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[Sticky] The right state of mind to have Dan Kern's Regimen work for you


Posted : 07/26/2008 1:13 pm

I've been very frustrated with my skin the last few weeks, but this post has really helped and i think it has given me new motivation. I've been on the DKR for a little over 2 months now and my skin is a lot clearer than it originally was when i started the regimen, but lately i've been picking at my skin a lot and looking in the mirror about every 10 seconds because of dryness, which then has turned into red marks and some new pimples. When I first started the regimen, i told myself not to worry about the dryness and not to look in the mirror at all and my skin was looking pretty good, but I slowly started the pimple picking process again. I just want to say again that this post has re-motivated to not pick or rub my skin and get back on the right track to clear skin. Thank You


Yeah, I am having the same problem as you are now. I am at week 4 now of using DKR.

I am sure DKR helps with my acne problem, the only thing is that i have to keep the flakiness of my face under control. I am thinking of ordering Dan's Jojoba oil.


Posted : 07/31/2008 7:48 am

Hmm. I think that this regimen only addresses people with active inflamed acne, and not deep comedonal non-inflamed acne. BP can't penetrate there.


I think its more effective to be applying BP at night and SA in the morning.


Posted : 07/31/2008 4:00 pm

That's exactly how I feel - I have no doubts it will work and haven't from the beginning. After trying everything under the sun, seeing something real like everyone here attesting to this regimen really gave me hope - everyone here is REAL. Their success is real too, not some celebrity endorsement or paid actor. I really loved this post..I read it often to help keep me motivated as I am going on my fourth week of the regimen - my skin is clearing up SO much!! YAY!



I've been using the treatment product for over two years now. I had also done proactiv, retin-a, duac, etc. NONE of those worked for me. I happened upon this site while doing internet research sicne no doctor could help. This has been the best thing ever for me! I immediately stopped using all the stuff I was using and followed the regimen regarding the amount of bp gel to use. I cleanse with cetaphil or a generic as my face is super sensitive. I was worried that the bp gel would be too much for my face but I honestly attest to the fact that my acne has drastically improved! When I get a breakout, it's because it's "that" time of the month or I've slacked off a bit.


I think the fact that I felt sure it would work going in really helped me. For some reason, I didn't have doubts about its success and I usually don't feel like that, especially about products I buy online. I find it quite cost effective for the results.



Posted : 08/04/2008 2:33 pm

i'm so excited to try this!! After dermatologists, OTC's and home remedies not doing a dang thing...HOPEFULLY this will!


Posted : 08/16/2008 3:23 pm

question i have proactiv at home but stopped useing it. but the repairing lotion (2.5%BP) could i usse that intead of dans


Posted : 08/17/2008 9:50 am

question i have proactiv at home but stopped useing it. but the repairing lotion (2.5%BP) could i usse that intead of dans

Yep! Any 2.5% leave-on BP treatment will work for the BP step.


Posted : 08/17/2008 10:21 pm

I'm on almost 2 months and it's working very good for me - best I've been in years. BUT -- I watch what I eat --- SUGAR and Hydrogenated Oils. I think that this has alot to do with the success. Just something to think about.


Posted : 08/18/2008 4:01 am


I was using at at he beginning the exact steps of the regimen ,but my face got worst and really I started to use much less of the product but morning and night.only a thin layer of the BP gel and my skin improved a lot and I can say now I am a really happy person.also I don't go out without a high spf factor ,summer or is really a must.once a week I use a microdermabrasion kit and a peel one.I try to eat as healthy as I can and for me this worked a lot.and believe me I had serious problems.the food that really helped me a lot was the fish.I'm not eating any kind of meat except this one.just occasionally (once a few months).I m trying now to renunciate to sugar also.

by the way I'm using the BP gel for almost a year dr said once that some could use it years and years until the problems disepear.from all my knowledges I know that this is the best topical treatment for acne.(I repeat ,I've tried almost everything,even BP 4%)but the best for me is BP 2.5 %

if u have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.

sorry about the spelling problems ,English is not my first language,I'm from Romania.

all the best.


Posted : 09/06/2008 3:23 pm

Thanks for that. I am on my 2nd week of the regimen and I have been following it presicly but my face looks like crap. Its completly dried out and flaky and there hasnt been much improvment in my current acne at all although it has kind of stopped any new ones from forming. I am just trying to get through these first few weeks so my skin will actually start to improve. Once again thanks for the encouragment.


Posted : 09/07/2008 10:59 am

i've been on CSR for 5 months no improvement so far iono what im doing wrong i have read all the faqs and guidelines



Try some of the tips here:


This is a great site, not only for skin care.


Posted : 09/07/2008 12:58 pm

This is a great thread. I was hoping that someone could answer my question...


I am a few days into the regime and my face really hurts. It is red and feels super dry and irritated (almost like a really bad sunburn). I was on ProActiv before, so I started with about 3/4 of a pump on Dan's BP. Is this too much even though I had been using the Proactiv BP?


