Forum Replies Created

5 Months On Accutane And Having Some Issues

out of interest whats your accutane skin care routine? it might not be that your skin isnt completely immune from potentially pore clogging ingredients in your moisturizers which is causing the clogge...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Yunchang! Thanks so much for taking the time to do this blog. I have just read it from start to finish. I saw a dermatologist privately yesterday after being refused Accutane on the NHS (UK). The priv...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
Extremely Dehydrated And Oily Skin

two products have recently came onto the market that are PERFECT for this type of skin (i happen to be cursed with it too) "Eucerin® DermoPURIFYER Adjunctive Hydrating Care provides the skin with extr...

In forum Oily skin

10 years ago
Concealing Scarring As A Male Student

use a really full coverage product like la roche toleraine teint or vichy dermablend and dab it on kind of heavily over the problem areas (so you cant see through the makeup when you dab it on) and th...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

10 years ago
Johnsons Top To Toe...blistering Skin

Assuming youre in the UK so id like to reccomend the best regimen alternatives you can get here which are Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser and Cetaphil lotion. You can get them in boots/asda. A tad price...

In forum Store brand Regimen supplies

11 years ago
Hibiclens Ruined My Skin Please Help

Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser and Avene skin recovery cream morning and night and your skin will be back to 'normal' in less than 2 weeks. You'll still have acne but the dryness will completely disapp...

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago
Water Only/ Caveman Regimen

I got my acne clear using the regimen - I had face/body acne but quite severe back acne. I then started using only water and BP once a day on my back and it was still really clear. I then stopped usin...

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago
15 Year Old Female- Roaccutane Uk- Let's Do This! (Pictures Included)

  whats your skin care routine right now? and what was it on roaccutane? intrigued about the bio oil/cocoa butter. Could start clogging your pores as your oil production returns back to normal ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
Week #1

i had the EXACT same thing happen to me with the breakouts just under my jawline/neck - again it stopped as soon as i kept the BP away from there - just reinforces the irritation = acne theory because...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
15 Year Old Female- Roaccutane Uk- Let's Do This! (Pictures Included)

whats your skin care routine right now? and what was it on roaccutane? intrigued about the bio oil/cocoa butter. Could start clogging your pores as your oil production returns back to normal hence the...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
How Long Between Courses?

minimum time is 2 months but its entirely up to your derm

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Uk Moisturiser That Doesn't Sting After Bp/ Alternative Uk Jojoba Oil / 2.5% Uk Bp?

Duac is actually 5% as for your dryness - what cleanser are you using? you would be surprised at how much cleanser-caused dryness is blamed on BP. "water optional" non foaming cleansers are best - ce...

In forum Store brand Regimen supplies

11 years ago
Uk Moisturiser That Doesn't Sting After Bp/ Alternative Uk Jojoba Oil / 2.5% Uk Bp?

Duac is actually 5%   as for your dryness - what cleanser are you using? you would be surprised at how much cleanser-caused dryness is blamed on BP. "water optional" non foaming cleansers are b...

In forum Store brand Regimen supplies

11 years ago
Bp Rash Please Help!

Used Epiduo two nights ago on my face and my cheeks are covered in a red, scaly, dry, eczema-type rash. Clearly the BP dried my skin out bad. I've moisturised yesterday and overnight but it's not budg...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Beer Clears Acne

I dont think alcohol itself really has any effect on acne (that ive noticed) because even though its generally considered *bad* for you it doesnt really play much of a part in the formation of acne. I...

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago
Come on skin! Finished course

what were you using on your skin after your course finished and when the acne started to come back?

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago Moisturizer For Oily Skin?

I have oily skin and i cant use cetaphil during the day because my my pores literally push it back out and make my extremely oily skin about 10x more oily. The moisturizer is great because it...

In forum products

11 years ago
Switching To Accutane

Hey all, I've been doing the regimen for about three months now and have seen some great results in terms of whiteheads. However, I still get inflamed red pimples that have left more marks on my face ...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Going To An Important Event!but Can't Wear Makeup! Help!

Sounds like your lotion isnt quite cutting it - try something more intense like Aquaphor or cetaphil cream (in the tub) for a while to see if the dryness improves. Remove the makeup with lotion - gent...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

11 years ago
Bone Tumor From Accutane?

i think theres always going to be that tendency to blame any post-accutane health problems on the accutane when theres the likelihood you probably would have gotten those problems had you never taken ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
My Story (Not Ended, Not Even Halfway Through)

  Uhm, I don't know. I feel as if it's too late for that now. And I'm terribly afraid of getting another "huge" one if I stop using anything. Maybe I should upload some photos to make things even...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Hair Removal And Accutane?

what about threading? i always thought plucking would be fine since you arent really touching the skin

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
My Story (Not Ended, Not Even Halfway Through)

uh, have you tried using nothing again since it worked before?

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Think I'll Be Prescribed Accutane? (With Pics)

probably not just because your acne looks really mild in those pictures and there doesnt seem to be any scarring but every doctor is different. Just let them know how much its affecting you mentally a...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Fake Blood For Halloween!

you could just use plain red food colouring? it doesnt leave much of a residue but it will stain your skin for a day or 2 but if youre just gonna be dying in bed hungover the next day it wont matter t...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago