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The OIL CLEANSING METHOD (Highly Recommended!)


Posted : 03/19/2008 9:03 pm

and also... can I use plain castor oil? Because I think the evoo is making my pores clogged.


Posted : 03/21/2008 2:36 pm

Yes, you don't have to use the EVOO. It breaks me out so I just use the castor oil.


As for the people that are continuing to use cleansers and loads of topicals with this regimen, that kinda defeats the purpose of it, dontcha think?


I did that for a few days during the second week or so of using the OCM. I realized quickly that it was not a great idea.


I mean, the whole point of using castor oil to clean your face is to keep the skin from being stripped of oil while cleaning the skin.

I think that using regular cleansers and smearing on BP along with the OCM does nothing more than perpetuate the vicious cycle of drying out your skin while trying to get rid of oil and causing it to produce too much oil, as a result. I mean, maybe it works for some you, but that was my experience. My face really can't handle a lot of different things at once, though.


I know it's hard to break old habits.

At first, I didn't feel like my skin was getting clean enough with this method. I was used to my face feeling tight and slightly dry after cleansing, especially at night when I used to cover myself in Clearasil.

You have to trust that this will work by itself.


No matter what you think, the castor oil won't break you out, unless you have some weird allergy to it.


If you really feel like you need an anti-bacterial spot treatment, try some plain ol' Neosporin. That's what I use and it's the best stuff in the world.

It's especially perfect for zits that have just been popped, as it kills any nasty bacteria that might be oozing out of it, makes it heal faster, and helps prevent those pesky scars.


Posted : 03/25/2008 4:22 pm

My acne sure does have a sense of humor.


Literally, about a day after I wrote that last post, my skin went nuts and broke out in horrible, painful, cystic acne. It had been about two or three weeks since I started the OCM, so it must have been forming since then.


Yet another failure in the many attempts to clear my skin.


I'm about to just give up and let it do whatever the hell it wants.


Posted : 03/25/2008 11:19 pm

I know, me too. Treatments start out really promising, but after a while just stop working. It's so discouraging.... I'm gonna keep up with the ocm though, because it's seems to be keeping it under control at least...


Posted : 03/30/2008 9:42 pm

I've been using an DHC's Deep Cleansing Oil for 2 weeks. My blackheads are sliding out and away without the help/abuse of my fingers. The oil is basically filtered extra virgin olive oil with some preservatives.


Ingredients: olea europaea (olive) fruit oil, caprylic/capric triglyceride, sorbeth-30 tetraoleate, tocopherol, phenoxyethanol, propylparaben, stearyl glycyrrhetinate, rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf oil


It rinses off completely. It's similar to OCM, and by golly, it's working. Try it. Ancient civilizations used olive oil for bathing. The people must have seen that OCM did some good for their skin.


Posted : 03/31/2008 12:38 am

K I'm an idiot.... I was doing ocm for a few weeks and my face was looking great. Blackheads clearing up and all the frustrating little flesh colored bumps were mostly gone and then I got lazy/cocky about it because my face was so clear and stopped doing it for a few days and soooo many bumps came back on forehead and nose area. I've started doing it again and will post back in a few days with results... I don't know if it was just a coincidence or not but I'm gonna keep it up... I've just been using straight castor oil and it feels great, the evoo made my face blotchy and red .. and even after doing it once my face is WAY less oily.... no shiny forehead and nose, I don't even have to use powder when I do it, which is something I've gotten so used to wearing every god damned day!


Posted : 04/02/2008 10:28 am

I bought yesterday grapeseed and lavender oil and I tried them last night. I really like them, my skin is so soft and I noticed that my chin didn't have that many whiteheads and it looked clearer. I will continue using them and I was thinking about buying some jojoba oil, tea tree oil, emu oil and see. I'll keep you posted about how it goes.


Posted : 04/03/2008 1:54 pm

alright, I've been doing this again for a couple of days and it's definitely noticeable.. I do have a big nasty one on my chin that cropped up in the last couple of days, but other than that it's just some little pink bumps and little flesh colored bumps. Overall coloring of face is even and healthy looking, rather than ruddy and angry looking. I swear my pores look smaller, but maybe that's just because skin looks so healthy... I wish I could do this method on my back because over the last 6 months or so I've gotten back acne, but it would be too much of a pain. Anyways, that's how I'm doing so far... this is all I'm doing for my acne right now, so if my face continues to clear up I'll know it's from this...


btw, I do it 2x a day, and I do use a gentle, fragrance free moisturizer..


Posted : 04/07/2008 2:55 pm

Well i just started this the other day. I bought some castor oil and mixed it with some EVOO I had at home. I guess the castor oil was not the cold pressed sort, I was wondering if this makes a big difference?


My main problem is oily skin, so I've been looking at other options instead of olive oil - which is the best one for cutting out the oil?


The only place i could find selling the castor oil here in Spain was in a chemist. Does anyone living in europe know of a place that sells over the net?


And also how much of a difference does the steaming make? I started doing this at night so I wouldn't have any oil residue the following day.


I've been careful to keep the oil away from the eye area too, could it be used here too?


Posted : 04/07/2008 3:41 pm

I've read some posts that you're supposed to be using the cold pressed castor oil, but I've been using the other stuff, from the lax section in the drug store and it's working fine...


Posted : 04/09/2008 3:18 am

I'm really interested in this. I've heard alot about it, and i think its time for me to give it a try! :) I am going to start out with using castor oil and extra virgin olive oil. Not sure with the ratios yet, but first I have to buy the ingredients!


Just a question, do you have to use a washcloth or something similar to remove the oil, or can you just wash the oil away with water? I'm guessing it doesnt work because water and oil dont mix. ???


Posted : 04/09/2008 9:27 am

I'm really interested in this. I've heard alot about it, and i think its time for me to give it a try! :) I am going to start out with using castor oil and extra virgin olive oil. Not sure with the ratios yet, but first I have to buy the ingredients!


Just a question, do you have to use a washcloth or something similar to remove the oil, or can you just wash the oil away with water? I'm guessing it doesnt work because water and oil dont mix. ???


It depends on how much oil you put on your face, if I put on a lot there's no chance I'll be able to wash it off with out a wash cloth.


Just do it gently with a warm washcloth, it's a good exfoliant aswell.


Posted : 04/09/2008 4:01 pm

I think I'm going to add a little more EVO as I'm getting a bit dry since I started this.


It's only been a few days, but I haven't noticed much of a difference yet. I wonder how long it takes to start seeing effects and the oil reducing?


I think the wash cloth part is quite relaxing, especially before bed.


Also, I still find it hard to source castor oil, or any of the other types suggested here. There must be *somewhere* stocking it.


Posted : 04/09/2008 6:48 pm

I am going to start this tomorrow (after I pick up some Castor Oil) and we'll see how it goes from there.


Right now I only have about four or five pimples in my T-zone area, red marks, blackheads on my nose, and a lot of those extremely irritating non-inflamed skin colored bumps.


I'm currently on Botchla's regimen (two Clean and Clear products). It worked for about six months and then stopped working. I switched around and used a bunch of different OTC products before coming back to Botchla's. It has cleared up the inflammatory acne pretty well but left me with far too many bumps and really dry skin.


From here on out, I'm going to try to use all natural products.


Will be updating over the next few weeks.


Posted : 04/10/2008 8:49 pm

I've modified my solution a bit. It's now about 50% Castor, 50% Jojoba and a healthy dollop of vitamin e oil.... The jojoba makes it WAY easier to rub into skin, because the castor is kind of thick....I use the jojoba as a moisturizer too, but I also use PC BHA and sunscreen for my face


Posted : 04/11/2008 8:03 am

where the heck do i get castor oil in the UK. been to boots, superdrug, holland and barrett, chemists etc etc ansd no-one has it?


where is it hiding!


Posted : 04/12/2008 10:52 am


I found a few places selling this on eBay, and based in the UK so you might want to have a look at that. In fact I was thinking of ordering from there as they have Jojoba too.

Well, I'm on day 7 of OCM and I'm not too displeased with the results. I found i was getting a bit dry, so im now using this in the morning too before showering. The only thing I havent seen a difference in is that im still oily during the day. I was thinking of substituting EVO with jojoba oil, is anyone here using this?

As I get dry eyes and dark circles, I did a search and came across this site, which recommends to use of castor oil or almond oil for dark circles.

[Edited link out]

Your toughts? Has anyone else tried this?


