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Jojoba Oil, Bad Breakout?


Posted : 06/18/2013 5:15 am


So, my skin was getting really dry and problematic a few weeks ago, which was about a month after I came off antibiotics for me skin (my skin was amazing before I came off them, but was damaging my health)


Anyway, I am not sure if it's because I came off the antibiotics that my skin freaked out, because it wasn't THAT bad for the first few weeks that I was off them. But then I bought this product that I think really dried my skin out, BIG mistake, and since then I was trying to find something to fix my dry skin which brought me to try Manuka cream, but the had so many pore clogging ingredients and wasn't really moisturizing my skin to start with. Then I tried jojoba oil again, I remember trying to use it a while ago and stopped because I thought it was breaking me out, but couldn't be sure because back then my skin was a peak of badness, so I decided to try it now. I felt like it was working for the first few days, but my I dunno, my skin just seemed greasy not moisturized, but I continued using it anyway because I thought perhaps it was 'purging'.


HOWEVER for the past few days my skin has just been atrocious, I haven't had massive pimples for a long while, but they have been forming lately, and on my forehead, which I NEVER got spots on ever, only the occasional event. I thought it seemed like it was connected to the jojoba oil, but I am just so unsure, they do seemed like clogged pore type of spots.


Before I started trying out new products I was just using a Boots moisturizer, which never gave me problems and the Alpha Hydrox glycolic AHA lotion, which also never gave me problems and usually helped with my spots. I doubt it's either one of these products that are giving me trouble as I have been using them for ages now, and my skin was great.

Any help, please?


Posted : 06/22/2013 12:03 am

Specifically which AH lotion? The "Enhanced Lotion" is actually comedogenic for many people, myself included. It gave me little bumps that weren't even acne. The Alpha Hydrox Oil-Free Treatment is the way to go - great AHA treatment that won't clog pores.

As for a moisturizer, I doubt jojoba oil would be causing a breakout. How much are you using though? Personally, I use almond oil mixed with evening primrose oil as a moisturizer, but I only use 4 drops to cover my whole face. If you use a lot, it can end up clogging your pores and causing acne.

Out of curiosity, what cleanser are you using? I like Alpha Hydrox Foaming Face Wash. I also use Thayer's Cucumber Witch Hazel toner which helped my acne and oil production.


Posted : 07/25/2013 5:52 pm

Jojoba makes me breakout. I think it's something your skin has to get used to over time, however I don't need it because I have perfected my skin care regimen to never have dry skin even now on accutane :D
