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Acne Scar Treatments I've Had


Posted : 10/31/2012 9:15 pm

Day 2 & 3:

I didn't get much sleep the first night. Vaseline was going everywhere and it was really annoying and messy. I took painkillers to stop the pain which helped me to relax.

The 2nd night was by far the worst. I did not get any sleep at all. The vaseline on my face kept melting. It felt like wax on a candle running down my face. The vaseline was going everywhere and it hurt. The vaseline would run down my face to my chin where it would go hard and form lumps. This kinda freaked me out and I got up a few times during the night to watch my face and reapply the vaseline.

My face on the 3rd day is quite hard. It feels like leather. I have pussie white spots underneath my mouth which could be a cold sore. I'm not sure. I'm just covering it with vaseline and hoping it goes away. It feels like bugs are eating underneath my skin. I am kinda regreting getting this procedure done now but I'm sure once its over I wont regret it.


Hey chap things are more than likely going to end up great for you. Good job for getting that done. It looks painful! ouch. Make sure you are taking in excellent nutriion .. You should take in fruits, veggies, vitamin c etc. IT will play a HUUUUGE role in recovery. Have a peaceful recovery.


For days all I ate (and was able to eat) was heaps of fruit blended into a thick shake. It gave me a lot of energy and very easy to make.


Posted : 11/02/2012 7:24 am

That sounds like a terrifying experience. :( I hope your recovery goes smoothly from now on. Keep us posted!


Posted : 11/02/2012 9:17 am

Amazing Thread! Really admire your tenacity to go through all these procedures! I recently had 2 treatments of subcision and TCA cross, which has really improved the appearance of my skin, however I'm shocked by the amount of bruising and downtime you had to endure. What shocks me even more is the cost of your treatment in comparison to the UK prices. It would have been cheaper for you to fly to London for 5 weeks and undergo all this treatment, you would have saved $1000's even after the flight and accommodation costs!


Your Laser treatment looked pretty gruesome....... I don't think I endured that downtime after my pixel treatment in 2002 and that wasn't pleasant. What Laser treatment did you actually undergo? It looks like Deep FX to me, I hope its worth while. I have a laser treatment booked on 9th November which is called INFINI with Dr. Patel from VIVA Clinic ( this treatment is the latest breakthrough laser with 2-3 days downtime. I'll upload before and after pictures.


Posted : 11/11/2012 4:45 pm

How is it going, Greg?


Posted : 11/13/2012 6:24 am

It's now 20 days since I had the procedure done. At about Day 15 alot of the scars became visible again however they have since started to fade again. The worst day was day 17 and 18 for my scars coming back. My face was still quite red. Even some of my rolling scars came back. HOWEVER the next day most of the scars were gone and my face became less red. I suspect it was because I had to shave with shaving cream and it irritated my face. Day 17 photo shows all my acne spots clearing up. By Day 18 most of them were gone, however as you can see in the harsh light,you can see some of my scars. Most of them have since disappeared. I went back to work on Day 18. Going back to work on Day 19, I had everyone telling me how my face has dramatically changed in just one day. I don't know why. A lot of my redness is now going.

I will update this in a couple of days with more photos and improvement in my face. So far I am quite impressed. 80% improvement.




Posted : 11/14/2012 4:06 pm

can u post the current date picture. and have u heard about fillers? im gonna try them for my scars its heavier than ur scars


Posted : 11/16/2012 3:17 am

It's now 20 days since I had the procedure done. At about Day 15 alot of the scars became visible again however they have since started to fade again. The worst day was day 17 and 18 for my scars coming back. My face was still quite red. Even some of my rolling scars came back. HOWEVER the next day most of the scars were gone and my face became less red. I suspect it was because I had to shave with shaving cream and it irritated my face. Day 17 photo shows all my acne spots clearing up. By Day 18 most of them were gone, however as you can see in the harsh light,you can see some of my scars. Most of them have since disappeared. I went back to work on Day 18. Going back to work on Day 19, I had everyone telling me how my face has dramatically changed in just one day. I don't know why. A lot of my redness is now going.

I will update this in a couple of days with more photos and improvement in my face. So far I am quite impressed. 80% improvement.


Whew, glad your skin got back to normal. I was worried for a while there when I saw your beet red face. Although I don't really see the 80% improvement that you talk about... kudos to you though!


