Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 22, 2009


cleared SOME pimples.



at first, it was good, but after a while, i got big pimples. the whiteheads, were going away. i don't have blackheads so i don't have to worry about that. i used this in the morning, and differin at night. lately, i put this on, and put panoxyl on the big pimples. but it left black marks. thank GOD for makeup. i think its effective. i'm taking oral meds too now. i'm taking erythromycin. it's my first day and my stomach is killing me.
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March 2, 2009


Dermatologist recommended. Easy to get ahold of. Cleared up my acne pretty nicely the first time i started using it.


stopped working after a while. dried out my face

this product worked the first time i used it for a couple months. next time my skin started breaking out, i tried to use it, and saw no results. not sure if i got used to it or what. plus it is expensive. but i think for some people it can really work. give it a try
February 20, 2009


Skin looked great for first month.


Greatly worsened acne after one month.

I had to stop using the product after a month b/c my entire face was red, irritated and bumpy. I am now using ProActiv although my face isn't totally cleared up as of yet. I'm 27 and this is making me insane. I've never had skin like this in my life!
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February 18, 2009


Completely cleared up my daughter's skin pretty fast, probably within a couple weeks. Her skin was back to being as beautiful as it was when she was little. She was 13 when she tried this product.


After 8 months of using this product her skin began breaking out in big, red bumps.

This product only plugs up the pores which in turn causes the big, red bumps eventually. The skin must be able to breathe and be exfoliated.
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February 12, 2009


Works on blackheads. Flattens most of those swelling pimples. Best used as on the spot treatment.


Doesn't prevent future acne; peeling and dryness; skin feels really tight; slight discoloration.

Get it if your acne isn't so bad. I think it'll work best on light acne.
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February 11, 2009


Quick results, the acne has been getting worse for the last few months but i got this stuff from my dermatologist and it started working almost immediately!


the PAIN!! it makes my face so dry that i can barely open my mouth to eat or smile. it also makes my face embarrassingly red

Get it, but don't use it too often! seriously it burns!
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February 4, 2009


it helped clear SOME acne fairly quickly( about a month or so) and left parts of my face flat and clear


i still had red spots where my acne used to be and still got breakouts on my jawline, and i have been on the product for 3 months.

It was a good clear up for bout a month. then it just stayed constant, didnt get rid of redness from old acne, and i still had a breakout that wouldn't go away on my jawlines. I paid 0.00$ with insurance. but it was going to be 150$
January 31, 2009


Works really fast.


Drys up face, works only for a short period of time, i think i've become immune to it. does not work in the long run.

January 7, 2009


Has been the one treatment that has cleared my acne the best.
Dries quick and I only spend $15 every 3 months on it!


My face is RED and I don't even apply is everywhere.
It has bleached my shirts and gotten on my pillow case.
Dries skin out but worse of all is redness so after multiple comments I stopping it and finding something else (My skin is very fair)

It works for some people's acne. Other people will find more negatives than positives. Try it, it won't break your bank account.
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January 4, 2009


Terribly dry skin, readness, itchyness, and price.


It clears up acne incredibly, after a week most of my acne has cleared off. Only product in two years that has cleared up my acne.
Proactive-made skin terribly worse
Clean and clear-didn't exactly do anythings, neutrogena-zero results

My doctor prescribed benzaclin along with retin-a... I wash my face with dove in the mornings and then apply a small amount of benzaclin on the acne prone area, I wait a while for it to dry and then apply Cetaphil lotion which includes sun protection. At night i wash my face again with dove for sensitive skin protection and wait half an hour and then apply retin-a. In the morning i wake up with redness on my face but for the most part its no bother because it makes the acne fade.
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