Is this kind of feeling normal in the first week...I know that it says that you will be red and irritated, but this is a very broad description. Can someone explain to me more what I should be feeling this week? Should I reduce my dosage of BP or keep going at the 3/4 pump amount even though my face hurts?


Sorry for the long post....Thanks in advance for the advice!


Posted : 09/14/2008 1:48 pm

Hey snood. I went through something kind of similar. I started with 1/2 pump of BP (morning & night) and then slowly worked my up to 1 full pump. My face was always pretty red and unfortunately still is now. Give Olay moisturizer a try. It flaked me real bad but has worked for everyone else. It also evened out my skin tone a lot and face was a lot less red.


Posted : 09/15/2008 12:50 pm

I'm thinking of buying Dan's products and going on regimen. But a question does come to mind, is it the products / BP that keeps acne away or is it because the skin actually got better? What if I stop using the products and just look after my face as per usual, will that mean it comes back?


Sorry for silly questions but does BP dry the face while moisturizer keeps it moist? Wouldn't that mean as soon as I stop the products the it comes back? Any one on successful regimen stopped? What happened after you stopped?


Posted : 09/21/2008 2:23 pm



1. DKR keeps acne at bay, if you stop it will come back, unless you grow out of it.

2. Yes, BP drys, the moisturiser Undrys


Posted : 10/01/2008 1:43 am

Hi, I am on day 3 using the regimen. I used to be on proactiv for about 3 years, then acne started up again, changed to dermalogica, tried for 2 months and stopped because acne got even worse. So I ordered Dan's products. While waiting for them to arrive, I went back to Proactiv since it has the 2.5% BP. I can see my pimples are drying up faster but more pimples (comedones) are slowly coming out! Its kind of depressing. My face is peeling and no matter how much moisterizer I put, I feel like I cant even smile without my skin cracking. I just ordered the jojoba oil. I think I started on too much BP and now am thinking to skip tomorrow mornings and then start again at night 2x/day but with less BP. Should I do that or stick it out?


Posted : 10/05/2008 9:26 pm

hi everyone. i'm new to this and i'm just wanting to talk to someone about acne problems


can anyone help me? has anyone here had success with the regimen and actually not had too much redness? another thing, if it works and completely clears me up, i dont want to be on it forever. what if it makes my skin like ALWAYS red?


Posted : 11/03/2008 12:03 am

i can use this regimen consistently for 5 days a week, and then only be able to wash my face day/night on the other 2 days, should i not use this regimen then?


Posted : 11/12/2008 2:31 am

Are there any people out there who don't experience that redness and flaking when you start off the regime? Because I remember doing the regime about 2 years ago, and I used pretty much the full dosage of BP you're supposed to use at the beginning, and my skin didn't have any redness, itching or flaking reactions to it. Is that normal? Or is the bp just not working for my skin? =/

I'm wanting to start the regime again, but after reading everyone experience redness and flaking, I remember my skin not having any of those reactions.


Posted : 01/02/2009 2:56 pm

Thank you for this post.


Posted : 01/18/2009 2:20 am



Posted : 01/18/2009 8:19 pm

Thanks for the advice im starting the regimine and have high hopes

though i have a question concerning AHA. it says after a month of using BP and allowing your face to become use to the BP how exactly do use the AHA for a moisturizer what happened to using the olay for sensitive sking and jojoba oit


Posted : 01/21/2009 9:56 pm

Does anyone know if this works in cystic acne (i also have oily skin that breaks out everyday almost)


mines genetic ,my dads face has soooo much scars!!,so im gonA GO THRU THE SAME THING IM GUESSING =[




Posted : 01/22/2009 7:40 pm

Does anyone know if this works in cystic acne (i also have oily skin that breaks out everyday almost)


mines genetic ,my dads face has soooo much scars!!,so im gonA GO THRU THE SAME THING IM GUESSING =[



Benzoyl peroxide can sometimes help with cystic acne, but with big cysts and nodules, the inflammation might originate so far down in the skin that BP won't be that effective. You might find that the regimen reduces the frequency of bigger breakouts and does a pretty good job keeping the smaller ones under control, but doesn't make your skin anywhere near perfect. It really depends on how severe your acne is. For severe cystic acne and oily skin, Accutane is easily the best option. You might try the regimen while setting aside some extra money every month to save for Accutane or looking into health insurance options that cover treatment.


Posted : 01/28/2009 5:34 pm

I recently came across this website and have been reading about the regimen. I have a question about the regimen that I'm hoping someone can answer.


For the washing part of the regimen, Dan instructs that we try to keep the time we wash our face to the minimum. I've seen his video demonstration and it is really within seconds that he washes his face. I have really really oily skin and I find that I have to spend quite a bit of time washing my face, making sure that the soap can reach into the pores. In fact, I double cleanse (wash my face twice) otherwise, I feel that my face isn't clean and is still oily/dirty.


Will this regimen be suitable for me? Should I be spending less time washing my face?




Posted : 01/30/2009 1:10 pm

thanks for the pointers kim