Posted : 11/16/2012 10:11 am

Your determination is truly inspiring and I think sharing your experiences with us all is an amazing and kind thing to do.


Congratulations on your great improvements, I really think if anybody will get there in the end - you will!


Posted : 11/27/2012 5:00 am

Updated my first post of this thread with an update of photos and information.


Posted : 12/23/2012 12:00 pm

Hi Greg. Any new updates?


Posted : 01/08/2013 10:19 pm

Thanks for sharing your results.


Posted : 01/09/2013 9:33 am

keep us updated! Thinking of you


Posted : 01/11/2013 5:20 am

what's the verdict on your latest treatment? did it end up improving anything?


appreciate the feedback... that is until you stop giving it to us...


Posted : 01/12/2013 8:17 pm

How are you doing, Greg?


Posted : 01/20/2013 1:00 am

what's the verdict on your latest treatment? did it end up improving anything?

appreciate the feedback... that is until you stop giving it to us...


Hi sorry for my lack of updates. It's now been 3 months since my lazer treatment and I can see an improvement. My scars aren't as dented or noticeable as they use to be, however they are still there.

As you can see by my photo, the redness is still on my face. I was hoping the lazer would help to reduce it but it has not. It reduced the scars but not the redness. I don't know what is causing the redness on my face. It looks like a rash but acts like acne problems because there is a lot of dirt underneath the surface.

I go back to my doctor in a week and we will work out what to do next.



Posted : 01/31/2013 6:39 am

Yes, thank you for all the energy in sharing your journey. Have you ever considered adding the suction method with your next subcision ? I think your skin looks great, your skin has definitely benefited from all the discomfort and hard work.


Posted : 02/13/2013 1:03 pm

my god... it sounds like a LOT of work... i am not sure the results that I saw really worth all those effects... did you try take any vitamines ?or change your diet ? and exercise more often... I start to think that maybe a holistic approach would be more helpful : like changing the way you think, change your diet... well... I am on the same path as well.. but I do not think I can ever go through what you have gone through tho...


Posted : 04/05/2013 12:04 am


Update: 05 April 2013

It has been 6 months since my CO2 laser. Can I see a difference? YES!


2 months after having CO2 fraxel laser, I still had red marks on my face (pigmentation) and it made my face still look quite bad. This was not from the laser because I've had this redness since I got rid of my acne 8 years ago! I spoke with my doctor on how best to treat this redness. He thought it may go away in a few months. I told him that I highly doubt it. This has been a condition I have had for a very long time.


A week later I had a procedure called vbeam 5 which is a laser that is used over my red marks to make them fade. The procedure hurt a bit but I am use to feeling pain so it didn't worry me. After the first procedure, some of the redness went. I got this procedure done again about a month ago. The redness has no returned.

This procedure cost me $80 AU.

I am seeing my doctor in a couple of weeks to discuss my face further. I still have some scars (mainly some pitted scars on my face) but NOTHING like when I first started.

I mentioned about my hypertrophic scar in a previous post, which is a scar i had on the in the middle of both my eyes, at the top of my nose. That has now vanished. This was a massive scar that stuck out. This only happened about a month ago - 5 months after my CO2 laser!

I have included a recent photo of my face.




Posted : 04/05/2013 2:24 am

Wow , just amazing.I'm so happy that I found your topic I read all 6 pages in this morrning.

Yours scars are looking very good so is your skin.

I want to get v beam for red marks prior to acne , is a well worth procedure?


Posted : 04/05/2013 2:28 am

This is amazing Greg! Your results are crazy good!!!

I signed up for 7 subcisions and had my first one last week!

This gives me hope brotha!


Posted : 04/06/2013 1:09 pm

Great results and determination. Truly inspirational stuff!

You are probably now at the stage where dermarolling and individual needling at home would suffice. See what your derm thinks, though.


Posted : 04/19/2013 2:33 am

Awesome results dude.


Posted : 04/20/2013 1:32 am

Good improvement


Posted : 04/24/2013 3:44 am

Uploaded a recent photo of myself and updated my first post on page 1 with before and after photos and more information about what im planning to do now.

Thank you to everyone who has left comments. It means a lot to me because when I first started, I honestly thought I was doomed to have bad skin for the rest of my life and it has helped me massively to know that I wasnt alone and people understood what I was going through so thank you :)




Posted : 04/25/2013 3:17 pm

How much % improvement from when you started treatment Gregg?
