Forum Replies Created

5 years acne free. My Regime!

Possibly but if I start to slip on the other steps then i do see small breakouts as my isotretinoin is such a low dose, so I feel the other steps help the isotretinoin to do its job as effectively as ...

In forum Adult acne

7 years ago
5 years acne free. My Regime!

I have posted on this site a few times but never actually posted my regime. I am a 29 year old male and had severe acne in the past but have now been acne clear for about 5 years (give or take a few s...

In forum Adult acne

7 years ago
Ive had acne for 16 years even after 2 rounds roaccutane

3 hours ago, pimple pimp said: dude what dose you take, and do you take it daily? i tried 40 mg daily for 3 weeks a year ago and it gave me a really nice glow and was clearing me up but sides ...

In forum Adult acne

7 years ago
Ive had acne for 16 years even after 2 rounds roaccutane

Well not sure where you are from but I'm in the UK where it seems to be slightly easier to get prescribed a low dose compaired to America. Also being male is easier as females have to be careful when ...

In forum Adult acne

7 years ago
Ive had acne for 16 years even after 2 rounds roaccutane

I have had three rounds of roaccutane and tried every product under the sun. I have finally had success with long term low dose roaccutane. Would that be an option?

In forum Adult acne

7 years ago
Long term low dose isotretinoin (accutane)

36 minutes ago, Turko said: hey, I've done a total of 5 treatments with Isotretinoin (Accutane) since 2008 and just like you, during these 5 times my skin was completely clean and perfect, b...

In forum Adult acne

7 years ago
Long term low dose isotretinoin (accutane)

I have posted about this a few times on this site but never my own thread about it. I am now almost 29 and have had stubborn cystic acne since about 14/15. Before i took my first course of roaccutane...

In forum Adult acne

7 years ago
Well I'm pretty much done.

@Thetwald i know how you feel man. I'm 28 and had acne since I was about 14. The only thing that has ever cleared my skin is roaccutane. I have been on three full courses but like you my acne is resis...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

7 years ago
How acne has affected my mental health

I'm a 28 year old male and this is how acne has affected my mental health. Iv had three 'full rounds' of roaccutane since I started suffering from acne at around 15. When my acne got severe when I wa...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

7 years ago
Life after acne/fear of acne returning

I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced what I have after they have finally became acne clear? I used to have pretty severe acne on my face but after a few rounds of accutane I have been ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

7 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Hi Pumpercrib! May I ask some questions? Was the 70 mg too high or too much at first? Do you think I really need to start at 70 mg per week and just drop the dosage after??? Or is the 20 mg per week ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Hey guys! Just thought I would post a wee update about my low dose accutane regime. I have now been on a low dose for about 1 year, 8 months. Started on 70mg/week dropping to 40mg/week then 30mg/week ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Hey, thanks! Hopefully it works as well for you to. I do still drink alcohol occasionally, but what I usually do is if I know I am going to be drinking alcohol that night then I will not take any accu...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Hey guys, not been on this thread or even the website is soo long so thought I would just do a wee update. It has been almost a year since I started my low dose accutane regime. I started on 10mg/day...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Good luck yunchang! I'm sure one day I will come of my low dose accutane regime as well but for now im going to stick with it. Let us know how you get on with the tretinoin and if you ever consider go...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Hmm good idea… I think my biggest fear is taking accutane and my skin getting worse! like doing the opposite! I heard aaccutane is primarily for cystic… but It may be something worth trying because ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Hey! Thats me been on a low dose accutane regime for about 2 months now (about 60mg/week), and have to say so far so good. I did have a couple of weeks at the start where I broke out but I think this ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
Anxiety/stress In Relation To Acne?

Was just wondering if anyone knew if there is a direct correlation between anxiety/stress and acne. can anxiety/stress really cause or inflame acne? I have heard people say there is a link but not sur...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Things Only People With Acne Will Understand!

geminirock19 - Yeah the dentist is bad as well but I usually just try blur my eyes when they show me the mirror in the dentist so I cant see my acne lol. Cant really do that for that long in a hairdre...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Things Only People With Acne Will Understand!

Going to get your hair cut and having to stare in a mirror and look at your skin for the entire time.

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Your skin looks perfect Yunchang! Been on my low dose accutane (10mg/day) for about a week and a half now, and I already feel my lips chapping and slightly dryer skin so its defiantly working! Broke o...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

So I have started on my low dose accutane regime. I have started on 10mg/day but hope to reduce this after a couple of months to 10mg every second day and then possibly even reduced further till I am ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Hey yunchang, was just wondering, with such a low dose accutane regime, do you still need to get blood tests every couple of months?

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
I'm Truly At Wits End. I Can't Live Life Anymore. Is This Hormonal? My Cheeks And Jaw Are Destroyed. Please Help Me, Warning Pictures

Dude, please take accutane! My acne was defiantly worse than yours and I was also at university. I couldnt take it anymore! It wasnt so much depression but anxiety my acne gave me, and anxiety is not ...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Ultra Low Dose Accutane Experiment

Hey yunchang! I am like you, I have had 3 courses of 'normal' accutane treatments! It works wonders every time but acne always seems to return. I finished my 3rd course about 5 months ago but im so an...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago