Topical Retinoid
1969 Reviews
Topical Retinoid
Based on All Available Studies
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Topical Retinoid
Side Effects
Topical Retinoid’s Real World Take
Works about the same as the other two topical retinoids, tazarotene and adapalene, and lands in the middle of those two when it comes to side effects. Should provide partial clearing, but comes with sensitivity when you first start using it. It probably won’t be a total game changer but it should help reduce acne.
Topical Retinoid
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
Read All About Tretinoin
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June 12, 2011


cleared skin 100%
Scars disappeared
Smoother, supple skin



It worked for me 100%. I Used retrieve cream (tretinoin) and noticed a remarkable change in my skin within 3 months. I suffered with severe adult acne on my face for over 10 years. I am now 30 years old and enjoying my skin for the 1st time in 10 years! People have even commented on my skin. Smoother, clearer, and young looking. I have not had a pimple for months. I use the cream every night without fail. had absolutely no negative side effects and I just cant believe how well this cream works without any pain/side effects. I am SO SO SO HAPPY! I hope you have as much luck as me with this!!!! I do want to have children soon though so am afraid what will happen when i stop using the cream!!
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June 11, 2011


-clears acne
-makes skin feel soft
-makes skin look younger


-some people have adverse reactions
-makes skin sensitive to sunlight

EXCELLENT! I noticed results within a month. It never dried out my skin because i have really oily skin, and my skin stayed really oily but my acne cleared up pretty fast anyways. I would still get cysts but instead of lasting for a month or longer it cleared up in a few days, less than a week. The cysts are hormonal, I am using Spironolactone to clear them and together with retin A my skin is 99% clear. If your skin can tolerate retin A definitely try it!
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June 3, 2011


helped with scaring
slowed down acne
skin tone more even


dries skin out, turns skin red

started getting my skin under control with Bp(acne free sport, the other products from the acne free line didnt work but this one is amazing!!!) started off very slow with the retin-a using it only once a week for a month and then slowly adding it in more(didnt get the HUGE breakout that everyone else has talked about) if my skin was too dry i skipped that day or a few days until my skin was more normal. i also started out with the lowest dose. i am still on the lowest dose(7 months so far and still one the first tube) and do it at night as often as i can without wreaking my skin, also usually after i use retin-a the next night i use glycolic acid on my face( some derm doctor on you tube said to do it lol) I use one from makeup artists choice "gly luronic serum" seems to work well with it. and am loving the results. doing it this way is very slow and results may take longer but my skin is very sensitive and i think if i used it too often it wouldn't help me stay clear but the opposite. Honestly i think it all balance with helping your skin get clear. if you skin gets to dry you'll break out if its too oily u'll break out so i think just listening to your skin and watching it closely is really the key(whether your using this product or anything else)....too much of anything is often times a bad dont just slap anything on your face just because your doctor told you that you had to use it 4 days a week or the package said is okay to give your skin a break(just wash it and tone it)(aka think of cancer or drinking) use aloe vera to moisturize and avoid the sun as much as possible
May 24, 2011


Cleared my acne.
Markedly reduced post acne pigmentation marks.
Decreased the size of my pores.
There is visible brightness to my skin.


Skin feels dry (but dealt well with a moisturizer)
Reddish tinge to face off and on(esp immediatly after application)

I used Nexret 0.1%, better known as Retin A Micro in the US market. Love this product. Has worked excellently for my acne (mostly comedones) and also has remarkably reduced my pore size. My skin also looks brighter. This product has also helped with my post acne pigmentation marks. A sunblock is a must with this product and since I am sunblock fan since my teens, I had no laziness issues slathering a sunblock evevry 2hours. The side effects are there but nothing happened to me that I could not deal with. No pain no gain!!
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May 15, 2011


Makes skin super SUPER soft (eventually!)
Does keep your skin clear fairly consistently.


Absolutely awful IB (peeling, redness, painful)
Not amazing at getting rid of red marks, just takes time.

