Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 24, 2007


it works!! ive had it for about 2 months, and it has definately helped my skin. yes, it does slightly dry your skin, but i think that is good because it keeps your skin from being very oily. plus.. all you need is a oil-free moisturizer and your set!


no cons darling

yah it works, use it! yes it costs a lot but its worht it
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November 21, 2007


this stuff worksssssssssss


its pricey but who cares as long as acne is gone

this stuff started to work from Day 1 and after 2 weeks, all my acne was gone.it also helps to fade off black spots...its worth the price.the only thing that happened is that i stopped using it because i tot i wont get anymore ance....then i started to use another cream....i had pimples all over my face..i started to use benzaclin again but it didnt work....im jus going to go 2weeks widaut using any acne medication den il go back on benzaclin.i know it wont disappoint me
November 19, 2007


this is the acne exterminater


dry face but shows its working

this sh*t works..i did clearasil, clean & clear, proactive, and murad and a whole bunch of other sh*t with 2 days my face stopped making those huge zits and cysts now ive been on it
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November 16, 2007


It really works, I've tried so many different products that have never worked. As soon as I applied the product you could feel a difference. It only took me a week to notice a huge difference.


Dries out your face....but not for long. Its worth it!

I didn't have to pay anything w/my insurance plan, so its free for me:-)
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November 15, 2007


OVER NIGHT RESULTS. really cleared up my acne. wasnt THAT bad in the first place but helps with period zits. Its cheap for me, 18$ for a 3 month supply


Really dried out my face with use of moisturizer but not for long.

November 6, 2007


Works great, you see results right away! It's covered by my insurance plan so I'm not sure of the cost in my area.


A bit drying at first - my skin is very oily so this isn't a problem (in fact, I use it along with another drying product, Brevoxyl cleanser), but even with my skin there was some flaking at first.

I absolutely love this stuff. I am 39 and have suffered from very oily skin and cystic acne since I was 16. Every so often I try to go without it but the whiteheads, blackheads, and cysts pop right back up. This product has an impact right away and it's great to see it reduce even stubborn cysts.
November 3, 2007


I've only been on the med with my sis for 4 days and my face is much clearer. No redness or itching or any side effects but I am using a non-oil based sunscreen (Eucerin) for moistrue and protection.



It's the only medication thats worked for me in years. I've tried every over the counter product for a prolonged time. I've tried oral antibiotics ,Tretinoin cream and even Proactive to no avail. I am very thankful my doctor prescribed this to me and my sister and we are both just amazed as to how well its been working. I've had acne for four years now and in four days my face has been seemingly revitalized. I recommend this to anyone with stubborn acne, it may be a tad expensive but it will save you face value in the long run ;p
October 25, 2007


Works very fast. Overnight is the best time to use.


A little burn and face gets hard. And price is 20 bucks.

Use it if you're desperate
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October 17, 2007


I noticed a significant reduction in breakouts within about one week of using Duac. I didnt find the smell offensive and I found it affordable (roughly £7 on British NHS scheme)


If I miss an aplication I notice more spots the next day!

After over 10 years of mild-moderate acne (mainly around my jawline and lower cheeks) I felt I had tried everything (lots of topical treatments, oral antibiotics, and various contraceptives) I went to see my doctor with the aim of trying Roaccutane (a last resort!). When he prescribed another lotion I was disapointed but gave it a whirl anyway. I am very pleased to say that Duac has been very effective. My breakouts have been reduced by around 70%. I really felt my confidence was at an all time low...and this treatment has really changed things. I am not completely spot free, but like many other acne sufferers I have accepted I probably never will be. However I would recomend this treatment for anyone like myself who doesnt want to jeopardise their health by constantly taking pills.
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October 9, 2007


First topical medication that's worked wonders for me within the first 2-3 days of use.

I've tried Metro Lotion, Differin, etc and nothing has even compared. Metro Lotion is way too greasy and Differin was much too intense for me.


Costly, I paid $160 because my insurance doesn't cover it.

It also can make your skin dry, but I apply Cetaphil moisturizer over it at night.

After having moderate acne for the last 10 years and trying everything under the sun, I am so thrilled that I found a doctor that knows what he is doing. He put me on Amoxicillin antibiotics and Duac and my face has seriously cleared in the last 4 days. I don't have one pimple left. It's a miracle. I wish I had this regime 10 years ago.