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Anxiety/stress In Relation To Acne?


Posted : 02/12/2014 8:20 am

Was just wondering if anyone knew if there is a direct correlation between anxiety/stress and acne. can anxiety/stress really cause or inflame acne? I have heard people say there is a link but not sure whether this is a myth or not. If it is related then its a shame because it would kind of form a vicious cycle as I find having ance can cause stress and anxiety which surely would make the acne worse.


Posted : 02/12/2014 10:05 am

yeah i do believe it makes it a lot worse and sometimes i think it can even cause it. a few times in my life when i have been under crazy amounts of stress i broke out in some bad cystic acne just out of the blue when my skin was totally clear and then other times when i was already breaking out and under a lot of stress it made it so much worse. its hard though everybody says not to stress but when you are breaking out its just almost impossible.

what i do is i make sure i run at least 5 days a week that really helps to calm me down and get rid a lot of that nervous energy and it helps to clear out those toxins in your body. i listen to my favorite music or get into a good tv show on netflix just to avoid looking in the mirror and to shift my focus to something else. i also drink a lot of green tea it just helps me to calm down and relax a bit.


Posted : 02/12/2014 10:48 am

I've never experienced this at all. I think it's only a "correlation" like many things thought to aggravate acne.

I've been in major emotional upheaval in the last few weeks, sobbing everyday, throwing fits and suffering from debilitating panic attacks yet my skin is the best it's ever been in my life!

So many of these suggested "causes" are just unfounded or marginal/minimal in their influence on your skin.


Posted : 02/12/2014 11:24 am

I think severe stress may have triggered my cystic acne to begin with, about 10 years ago. I had a terrible first semester of first year university and developed cystic acne after never having acne before. I've had it ever since so I think I was always prone to acne. I haven't found that bouts of stress since then have made it any worse, though.
