Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 10, 2010


At the second to sixth week,where ever i applied it, it made me break out in a lot of cyst pimple and new acne, especially in places where i usually don't break out. I looked worse than before and i was angry. it took me seven weeks just right when i was going to give up on this topical antibiotic, within three days with this thought, I have only two active acne now. My face has cleared amazingly except that the red post acne marks & deep tiny zit.


the first few weeks will make u break out more than ever and u may scar and have red marks.

it works and give it time. I should of used this a long time ago. i've been on it for two months now and it finally is clearing me up and i hope no more new break outs will occur so that my past red marks can heal and clear.
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May 25, 2010


-Best topical for clearing up acne EVER.
-cleared up small forehead bumps as well as whiteheads on my cheeks and big inflamed pimples.
-helps oily skin


You need a very good mosturizer.

This REALLY works!!! Cleared up my skin 99% when paired with doxycycline. Your skin will be crusty at first (and I'm oily) so you'll need an awesome moisturizer. The only problem is the more mosturizer I used, the less effective benzaclin was.when mosturizing, focus on your dry areas like around your mouth, chin, eyebrows, etc. I REALLY like the Beauty Without Cruelty oil-free mosturizer because it doesn't sting or leave your skin oily. Make sure you moisturize AFTER you use the benzaclin and not before. If you're really desperate to find a cheap moisturizer, try Neotrogena Sensitive skin oil-free. It takes away the crustyness and doesn't sting, but it leaves an oily residue. Cetaphil and CeraVe don't work with benzaclin, and tend to give you pin-sized whiteheads. Good luck!
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May 16, 2010


This product cleared up my skin(which at the time was breaking out horribly) within 2 days. Not completley but a great improvement! Didn't dry out my skin, but I think that's because of the warm environment so it may be different for you.


Went to the beach today and my face was totally sunburnt! Ow! Use high SPF, I used 50 and my face looks like a lobster at the moment.

Fantastic! I can go out in public without wanting to hide my horrid skin! It was fast acting! Just remember that sunscreen! :D
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April 2, 2010


Balances skin if you are very Oily/Combination



I have extremely oily skin that can be flaky at the same time if I use the wrong products. I have been using Benzaclin in the mornings for two years and have seen amazing results. I put Benzaclin on in the morning first and then add a little Boscia moisturizer around my nostrils and other areas that are prone to dryness. I also use Tazorac three times a week at night. It is known to dry skin very quickly but I put moisturizer on first and then add the tiniest pea size amount of Tazorac. Sometimes these topical ointments are too powerful alone and the addition of a light non-oil based moisturizer can do the trick. I can still get a bit oily during the day, but my cystic acne has stopped. But keep in mind that oil can be great. You age much more slowly!
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March 27, 2010


~Clears up skin
~Makes pimples less red


~A LOT of flaking
~Dry Skin

I have been using this cream for about... 4-5 months. It's really effective. I used to have acne all over my forehead and a bit on my cheeks and some on my nose. I just used it in those areas and put it over all the spaces. I used it once every day in the evening after i washed my face with a random cleanser o_O (before this i used The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil stuff) The next morning i would wash my face and not put anything on it. The only problem is that your face FLAKES SO MUCH. mostly from my forehead and cheeks where the flakes flake... Especially after a shower, after my face dries, my face is all flakey and kinda reddish. If i were to rub my forehead a little bit, then the layer of flakes could cover a 10cm squared piece of paper. o_o I was like OMG. So after that i used moisturizer about 5 minutes after i put the cream on. That helped alot. i used Aveeno daily moisturizer. (unscented though i don't think that has to do with anythin o_O) After i've used it for 3 or so months, my face was completely CLEAR. The day i woke up i was like OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T anyway it was great! SO JUST USE IT!!! My friend gave me the leftover bit of her bottle but it was her mom who actually recommended it to me o-o. USE IT.
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March 20, 2010


I have only been using this product for two days and it has completely cleared up my skin already... some faint spots are still there but i bet they will be gone by tomorrow !!! love it!!


my skin has been a little dry but i have been mixing it with moisturizer at night and that seems to do the trick ... also i apply moisturizer after i get out of the shower in the morning

ITS AMAZING....i hope it always works like this and is not just a new thing good thing lol ... my Dr. swears by this stuff though
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March 13, 2010


The product helps stop the oil on the surface of your skin and you will be able to see a significant difference with your active pimples in less than 1-2 days of using it.


May dry out your skin if u use more than a dime sized amount.

It may also be expensive if your insurance doesn't cover the cost.

I'm 23 and I've had acne since I was about 15. I've used everything from home remedies to lazer treatments and other topical medications but none worked as good as this. I've only been using it for a few days now and I am already seeing improvement (skin is not oily, no new pimples formed, and reduction of existing pimples). For those who have given up hope, it doesn't hurt to try!
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February 27, 2010


works well with controlling oil and maintaining a clear face


it just maintains not fixes. without it my face freaks out and with it i get to have normal acne

great but if you have severe acne look into adding something else along with it. great for oil control though.
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February 9, 2010


Best acne product I have ever used. Cleared almost all my current acne and prevents it from comming back. I have only had 1 breakout in 4 months and it was cleared within 3 days.


Dry skin, ask your doctor which face lotion to use. It also takes about a month to really start working.....well worth the wait though!

Great product that's well worth the price. Wash your face before using to get best results.
January 13, 2010


works extremely well on active acne very quickly, fades redness from acne scars quite well, not too expensive with insurance


face gets extremely dry, had some experience with swelling last time I used it

This is by far the best acne medication I have ever used. I broke out really badly last year to the point where my skin didn't even feel real anymore. I searched on the internet and tried all sorts of different products and methods of clearing up my acne but nothing worked like Benzaclin. When I first started using it, my face swelled up quite a bit. After about a week, I noticed a significant improvement in acne, although it was still really bad. I used it consistently for a few months and my acne COMPLETELY cleared up. The only thing left was red marks which cleared up after another month or two with continued use of Benzaclin. My face was completely clear for months. I broke out again recently (might be from too much sun exposure during summer with little/no protection) and for some reason I decided to try random treatments that ended up not working. Again I got Benzaclin from my doctor and it's been a week now and it's almost completely cleared up. Red marks are also fading very quickly. BENZACLIN IS MY SAVIOR!!
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