Zeno : Acne Clearing Device

209 Reviews

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November 19, 2011


stops cysts in their tracks!
great for hormonal acne
heat can feel nice
if it doesn't stop a zit, it'll reduce its lifespan


not an acne cure
refill cartridges are pretty expensive
you have to catch/zap the zit VERY early for this to be effective
does diddly-squat for whiteheads, blackheads, etc
you have to sit still for 2.5 minutes (harder than it sounds!)

This product will only be useful for sufferers of cystic acne. It will not work for garden-variety whiteheads, blackheads and pustules. The product literature is VERY clear about that, too. It's great for my hormonal acne, which manifests as big red cysts. The secret to success with this thing is ALL in the timing. You really have to catch the cysts before you can see them. If you've suffered from cystic acne, you know what I mean -- that day (or hours) before it rears up, but you can feel a painful knob beneath the skin and/or start to see some redness. That is the Zeno witching hour! I find that if I zap it then, there's a pretty good chance that sucker will never see the light of day (and if it does, its lifespan is days -- not weeks). Zeno recommends you zap the spot 2-3x/day. Another reviewer wrote that this is just something else for your toolbox -- couldn't have said it better myself. This isn't a cure, but it's a damn effective treatment! OK, now the bad: -- The unit itself is pretty pricy, but where they really get you is on the refills. The unit comes with a "tip" that has a set number of uses. Once you hit that limit, it won't work anymore and you must shell out $30 or whatever for a replacement tip/cartridge. If you chew through these quickly, it gets expensive. -- If you don't use it properly, it can leave a TEMPORARY mark. Properly means not smushing it into your face (which I'm totally guilty of) and instead lightly resting it on the pimple. I don't think using it improperly affects the results for better or worse, but the spot will be red for about an hour. Not a big deal if you're chillin at home. -- Each zap takes two-and-a-half minutes. It can be kind of hard to hold it in the right place for that long unless you're looking in the mirror the whole time, which gets boring All that said, this thing has saved my butt more times than I can count. Well worth it for me, and I have the "my skin respo
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April 9, 2008


I actually work for Walgreens and do not believe in selling anything I do not believe works. my son has been using the zeno and is very happy with the results!I have sold many zeno,s but it pays to be informed about the product .



Don,t expect instant results the same day keep daily regime and use the zeno per instructions!only ever had one returned through inpatience!!
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February 12, 2009


Affordable, works for my pimples and I'm very happy with the results.


Gullable me tried the ineffective sandwich baggy! It doesn't work!

I hate to admit it, but I honestly tried the good old hot compress (aka sandwich bag) technique..it made the zit feel better, but that was about it (the zit was still there the net day, just not as swollen). Zeno however made a noticeable improvement by the next day..you could hardly see the zit at all. I guess there is definitely something to be said for technology and zits that a hot washcloth can't control..probably the consistency of the heat??? Anyways, I don't care. Zeno works for me and that's all that matters.
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June 17, 2008


Recommended - it really does work



I just can't get over how well zeno works. I use it religiously every day, just like brushing my teeth and washing my face. It has already saved me from several "would be" huge, embarassing zits. I've tried other OTC products, but no matter how gentle they claim to be, they always dry out my skin and cause it to itch. Zeno does not have any chemicals, so it is a nice change.
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March 9, 2010


Works. Less reoccurrances of pimples in treated areas. Like the new lower priced Hotspot. Great price at $40.


Not a substitute for everyday face cleaning.

Works well if used correctly, BUT not a substitute for your normal every day skin care regimen. I use it WITH the acne.org every day skin regimen (I really like this too). And, when I get the occasional spot or two that sneak through, that is when my zeno takes over. A nice alternative for when good hygiene does not work.
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September 5, 2008


Works fast. Visible results within 24 hours.


They say it doesn't work on cystic acne - I don't know, this isn't the type of acne we have bee combating.

I bought this product for my 14 yr old daughter. Acne was visibly improved by the next day. My daughter likes to use this product, she says it just "makes the zits feel better". There is no discomfort from this product. I like that it is not yet ANOTHER chemical treatment.
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August 4, 2008


Kept me acne free during a really stressful time in my life! I'm so thankful!


My husband keeps stealing it.

Good at killing pimple bacteria. My favorite part is when you first apply the heat to the pimple..it feels so good, like getting into a warm bubbly bath! And the next morning, outcome is bye-bye blemish!
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October 16, 2008


I just love this device! It is the first acne product that I have used that actually WORKS on my cystic pimples!


Doesn't work on old scars, but it doesn't says that it does.

I've tried this acne device on every imaginable pimple, even ones it says it does not work on such as cystic. I don't care what the booklet says, it has been the only product I have found that works on my cystic pimples. I am writing here because I want people to know that it may help some other cystic pimple sufferers, like it did me.
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August 11, 2008


It really works (I actually bought Zeno Mini). Convenient and simple to use. Only $89, great price.


What cons? At $89, it is cheaper than proactive. Not a preventative or substitute to good hygiene/face washing, but doesn't claim to be.

What a WONDERFUL product! I actually bought the Zeno Mini, but I wanted to write about my experiences after seeing some dubious feedback on this site. The directions said to use it on new pimples, so I patiently waited a day or so for that to happen. I know this sounds weird, but I've never been so excited to get a pimple! Anyways, the first time I used it was a Friday night. It actually felt soothing on my skin. I was all prepared to use it again Saturday morning, but I didn't have to because the pimple had already faded to about the size of a tiny freckle. INCREDIBLE!!! It is so nice to find a product that just treats my persistent pimple spots WITHOUT drying out the skin on my ENTIRE face (or, drying out the "spots"). Plus, it really works! Zeno Mini is a win-win scenario. Easy on the pocketbook, and my face.
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June 27, 2008


My big pimple was completely gone the next day, and the same with others.



Unbelievable! I've tried everything and nothing ever works. Finally, a pimple product that actually does what it says it will. I would have bought it sooner had I known this!
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