects. It makes sense why you would get pimples back if you quit using this cream. It says in the description for the product that it kills the bacteria that causes the acne and tightens pores if you quit the bacteria continue to grow and cause pimples and pores open up to allow dirt to enter your skin. I have noticed smaller pores in my before and after photos that the Dermatologist took. I hope if you have severe pimples (specially of Indian descent) you talk to your doctor about this. I had even quit masturbating thinking that was the cause of my acne :P
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December 11, 2010


Helps Keep skin Clear
Light weight/None Oily
Good for sensative Skin


None after 5 months of use.

I suffer from moderate acne and my face has cleared up within the past month rather well. My skin regimine is this: Neutrogena Adult Skin Sylacilic Acid Wash Once a week: Vaseline Dry face: Clindamyacin Clinique Ance hydrating mostiurizer Benzoyl Peroxide when needed. I use vaseline (100% petrolleum jelly) on my face in the shower and basically put it on like a lotion after my face has been wet for about 3 minutes, then I rub it in and wash it off. It hasn't clogged my pores or irritated my skin. I do this so that my face won't dry so much and so far it's worked really good. The clindamyacin works well with helping your face not get so dried out. If you plan to use Vaseline on your fface make sure the jar says "non-comedegenic" because that lets you know that your face pores won't get clogged. GOOD LUCK!!!!
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September 12, 2010


-Quick results
-Easy to use
-The tube lasts for a long time


-Dries out skin
-Acne comes back if you stop using it

The tube of it is about $70, but it lasts 120 days. It has quick results and as long as you keep using it, your acne will stay away!
August 28, 2010


- Clears up acne fast


- dries up skin
- expensive

I've been using this product for over 3 years now. It worked amazingly well. Overnight, my acne disappeared. It does tend to dry up my skin, so I have to use a bit of moisturizer. The costs is a bit expensive, but overall, I think it's worth it.
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August 17, 2010


~clears skin!


~very drying
~a little irritating at first!

my dermatologist told me to use this as a spot treatment only in the mornings. it really helps a lot! when I first used this, my skin was red and irritated. I got used to it, and it doesn't bother me anymore! it does make your skin quite dry, so you'll need to get a good moisturizer. my dermatologist suggested Cetaphil daily facial moistuizer with SPF 15. I love it! (=
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