Posted : 04/12/2008 11:39 am

deepboi, I've been using the jojoba for the past few days in my oil solution, and as a mousturizer afterwards. I love it.... I found the evoo made my already oily skin more oily and broke it out a bit, but the jojoba seems to make me look more clear (it has only been a couple of days, but I mean my overall skin tone)... and apparantly jojoba closely mimicks our sebum and tricks our skin into thinking it doesn't need to produce more oil... I even use it as a day moisturizer and once it sinks in my face isn't shiny... I'd def. recommend it... but apparently it's pronounced hohoba oil, and I didn;t realize and was going around to all these stores asking for it the wrong way


Posted : 04/12/2008 3:59 pm

deepboi, I've been using the jojoba for the past few days in my oil solution, and as a mousturizer afterwards. I love it.... I found the evoo made my already oily skin more oily and broke it out a bit, but the jojoba seems to make me look more clear (it has only been a couple of days, but I mean my overall skin tone)... and apparantly jojoba closely mimicks our sebum and tricks our skin into thinking it doesn't need to produce more oil... I even use it as a day moisturizer and once it sinks in my face isn't shiny... I'd def. recommend it... but apparently it's pronounced hohoba oil, and I didn;t realize and was going around to all these stores asking for it the wrong way


Thanks for the tip! I must try this too, I think 50% castor and 50% jojoba oil would be good and drop the EVO all together. So, do you apply the mixture at night, and only jojoba oil in the morning before showering?


I've read some great things about jojoba, and as you mention getting rid of that oily look is what im mostly interested in. I'm still looking for a stockist here, but it looks like here the only oil you can buy is either for cooking or constipation!



Posted : 04/12/2008 6:15 pm

and apparantly jojoba closely mimicks our sebum and tricks our skin into thinking it doesn't need to produce more oil...


Come on, Kelsie, you know better than to say something that stupid.


Edit: Oops, I just noticed that YOU are new around here, too! Apparently you haven't had a chance yet to learn about sebaceous gland physiology! :)




Posted : 04/12/2008 8:31 pm

and apparantly jojoba closely mimicks our sebum and tricks our skin into thinking it doesn't need to produce more oil...


Come on, Kelsie, you know better than to say something that stupid.


Edit: Oops, I just noticed that YOU are new around here, too! Apparently you haven't had a chance yet to learn about sebaceous gland physiology! :)





wait, so you don't think jojoba oil would be better then EVOO? Is there any specific oil that is better than EVOO? I'd really rather just avoid the risk of breaking out from it.


Posted : 04/12/2008 9:13 pm

wait, so you don't think jojoba oil would be better then EVOO? Is there any specific oil that is better than EVOO? I'd really rather just avoid the risk of breaking out from it.


I have no idea whatsoever whether or not jojoba oil would be better than evoo for any particular purpose. I was specifically referring to the goofy idea that ANY oil would "trick" the skin into making less sebum. That idea is pure poppycock.




Posted : 04/13/2008 12:47 am

I have no idea whatsoever whether or not jojoba oil would be better than evoo for any particular purpose. I was specifically referring to the goofy idea that ANY oil would "trick" the skin into making less sebum. That idea is pure poppycock.




gotcha. Well, no harm in trying. But just out of curiosity, if you don't believe in this theory, then why are you posting here?


Posted : 04/13/2008 8:58 am

Bryan is the crusader of sebum. He patrols the boards with uncanny intuition seeking out anyone who proscribes to the add oil to stop oil theory. His scientific data and specially designed oil absorbing sheets are wielded like a club in three year old's game of whack-a-mole, diligently he engages in knocking the naysayers down.


Posted : 04/13/2008 12:13 pm

and apparantly jojoba closely mimicks our sebum and tricks our skin into thinking it doesn't need to produce more oil...


Come on, Kelsie, you know better than to say something that stupid.


Edit: Oops, I just noticed that YOU are new around here, too! Apparently you haven't had a chance yet to learn about sebaceous gland physiology! :)





K, well whatever you beleive or know to be true, you don't need to call me stupid. The whole theory behind the oil cleansing method is to not strip your skin of all oils, in hopes of making it healthier. We all agree at least that when you use chemicals designed for oily skin, they generally make matters worse because they strip your skins natural oils and just make it create more oil. So it would make sense that an oil that closely resembles our own natural oils (and it does, I looked it up on wikipedia lol), would maybe make our skin not feel the need to produce more oil if washed/moisturized with this oil.


But you're right, I don't know much about sebaceous gland physiology so would you care to explain your reasons behind your idea that using oil on your skin would not make you produce less oil?


BTW, if anyone else cares, I've had great results with this . My face is way less shiny in the day (I was out in the hot sun yesterday with no makeup and when I got home I went to the bathroom to wipe my face and I didn't need to!!), and it also just has a happier color and tone.
