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See Yourself As More Than Your Acne!


Posted : 08/15/2015 7:06 am

I have started trying to consciously practice seeing myself as more than my acne.


This might seem like an obvious practice, or something that should come naturally; but for me it is defiantly not. Acne has given me a negative attitude towards my body. I feel as though my body has failed my in some way and is not functioning properly despite my efforts. But this attitude is unhealthy, and I have come to find the following positive thoughts have helped me feel a little more peaceful in times of acne-induced stress:


1. I am not my acne.

I have acne, yes. But it does not define me. In fact; it is really nothing to do with me at all! I am still every bit the human being I always have been.


2. My body is amazing.

The acne on my face does not stop me from being able to see, being able to hear, having arms and legs. Even my skin is amazing! It is doing a fantastic job of keeping all my organs inside my body just like it should.


3. Acne doesn't make me a bad person.

Having acne doesn't mean I can't strive to be the best possible version of myself. I can be kind and loving and empathetic. I can support my friends and have fun. I am just a tiny grain of sand on this giant planet, so imagine how small the acne on my face is, in the grand scheme of things.


4. No one else see's my acne like I do.

Back when I had perfectly clear skin, I had many a partner with acne. I still thought they were attractive, I still wanted them to think I was attractive. In fact, I was probably so preoccupied with some perceived flaw about my own appearance that I didn't even give their skin a second thought.


I know 'thinking positively' isn't going to cure anyones acne, and I know from experience that sometimes the hole you have got yourself into is too deep and too dark to be pulled out of. But I thought I would share these thoughts anyway, on the off chance that they help someone who has forgotten that they can be amazing, no matter how many pimples they have!


Posted : 08/15/2015 9:29 am

It seems simple enough to someone that doesn't struggle with acne to believe these mantras, but it's honestly quite challenging when you're feeling self conscious to wrap your head around them.


This is a wonderful post though, and if you keep affirming yourself with those then it will only be a matter of time before you completely believe them! (:


Posted : 08/15/2015 11:02 am

It seems simple enough to someone that doesn't struggle with acne to believe these mantras, but it's honestly quite challenging when you're feeling self conscious to wrap your head around them.


This is a wonderful post though, and if you keep affirming yourself with those then it will only be a matter of time before you completely believe them! (:

Hi Garrettryan,


I'm so pleased you like the post!


Yes, I realise these mantras are not a fix-all-solution to the problem; and I'm sure they're completely useless to some! But I have personally found myself feeling incredibly self conscious of my acne recently, particularly in social situations, and, although not always, sometimes a positive thought is enough to calm my nerves a little and help me see the bigger picture!


Posted : 08/15/2015 12:33 pm

"4. No one else see's my acne like I do."


Just wondering, why does everyone say this? People on here have said things like we're our own worst enemies, no one else notices our skin like we do, etc. when that's not true. I've been insulted by a countless amount of people over the years over my acne and people continue to bring it up in public out of nowhere.


I think its usually that a lot of acne suffers look under intense light in the bathroom at like 1 foot away from their face in the mirror, literally zoning into all these spots. Most people are conversation level away, and don't particularly focus in on every spot on your face.. When its something on ourselves we see it at a MUCH more critical level. Of course the acne is still visible, just people don't usually pay as much attention as the sufferer.


Also I'm sorry that you had to deal with people bringing it up, some people can really suck sometimes! D :

JLopez liked

Posted : 08/15/2015 5:52 pm

"4. No one else see's my acne like I do."


Just wondering, why does everyone say this? People on here have said things like we're our own worst enemies, no one else notices our skin like we do, etc. when that's not true. I've been insulted by a countless amount of people over the years over my acne and people continue to bring it up in public out of nowhere.

Hi Lucas89,


I'm sorry that this part of the post didn't resonate with you. I have experienced people saying hateful things about my acne as well.


I suppose what I meant by this was that, in my personal experience, someone having acne has not affected me being attracted to them, or liking/loving them as a person. I would suggest that the people who insult you about your skin are not people worth having in your life anyway.


So when I say "No one else see's my acne like I do" I am not saying that other people don't see my acne, as it is blatantly on my face, but how they choose to react to it (whether it's disregard or hatefulness) speaks more of their weakness of character than it does of my skin condition.


Posted : 08/16/2015 4:33 pm

I actually agree with no.4 since I know im my own worst enemy, 100 %. I know where all my bumps and marks are and I constantly stare at them (I have ocd). So yes for me personally I do see it "worse" than others, since most people tell me the can't see it..and I'm like "what but look at this bump and that mark and this spot coming in here.." once I physically point it out that's when they notice.


However my forhead is pretty shut the now and I know people can see it but they don't comment, thankfully. But i still do see it worse in my eyes.
