Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 28, 2008


Works FAST.


dries out skin terribly. Expensive

Ive had acne since the end of my Junior year and high school, and I am currently in my first year in college. I started using proactiv, which kind of works..but not for anything more than light acne..My acne got REALLY bad over the summer this year, there was no clear area on my face. I went to the doctor who prescribed me Retin-A. I used it for 2 months, and my face got a lot worse. I decided to go see another doctor, who prescribed me Benzaclin and Doxycycline, and I have been on it for 2 days, and it has significantly, SIGNIFICANTLY reduced my acne. Its a miracle product i hope it continues to work like this. I highly reccommend it.
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September 28, 2008


Duac gel has worked pretty decently for me so far. Have had few if any cystic pimples form since i started.


Very drying, Expires fairly quickly

I'll continue using duac for the time being. I had been trying differin for about a month and couldnt stand the initial breakout so i switched to duac. The product doesn't do a whole lot in clearing acne marks but most definitely drys out your pimples and helps stop the formation of new ones. the only major con is that duac dry's my skin tremendously. I'm thinking about going to just a night application instead of morning and night. overall I would recommend giving it a try.
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September 27, 2008


It does clear up the skin, it may take a little while though. Better than most creams.


Dries out your skin, and bleaches everything!!!! Expensive without insurance!

I have had bad acne since I was 12, it hasn't gone away. I started using this when I was about 12-17 and it did wonders. My face started to get worse...because my face built up immunity to the product. I got off of it and have been on other creams and pills. However, looking back at pictures my acne was amazing then! I'm considering getting another prescription for it soon. Im going into college and need something I can COUNT ON!
September 25, 2008


Works fairly quickly. Gets rid of annoying blemishes. Doesn't burn on application and dries quickly. No smell.


EXPENSIVE... wouldn't even consider it without insurance... even with insirance it's still 50 bucks. I wish it didn't have a 3 mo exp, because sometimes I'm not done with it by then and I gotta toss it.

September 23, 2008


It completely works within 2 weeks, saw improvement in days. Perfectly clear


During Hot months it should be kept cool. I belive it shouldn't get over 65-70 degrees.
Also, I'm 28 and shouldn't be using benzoyl because it prematurely ages skin.

Clear Skin. I love how it works
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September 16, 2008


Well i just began using it and it seems to decrease the size of acne and eventually disappear. I still do not know how long it takes tough to get rid of a cyst. How long will it take for my skin to get clearer than my butt cheeks?



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September 15, 2008


This product immeadiatly reduces redness of pimples and zits. I notice a huge difference overnight.


If you pop the zit then put the cream on it, it leaves you a huge red scar that lasts for days.

I recommend you use benzaclin as long as you can give it time to work so you dont end up popping your pimples everyday and go to school looking like rudolph.
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September 14, 2008


Cleared up most of the spots, effects can be seen relatively quickly (after about 3 weeks)


dries out skin a little but moisturiser helps, still have a few spots

My acne was very stubborn before my doctor put me on duac but it began improving slowly when I started using it. I still have a few spots but there are definitely fewer of them and can be covered up with concealer whenever I go out. I find that it makes the skin around the spots peel a little at first but nothing serious. I apply moisturiser to them after I've washed off the duac and it works fine and doesn't plug the pores. Definitely give this one a go.
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September 11, 2008


Worksgreat,I am 32and this is the only thing that has every cleared up my skin and has kept it that way for over a year.


Pretty expensive and the insurance hassles you after a while as to why you need to use it for an extended period of time.

It's worth it! $186 w/o insurance and $20 w/insurance.
September 10, 2008


Works really fast...my flare ups were practically gone overnight!


Bleaches your towels so be sure to wash your hands really well after applying. I only sleep on white pillow cases now that I'm using the cream, otherwise it will bleach your sheets.

Love it!! I don't have chronic "acne", I just had my dermatologist prescribe me a medication as I tend to get flare ups when I'm stressed out. I'm getting married in 2 months and I don't want to have to worry about having a pimple on my wedding day! This stuff works great, I would recommend it to anyone