Forum Replies Created

How Easily Are Scars Removed?

From what I understand areas that have less volume like forehead and nose are the hardest to treat.

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Prp Injection

Are you getting the injection only? Because I always thought that prp injection was more like an enhancing treatment followed by lasers. Lots of clinics here in Seoul offer it combined with some ablat...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Epiduo Working..?

I'm not saying its guaranteed but they are your best shots. Try needling first because its the cheapest and go from there.

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Epiduo Working..?

Unfortunately no product will make those scars go away, trust me. You are lucky to only have rolling scars, which are the easiest to treat.

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
If You Got Scars...please Read

That is awesome man. Actually I had been thinking about adding it to my skin regimen but I just kept forgetting lol I will surely buy one after reading this. Can you tell me which product you are usin...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Epiduo Working..?

Epiduo or any other topicals won't do anything for your depressed scars. Those seem like rolling scars to me, I recommend you look into surgical procedures, such as subcision.

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Things I've Learned In My Acne Scar Journey

I too have small but numerous scars only on my cheeks and my self-esteem is pretty much non-existent due to them. (sigh) I hear good things about intracel and am thinking of going in for a consultatio...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Help Me Fix My Scars (Pictures)

scars? I don't see any scars except some enlarged pores on the area next to your nose. Your skin is pretty fabulous for a guy. But hey, it's all relative.

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Peeled Acne Scab

just make sure you use sunscreen and it will fade in no time

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
How Many Days Does Redness Stay After Dermarolling Session? [Urgent]

I too think that redness lasting for weeks isn't normal. I use 2.0mm dermastamp and I stamp very intensely as in blood dripping down my cheeks. The redness subsides in a couple of days and almost comp...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Does Derma Roller Work

Which needle length do you use? I use the 2mm one and every time I stamp I go pretty hard and draw quite a lot of blood.

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Need Advice Please Pics Included

Hey man, I know it's all relative, but I don't see a single scar from the pics you provided. Seriously, I would kill to have your skin.

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
I've Tried Everything... Any Suggestion?

Dude my scarring is somewhat similar to yours and I have been getting improvements from dermastamping. What needle length did you use? I'm currently doing 2.0mm

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Dermastamping Doesn't Hurt At All?

Hi, a couple of hours ago I did my first session of dermastamping. I used a 1.5mm dermastamp and I think I stamped pretty hard, I even drew blood but I could hardly feel any pain. I wouldn't say my pa...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Needling Is A Marvel

Congrats on your improvements! I've yet to try needling, but reading your story gives me hopes. One question tho, what kinds of scarring did you have? mine is mostly icepicks/scarred pores and I am du...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Here's The Protocol That Healed My Acne Scars


In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
What Type Of Scarring Is Generally Easier To Fix? Or Shows The Best Results?

Rolling scars are definitely the easiest type to fix

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Here's The Protocol That Healed My Acne Scars

anyone else tried this and got interesting results? I wanna start trying this routine once the summer break begins

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Scars On Face And Blemishes

Strongest available is 0.1%. I think you mean 0.025.

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
What Type Of Scars Are These? Are They Treatable? W/pictures

Theoretically it should. Also the use of copper peptides may speed up the process.

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Slightly Red Bumps 9 Months After Cystic Acne

I have the exact same thing and I saw someone on this board recommend spot-treating with salicylic acid, but I haven't tried it yet so I don't know about its efficacy.

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Is The Fear > The Possible Benifits? ... Pics Included

I think your skin could benefit from a couple of light TCA peels. But seriously it looks just fine now.

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Cyst Or Scar - Please Help!

I would also like to know cuz I had a similar experience about a week ago and it left me something like that on both my cheek. They are not inflamed but don't seem to be going away or being reduced in...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Icepicks+Rolling Scars+Pih Please Help (Pic Included)

This is the tough love part.... Actually your scars ARE minor. As an objective observer, I think your level of stress is not proportionate to the level of your scarring. Check out the experiences ...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Icepicks+Rolling Scars+Pih Please Help (Pic Included)

Hiya peopleI'm a 25 yo asian guy living in Europe, have been suffering from severe acne for over 2 years, and I think I finally got it under control, but the scarring left behind is terrible. I never ...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago