Forum Replies Created

Coconut Oil and Burning Face

I got this too when I tried using straight up oils as moisturizers before, I think I used safflower oil or something. I think coconut oil has some comedogenic properties to it also, I think you could ...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Do you think this is accutane worthy?

I genuinely think what is deemed "accutane worthy" really depends on the individual. Some people have mild and persistent acne that they take accutane for if it doesn't respond to anything else. You h...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Found moisturiser my skin can finally tolerate, but comedogenic ingredients?

1 hour ago, DeLovely said: Trial and error and making mistakes is how we learn to be our own best skin experts. A derm can make educated guesses but we know our skin best. At worst, you'll be n...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

8 years ago
Found moisturiser my skin can finally tolerate, but comedogenic ingredients?

It's "Olay moisturising cream for sensitive skin" I was looking at like 140 reviews on amazon for the lotion (which also has that as the 6th ingredient) and out of the entire 140 reviews not one said ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

8 years ago
Found moisturiser my skin can finally tolerate, but comedogenic ingredients?

Hey! I finally found a moisturiser that my skin can actually tolerate without getting red and making me feel like my face is going to burn off. I have seriously bad allergic skin. The only issue is, ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

8 years ago
Should I cleanse with Cerave Hydrating Cleanser once or twice a day?

14 hours ago, Markisman said: I have normal to dry skin and still get flakiness on my forehead due to being new to Epiduo. I also have mild acne. I don't like to add too much moisturiZer in the...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Info about my condition

39 minutes ago, Levan said: Hi guys i hope you can help me with my problem. I dont know if this are acne scars or what are skin is acctually pretty smooth but as you can see its very r...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Has anyone noticed the cleanser smelling a bit weird lately?

Hey guys! I've been ive been using the cleanser for awhile now, and up until this batch it was fine. But I had got an order of two bottles of it and noticed after washing my face a couple t...

In forum products

9 years ago
Fall skin

Same here, my skin was getting better and then got worse in october. I think the weather change affects the skin Does anyone else's skin get worse during the fall, particularly in the November mo...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Fall skin

I notice my skin isn't a big fan of season changes, it tends to get a little crappy for a month or two, then tends to regulate. I know my forehead was particularly bad January and February, not sure w...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Does Eating Honey Cause Acne

Honey is low-moderate GI, and the glycemic load is really low.. so I don't see any medical reason why it would cause any acne? Unless you had some sort of sensitivity to it ahaha. Unless it was that c...

In forum Diet & holistic health

9 years ago
Can 'popping' A Pimple Lead To It Spreading?

Don't worry about spreading bacteria across the skin. I'm pretty sure it's a myth that this causes acne. Propionibacterium acnes (which is the bacteria that is linked to acne) is deep inside the pore,...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Can 'popping' A Pimple Lead To It Spreading?

Hello!   I was just wondering if you guys think popping a pimple can lead it it causing more acne in the surrounding area. I had a semi inflamed acne bump on my cheek.. I applied witch hazel, w...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Holes From Acne?

Hi Guys,   I had acne for a solid 4-5 years when i was a teengager, it has gone away but as left holes on my face especially my forehead. Here are some pics (it looks worse than it does on camer...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Was Sick For About A Month, Ate Like Crap (Pizza, Carbs, Etc), But Acne Completely Vanished

I quit drinking pop and caffeinated drinks years and years ago, yet my acne persisted.. actually my skin was pretty nice back then ahahah. I have noticed this sick skin phenomenon though! It could all...

In forum Diet & holistic health

9 years ago
Is This Keloid?

How long has it been since your resent infection with the virus? Those still look very active, and will dissipate with time. DO NOT mess with them, no itching no vigorous rubbing. Maybe apply some ver...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Claravis (Accutane) Log

A lot of accutane users see significant clearing around 12-16 weeks (month 3-4).. not seeing much happening at two months is normal! And you being on 80mg a day you will definitely see results eventua...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
How Long To Try New Products/washes Until You See Best Results?

  To me medicated acne washes never appealed to me since I'd just be washing the product down the drain. The reason topical treatments are so effective is that they stay on the skin. Even hou...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
How Long To Try New Products/washes Until You See Best Results?

To me medicated acne washes never appealed to me since I'd just be washing the product down the drain. The reason topical treatments are so effective is that they stay on the skin. Even hours after yo...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
See Yourself As More Than Your Acne!

"4. No one else see's my acne like I do."   Just wondering, why does everyone say this? People on here have said things like we're our own worst enemies, no one else notices our skin like we do,...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
See Yourself As More Than Your Acne!

It seems simple enough to someone that doesn't struggle with acne to believe these mantras, but it's honestly quite challenging when you're feeling self conscious to wrap your head around them.  ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
How Long To Try New Products/washes Until You See Best Results?

Yes, 2 months seems good.   I hope there are people here who can give you a more accurate answer. I haven't used a routine like this.   BTW, how long do you leave the scrub on? Thanks &n...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
How Long To Try New Products/washes Until You See Best Results?

  when beginning a new regime like this is it normal to have ups and downs? Yes, it's normal. Sometimes a new regimen will cause the skin to purge, which can take up to 3 weeks to surface. Bu...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
How Long To Try New Products/washes Until You See Best Results?

Hello!   So I recently switched up my regimen because my other one was just simply washing with a gentle wash and thats it.. it wasn't giving me the consistent skin I'm looking for.. Now I've b...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago