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Are subcision and filler (done from an expert) the only way to improve acne scars?


Posted : 03/08/2023 5:14 pm

Hi there.

I'm Matt, 32 M, and I've been struggling with acne scars all my adult life. Honestly, I hate them and I would do anything to get rid of them once and for all, but unfortunately it seems that there are just a few treatments that do really work, like subcision and fillers done in a certain way by a doctor who has been practicing the right method to inject the filler into the scars.

So I've got three questions for you:

1- first: do you overall agree with my premise, or do you know other better treatments than subcision and fillers, or remotely comparable to them? I'm pretty sure lasers are pretty much useless, despite improving your skin a little but doing basically nothing to the scars.

2- who are the best doctors that you know who are skilled in treating the scars with fillers? You can mention every doc you know in the entire globe

3- have some of you succeeded in "removing", or making them almost invisible, your acne scars?


Member Admin

Posted : 03/09/2023 11:19 am

Can you post a pic of your scars?

There are absolutely other treatments that work. I recently finished looking through literally every study ever performed on scar repair and you can see on the scars pages that based on clinical evidence, yes, many scar treatments can work. The more invasive ones usually work best, like ablative laser (non-ablative usually doesn't do much), deep peels, or dermabrasion.

Click here > then sort by Efficacy

The only problem is that these more invasive treatments come with more side effects and risks. And you absolutely must make sure you're under the care of an experienced scar repair specialist who has done hundreds or thousands of procedures and knows their stuff.


Posted : 04/04/2023 8:58 am

Posted by: @matteocicaloni

Hi there.

I'm Matt, 32 M, and I've been struggling with acne scars all my adult life. Honestly, I hate them and I would do anything to get rid of them once and for all, but unfortunately it seems that there are just a few treatments that do really work, like subcision and fillers done in a certain way by a doctor who has been practicing the right method to inject the filler into the scars.

So I've got three questions for you:

1- first: do you overall agree with my premise, or do you know other better treatments than subcision and fillers, or remotely comparable to them? I'm pretty sure lasers are pretty much useless, despite improving your skin a little but doing basically nothing to the scars.

2- who are the best doctors that you know who are skilled in treating the scars with fillers? You can mention every doc you know in the entire globe

3- have some of you succeeded in "removing", or making them almost invisible, your acne scars?


Good questions.

1. There is not one single treatment (combination) that applies to all cases of acne scars.

Their are usually three different factors that contribute to the overall results of acne scar revision, being (1) the type and combination of modalities used, (2) the competence and skills of the practitioner, and (3) the reaction of your own body to the treatments (results vary based on health, age, genetics etc.).

A fallacy that I often see here on this forum is the order in which people make their decisions. Usually, people start spending a lot of time researching their scar types and treatment modalities, and maybe discuss some of it on this forum. Afterwards, they find a practitioner that performs the kind of treatments they want, but not necessarily what they need.
In my opinion, it is better to let the acne scar expert decide what is needed for the best possible results. Important to note here, is that this only applies if you're in hands of a real experienced and professional acne scar specialist, whose full-time job is to treat acne scars.

2. Usually doctors that are well-known for their expertise and satisfactory results are the best in the world. The names that I know are Dr. Emil Henningsen, Dr. Davin Lim, Dr. H. and Dr. Rullan. I have real-life experience with Dr. Emil Henningsen, since I visited him five times at this point.

3. I have a 10-month scar revision journey at Henningsen's clinic so far. I have a dramatic improvement so far and I am planning to make an extensive report/review with befores and after for this forum.

This post was modified 1 year ago by Fehheh77