Forum Replies Created

Increase spiro dosage and increased oil

Hi all, ive been on spiro 100 mg for about 2 years. Recently my derm suggesting adding 25 mg to total 125 mg per day. Ive been on this added dosage for about 4 weeks and I've noted more oil! My face ...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
Different generic seems not to work

I was only ever on Yasmin name brand. First time on...I honestly do not recall! Sorry. I know it worked dramatically Bc for the 7 years I was on it I used nothing else! Went on after my daughter was ...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Different generic seems not to work

Yes...mine did though I had to pay 40 per month for Yasmin. It was worth every penny though!

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Different generic seems not to work

My obgyn told me to take name brand only, especially for acne. She said there are slight changes that can cause issues if you are sensitive.

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Needing help

Well, for me, pregnancy made my acne vanish. My skin was perfect and stayed that way almost a year after.

In forum Adult acne

8 years ago
Initial breakout with Spironolactone?

I was on a low dose of minocyclin when I started spiro and later bumped up in dosage. I did not have a breakout...and I do not think it was Because of the mino. 9 days ago I increased my dosage from 7...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Just started Yasmin - initial breakout right away.

The first time on I didn't have any breakout. Went off to have a baby and when I went back on after nursing I broke out in smaller pimples in literally the second or third day. I had zero pimples pri...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Just started Yasmin - initial breakout right away.

The same happened to me.

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Spironolactone advice

bumped up to 100mg three days ago. My skin has been pretty dry overall, though more oily during the week before my period. I'm hoping the move to 100 will help. Endo did blood work and called me to ...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
I'm Baaaack! Spiro Journey Continues 🙂 Upped Dosage from 100mg to 125mg 2 years in

Hang in there. I know just how you feel.

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Just started Spiro, terrified of side effects!

Hi there. I started Spiro in March of 2015...50mg. I went to 75 in June and just increased to 100 this week. I was on minocyclin when I first started and increased to 50 and I didn't have a flare. I'v...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Spironolactone advice

Here's what is bizarre for me. I've always had normal periods and ovulated. Acne began with my period and I typically had worse acne during ovulation. I went on Yasmin at 26 and my acne stopped. Like ...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Spironolactone advice

did you stop the bcp and add the spiro at the same time or add the spiro prior to stopping bc? I'm thinking of stopping bc too, because honestly I wonder if it's just making things worse.

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Spironolactone advice

Yes...I do get smaller pimples now vs sore inflamed ones. When i do breakout, I am getting these clusters of small red pimples on my lower cheek/jaw area. I didn't have an ib when starting or bumping...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Spironolactone advice

Hi there... I could really use some advice. I'm almost 40 and so sick and tired of my skin. I have been on Orthocyclen for over a year and 75 mg of Spironolactone since June. I have great months and r...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Stopping Birth Control While On Spiro

Anyone have insight on this?

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
I'm Baaaack! Spiro Journey Continues 🙂 Upped Dosage from 100mg to 125mg 2 years in

Thinking of you and hoping you are having a good day.

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
I'm Baaaack! Spiro Journey Continues 🙂 Upped Dosage from 100mg to 125mg 2 years in

hi there. Just wanted you to know that I can relate to you and understand all you are saying. I've battled with my skin since adolescence (I'm now almost 40). I had times of clear skin, due to Yasmin ...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Spironolactone and hearing loss

About 10 years ago I suddenly became totally deaf in my left ear. I was diagnosed with sudden sensorineural hearing loss. The cause is unknown and the condition is pretty rare. At the time of the los...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Varying spironolactone dosage over menstrual cycle

I have been in orthocyclen for over a year and 75 mg of spironolactone since March. Ive seen improvement. Some months I continue to breakout mid cycle (usually between days 17-21). I do have both PCO ...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Trouble With Epiduo

I have used epiduo for about 11 months. I think it helps minimally. My acne is hormonal and I also take 75mg of spironolactone. Things improved but still not clear. Considering adding more spironolact...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Differin vs tretinoin

I've been on differin .3 for three months. Still getting some small pimples and some that last for weeks or months. Is it worth switching to retin a micro? Or should I consider increasing my dose of s...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Spiro Maintenance Dose? +Question About Veins!

I'm not sure I can help with your question, but I having been dying to know the answer on the reverse. I am currently on 75mg of spironolactone and have been since July. I still get small pimples. Som...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
So Very Tired Of This.

Yes, I'm tired of this. At 38 I thought I might at least be on the other side of the battle. I have had acne of varying degrees since the age of 10. I have read all there is to read, I have gone to su...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone...increased Sex Drive And Crazy Pms

Strangely, I was on yasmin for 6 years and it was the only thing to clear my skin. I went off to get pregnant, back on after and it worked again. After my last child, it didn't work. I also started de...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago