Forum Replies Created

Forehead subcision — is it dangerous?

Dermal fillers are considered very dangerous in forehead area, thats because there are a lot of important blood vessels, which are connected with the eye. The filler could travel if injected with (acc...

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago

No treatment while on accutane! Ask your derm

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
How to treat terrible acne scarring on forehead?

Do botox on forehead, 2 weeks prior to any treatment. It really helps the forehead You can try TCA peels after that, for a more smooth texture

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
Are these acne scars if so how do I treat them to go away or fade?

Vbeam is best for clearing the redness. Acne is an inflammatory condition, you have to treat it first. In the presence of inflammation, new collagen cannot form.

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
Best treatment for these old acne scars?

Old scars can be tricky to treat. We lose collagen as we age, no amount of collagen inducing therapies can replace for example 1ml of fillers. But it's a great place to slowly start from (retinoids, a...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
How bad is my scarring? What treatments might help?

At least one scar could benefit from subcision, the others seem more textural - hence easy and not at all obvious. You really have to look closer and look for the scars to be apparent, for most of us...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
How bad is my scarring? What treatments might help?

Thats basically nothing bro youre lucky you could try needling if u want

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Biopsy Discoloration!!

Time, time, time. I definitely wouldnt do any procedures right now or for a few months at least. The skin is healing. You could consult with a dermatologist to maybe prescribe a steroid cr...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
atrophic scar in forehead

Hey, how are you holding up? I had a similar accident one day. While i was doing a chemical peel for my forehead scars, ironically, i managed to hit my forehead on a corner and make a little c...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Micro-needling Dermapen..Negative Results!

Okay first, if you didnt have melasma before then it is unlikely this hyperpigmentation right now is melasma. I do not know about your sun exposure though. Patience my friend. Microneedling is...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
After 2 treatment, my scars look many times worse. I'm so depressing, please save my life

TCA can make scars join, yes. But in theory they should get flatter. It takes 3-6 months to build new collagen. You’re probably a slow healer. It gets worse before it gets better. Do you smoke...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Recommendations for post treatment products

PRP or platelet rich plasma can be used with microneedling treatments. Otherwise these growth factors will not absorb really. Keep your skin moisturized, and usually your skin will heal naturally....

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago

A week apart, what length roller u using?

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
How many tca cross treatments is recommended and how often?

Everything to do with how you heal. Remodelling of scars is a long process. Generally it is recommended to treat once every 3 months. While you may heal on the surface within a week or two, deeper c...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
can very deep scars(fat layer scars) be permanently elevated?

Yes, there are permanent fillers. However it is generally recommended to start with non-permanent fillers. You will get an idea how it looks and they also stimulate collagen. BA is an expert on this...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Long time since I posted here, follow up/next steps?

Pictures? Would love to see, i have quite a similar situation

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Treatment plan for tethered and a lot of mixed type scars

Good news is most treatments have a downtime of a week in average, so you wouldnt need to take a month of consequtively. So you live in Indonesia and want to ''suggest'' treatments to your dermatolog...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
I'm smoking heavily after getting subcision and c02 laser treatment back in february

Read Allen Carr’s the easy way to stop smoking the physical withdrawal is actually minimal and leaves the body fast, its psychological mate! You smoke just to feel normal again, it just relieves...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Are CO2 laser permanent? and how about subcision?

You healed on the surface level subcision should be done prior to laser resurfacing tell us your history of treatment plans and pictures would help tremendously

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Acne scar

Just wanted to say that we do produce collagen after 25; we gradually produce less of it as we age, it doesnt just stop at one point

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Will My Redness Hyperpigmentation Fade With Time

Gratz on your boards man, where are you going to specialise?

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Are CO2 laser permanent? and how about subcision?

Depends... Subcised scars can re-tether, but new collagen can be formed until it happens- so you will see some results. CO2 - depends on your healing. But in this world, nothing is permanent, ashes...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
How Do I STOP scarring??

Scarring is more linked to an individuals genetical inflammatory-response, so yeah... Something we cant change However, I have also noticed a tendency for some PIE to linger after going over it with ...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
2 YEAR SCAR & NO improvement, what is it?!!? PICSs

What have you tried? Post a better picture (close-up) in the scar treatments forum from here it looks like a boxcar scar- you need subcision. Chemical peel wont work

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

5 years ago
What to do with the hundreds of small/shallow scars/ pores

Hey mate Ur skin looks good right now RF goes over the area it will help definitely when you have done all the treatments you can get a full chemical peel for example (cheaper than laser)-thi...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago