Forum Replies Created

Being The Friend With Acne 🙁

Hey! I feel you more than you know. I'm going into my junior year of college and acne in this environment is a mood killer to say the least. Everywhere I look people have flawless or near flawless ski...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
Need Some Support - Dating

Hi everybody, thanks for listening I'll try to keep it short! I've had acne for about 5 years now and right now it's better than a few years ago and I'm mostly struggling with a few nodules and lots o...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
Pocketderm?! Online Dermatologist And Subscription Service

I had a friend recommend it and said that it cleared her skin (she had cystic). I signed up for it and submitted pictures to the dr. They've given me my plan (the Pocketderm bottle w some specific ing...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Feeling Depressed (Vent)..

Hey love, I really feel for you because I was 15 when my acne started. I'm in college now and it's still here, it's tough. But hopefully I can help you some so that yours doesn't last so long. I don't...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
My Manuka Miracle

Yay! I want a sub for estrogenic Royal Jelly I was using, I will try this. I will try it with Tumeric, too! Awesome! Really hope it works for ya!! I've tried turmeric masks, but they've never done ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
My Manuka Miracle

thanks for sharing this, and congrats, I remember your posts and struggles over the years, SO GLAD something has worked for you!! tell me, does it help shrink active cysts for you (when you started a...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
My Manuka Miracle

Hi guys, I've waited to have clear skin to share this post with you all. I'll keep it short. I had severe cystic acne for ~3-4 years and it about drove me crazy, acne is so incredibly debilitating and...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Time To Address Acne My Scars

I agree with Tracy. Sorry to tell ya, but go live your life! You look great, the scars are barely visible, everyone's got something, don't waste your money or risk the chance of ruining your skin.

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Help! Does Anyone Have Suggestions For This?

I have been struggling with horrible acne for years now, it's driving me crazy. I have visited my doctor several times and was prescribed Erythromycin, I also tries using Benzoyl Peroxide treatments i...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
No Hope Anymore

Beginning of month 4 and my face just keeps getting worse. Even though it's hard to say, I don't think there is hope anymore. I am not mentally strong enough to spend the next few years like this.. I ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
I Don't Know If I'm Strong Enough

Hey everyone. I've been so very down lately about my acne and I figured it would be better to talk to people who actually know what I'm going through as opposed to my friends and family, none of whom ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
But We Were Beautiful People Once!

How it is like - Abandon a house, tear apart all connections - physicals and metaphysicals. How it is like - follow the sun? Go forward, never look back. How it is like - when you can be free, you can...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
Severe Acne On Face - Won't Go Away.

Hey Sarah, I know how you're feeling but don't give up!! My acne was horrible and I've been able to control it in the last month, I'm almost clear and I've had it for 3 years so it's not easy, but not...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Grape Seed Oil

I use it as a moisturizer and I love it. But that's all I've ever used it for. Good luck! Thanks!

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
College, What Do I Do?

Thanks everyone for all the advice!

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
Grape Seed Oil


In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
College, What Do I Do?

Then over the active spots try a tinted cream, like Margarite Zinc cream, okay there is only one shade but for me it's a pretty good match - I just dab a little tiny bit over the bright red active mar...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
College, What Do I Do?

Goodness, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I really appreciate all the responses. I've tried the regimen a while back and It did help a lot but not in the long run, I still have som...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
College, What Do I Do?

Hi everyone. So I'm starting college in 29 days and I'm FREAKING OUT. Everyone in college has clear skin, it's a problem of the past and it's ridiculous that I'm still dealing with this. Most of my cl...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
Grape Seed Oil

Hi everybody! I've been a member for about two years but hadn't used my original account in a few months and forgot my password so had to make this one. Has anyone had luck with grape seed oil? I'd ...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Don't You Hate It When...(Pet Peeve)

I completely agree with all of you. In the last few years the whole world population seems to be against girls wearing makeup, you hear it everywhere, and it's quite annoying. It'd be wonderful to hav...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

11 years ago