Forum Replies Created

In Serious Need Of A Good Moisturizer

well, i've heard even if you have oily skin it's good to moisturize. Mine is very dry. I am guessing from over washing from my facewash not to mention it has SLS in it, i was shocked.   Well ...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
In Serious Need Of A Good Moisturizer

Lately my skin has been a disaster, I've been trying new moisturizers for a month now ever since i noticed my skin just getting dryer and dryer.   I went into some research to the products I wa...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Jojoba Oil, Bad Breakout?

So, my skin was getting really dry and problematic a few weeks ago, which was about a month after I came off antibiotics for me skin (my skin was amazing before I came off them, but was damaging my he...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

11 years ago
Has Anyone Actually Been Successful With The Pill?

yes, no? okay..

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Has Anyone Actually Been Successful With The Pill?

All I've heard from people are that the pill has made their acne worse, worse if they stopped taking it, or hasn't worked at all? Which is really discouraging, I mean I thought perhaps it's more li...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Bumps, hives, bug bites, allergic reaction. What is it?

I doubt it's an allergic reaction, because you would have had them straight away when taking your medication. It may be a side effect of your medication, because as you can imagine it does mess with y...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Should I Go On The Pill?

Yasmin helped my acne (which is the same as Yaz with a longer period?). I hardly ever got any breakout at all. But it gave me weight gain and IBS. These symptoms disappeared after coming off it, but I...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Photos Of My Skin 🙁

My skin is quite similar to yours, usually have a worse breakout on one side of my face and a few on the forehead, I am also taking the same supplements as you! I know how you feel as it may be mild...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Should I Go On The Pill?


In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Should I Go On The Pill?

If it makes you feel any better, my doctor told me any birth control method with hormones can potentially cause blood clots and/or stroke but its a matter of your specific risks and your body.Having ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Should I Go On The Pill?

Hi, thanks. I think she did mention Yaz, I've heard mixed opinions on it. I don't know much about the different types of pills but I will be to sure to ask about it. I've heard it can cause blod clot...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Should I Go On The Pill?

hi, I've been to the doctor to discuss options about how to clear my skin, I had been on antibiotics and came off them because my body was just not having it anymore, and I'm breaking out horrendously...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Came Of Antibiotics, Scared About Breaking Out

Yeah, I have been breaking out as well. I suppose it is controllable, since my skin was in good condition when I stopped the antibiotics. However I am really hoping I stop breaking out soon. Unsure on...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Came Of Antibiotics, Scared About Breaking Out


In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Came Of Antibiotics, Scared About Breaking Out

Um quite awhile, I think since sometime last year, so maybe like 5 months or more? Not entirely sure, I was taken off them on and off quite a lot because I seemed to have reactions to almost all of th...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Came Of Antibiotics, Scared About Breaking Out

Hi, I start taking antibiotics quite awhile ago to help me with my skin obviously, I had quite bad spots, but I would have to say that my acne was never really absolutely horrendous, it was quite mino...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Wisdom Teeth Removal Antibiotics

Hi, I am on antibiotics for acne, I was on oxytetracline for almost 3 months and had to switch because I thought I was having an alergic reaction to it, but it turned out that was caused by something ...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Jojoba Oil Purging

I believe so, I had been using it to remove makeup, I am not sure it was the jojoba oil, but after using it did seem to bring out some spots in areas where there were small bumps before, which in a wa...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Biggest Mistakes People Make to Treat Acne:

I use products with have witch hazel & tea tree, but i heard they are good for toning and for spots? my skin is a bit dry, but If I am using a moisturizer it should tackle it right?

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Treat Acne From Within Or You Risk Making Things Worse.

Hi, great post. I am thinking that my diet is probably somewhat related to my acne, as it does seem the worse I eat, the worse It is. I am thinking of cutting out all sugary things, but of course...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Treat Acne From Within Or You Risk Making Things Worse.

Hi, great post. I am thinking that my diet is probably somewhat related to my acne, as it does seem the worse I eat, the worse It is. I am thinking of cutting out all sugary things, but of cour...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Biggest Mistakes People Make to Treat Acne:

It says here not to buy moisturizers with corn ingrediants, this simple anti blemish says it has corn starch in it, to mattefy or something, is that bad& should I not use it because of that?

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
For The Ladies...

This is so lovely, but I cant grasp it. Everyone tells me its really not that noticeable and people dont notice it, but whenever I get a breakout I womt leave the house.

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago