Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 30, 2009


This is the only topical gel that works to clear out my moderate acne. I have been using it for over 2 years. After extended use, leaves skin soft, clear, and smooth. No more pustules. I'm not antisocial anymore. Duac saved me.


Expensive. It used to cost me $50/month (a month's supply lasts me 6 weeks). Then I got it for $30 through Next Rx. It takes a while to kick in. You have to be patient and consistent. If your skin flares up, try putting on every other day first, then slowly increasing over time.

I recommend Duac gel to all of my friends. My brother uses it, I use it, and our acne cleared up. Nothing else seems to work. If you can't get Duac, try anything with benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin. That is the only combination that works on my skin. Check out my blog on this website, and you'll see how I tried DK's Regimen for 8 weeks and my later journey with Duac.
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December 23, 2009


It works for me, unlike Duac, Retin A, Aczone, Sulfacetimide (sp?), Neutrogena spot, salycic acid of any kind, AHA's, etc. My skin texture looks great in the light (I know you know what I'm talking about-that bright/shadowy light we hide from). Blackheads are gone...they just dry up and come out of my pores, acne scars fade faster, gel-like cream that spreads nicely, works fast (few days zits/cysts were already shrinking/drying up.


It dries the crap out of my skin! I have ALWAYS been afraid of moisturizers, but need one w/this stuff! I use the Suki balancing oil that controls oil and dryness...awesome stuff/haven't got one zit from it!

Try it for your stubborn acne that doesn't respond to the others. Use a moisturizer with it or your skin will dry/tighten and crack. This does get better after a couple weeks. My skin had a sandpaper texture, but since it was working on the zits, I stuck with it and love the stuff. I hope it keeps working...crossing fingers!
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December 19, 2009


Helped relieve acne.


Not terribly cheap, made me dry and sensitive to the sun, stopped working. Hard to find at chemists.

Like with other topical creams Ive tried, it helps, but stops working. So I'm having Blackmores B Vitamin Complex with Nature's Own Zinc (separate). And I'm getting more of Vitamin B5 (separate), because the B5 in the complex is too low, should be having like over 500mg a day of B5 at least to get rid of acne. And I'm waiting on my order from SkinB5 for the cleanser, moisturiser and mask.
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December 17, 2009


Works quickly ( afer approx a few weeks use )
Easy to apply and unscented


Can cause a little dryness and itching on sensitive skin

This stuff is pretty good. I have suffered from moderate / severe acne on my face for several years now and have tried many antibiotics and topical lotions. None of these worked. Eventually i went onto Roaccutane which although worked, was a little over the top and powerful. Since my acne broke out acne I though I would give Duac a go. After only 2-3 weeks use I am already starting to see some progress.
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December 17, 2009


Helps dry out and reduce pimples. Also minimizes the appearence of pores.


Dries out skin, feels pasty at times, Expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I use this in the morning after I shower. It is nice to put on the face in the morning time. If paired with a good moisturizer, you can't really feel it working. I moisturize about two minutes or so after putting Duac on. The only bad thing is that sometimes, it feels pastey when you put it on. It has never bleached anything of mine...
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December 15, 2009


My pimple dries quickly and even the scars


redness and itchy

I like this product a lot though its expensive for an acne gel but believe me... it works!
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December 14, 2009


Clears up blemishes and really does reduce acne. It is very important though to use a mild face wash such as cetaphil. I was using one containing cylisic acid and it wasn't getting better until I switched.


Will dry out skin. Using a good moisturizer is very important. Slight redness, the redness seemed to go away though. Depending on how bad your skin is infected when starting this you may break out worse. This gel goes deep to retrieve bacteria.

Stick with it for at least 2 months then decide if your skin has improved. Mine got much worse at first b/c the medication was getting all the bacteria out. Once your skin starts clearing up stick with it. Taking a break from using it is really bad.
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December 14, 2009


got ride of my cysts on my forhead in like 1 WEEK or less that i can remembre...also improved marks and scabs fell off within 2 days :D


dried out my face a little but hardly at all...and id rather have a bit of dry skin then pimpless :}

i was about 12 years old when my docter percribed this for my face and well it worked amazing. and about 2 months of useage i stopped it and my face kept clear for about another year or so. Then i started getting moderate acne but wasent half as bad as what i had before, though it still bothered me so i went back to the docter to get some more and i forgot the name of the cream so i told her the white cream and then she said she new what i wanted. WEll she didnt lol she gave me the wrong cream.The cream she gave me was clindosol and it never really worked as well as benzaclin..also i still thought i was using the benzaclin lol Now im 16 with moderate acne still..and its gotten kinda worse then it has been in the last year. I would only get maybe 1-3 pimples on my face now its just bad So when i was cleaning the other day i found the bottle that the benzaclin came in and i read it and well i was kinda PISSED though kinda relieved xDso imma go get the right cream and see if it works xD
December 13, 2009


Works fast, consistently clears skin (effect doesn't fade the longer you use it), quick and easy to apply. Fragrance free, and comes with a great facewash, SFC (soap free cleanser). Great for sensitive skin.


Can bleach clothing, semi-expensive ($25/tube, but lasts a few months)

STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT! I have been using it for years, I still get some minor spots, but Duac has helped my skin more than any other acne product I've tried! I really do love it. If you have problems with looking oily after using it, try getting some of those Clean & Clear oil absorbing sheets (they have generic brands too at CVS that are a dollar cheaper). They are awesome!
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December 11, 2009


i tried pro active for the whole summer and saw minimal results..i finally went to the doctor got a prescription for duac topical gel..in a week i have no visible pimples, just marks. i use the sfc lotion and the gel in the morning and night


my nose is a little dry. but hardly noticeable.

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