I've now used retin A 0.025% for about 3 months and I'm starting to really see (and feel) the benefits. The initial breakout began around weeks 3 & 4. It was quite nasty but I attribute this to using retin A too often, too quickly. ***Start Slow*** On my prescription it said use twice daily, no no no! I would recommend applying it once every other night for like the first week. I ended up having a bumpy, scaly type rash on places I never usually had spots. It took a few days of not using retin A (and having a few days off work :/) for it to go down. Very upsetting! Still get the occasional little spot but I haven't experienced anything I would consider being detrimental to my face for a while now. Happy :)
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May 3, 2011


-Clears Skin
-Makes Skin Smooth
-Reduces Wrinkles/Fine Lines
-Clears Existing Pimples within 2 days
-Removes Scars & Dead Skin Cells
-Tube Lasts A While, Dont Need To Use Excessive Amounts of Product


-Causes Initial Peeling
-May Cause an Inital Breakout Because it Pulls All of The Bacteria & Dead Skin Out of The Pores at Once.

This product is ABSOLUTELY amazing, I realize I've only been using it for 3 weeks, but before i bagn using it I had a bad breakout of like 5 cystic pimples in the same week on top of a few whiteheads, I went to the dermatologist and he put me on Solodyn pills, tretin-x cream and Aczone gel. The combination of all of these things have cleared my face up almost instantly. I couldnt believe how quickly the cysts went away and although I had a fe more whiteheads initially show up, they went away within 2 days. I can already see a noticable difference in my scars, they are less red and new pretty skin is forming beneath the old scars. I am so happy! I did not really expirience the initial breakout many people said they expirienced from this and i think its due to the fact that i am on the solodyn antibacterial pills. Tretine-x is a lower dosage of retin-a so it is less harsh on the skin and i did not expirience any burning or severe peeling. The aczone gel is very refreshing and makes my skin glow. I am EXTREMELY happy with all these products and would highly highly recommend them! I want to be a dermatologist someday, I know how devastating it is to have acne, When i breakout i dont want to see my boyfriend, go to class, or be seen in public at all I just want to hide. Its time to take control of acne and stop letting it control you, we only have one life and we should enjoy it and not have to worry about being ashamed of our faces. You are beautiful and there is a cure for every type of acne. What works for me may not work for you, but itd worth a try! In the end you will find the proper solution it is really just a matter of trial and error. For years I tried proactiv, benzoykle perozide, neutrogena, pronexin, salacylic acid, sulfur masks! EVERYTHING!!! but finally i found something that works perfectly with my skin and you will too! Just remember you are a beautiful person inside AND out!!! :)
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April 21, 2011


reduces acne
soft skin
lightens acne marks
glowing skin


acne may get worse before getting better

In the beginning of January, my acne had become moderately severe to severe. I went to a new dermatologist in the city I moved to and he prescribed me Aczone for the morning, Tretin-X for bedtime, Solodyn (monocycline 55mg) orally, Neutrogena fresh foaming facewash, and CeraVe (in the dermatologist's words, "If you must use a moisturizer, I recommend you use this"). I will begin this next part by saying that I am an inconsistent person when it comes to routines; however consistently, Tretin-X may have saved my life. I'm not sure which part of my new regimen made my acne severely, suicidally worse after 2 weeks, but it certainly did get worse. Stick with this miracle cream. It's a godsend after 2 months. I took photos and documented my routine or lack thereof in a journal and reflected on the last 3 collective months that I have spent on the medicines. I attribute much of the improvement to Tretin-X. My acne went from seas and oceans of cystic waves to purple ugly patches to... well, nothing. Nothing but a tiny prick of hyper-pigmentation. After wearing this at night (with a bit of CeraVe), I wake up glowing. My skin is soft, not peely, not flaky (after about a month), and perhaps it's my imagination, but more even toned. Especially now, after my acne seems to have subsided, the cream seems to be lightening my complexion and evening it out. I sincerely hope this review helps you stick with it through the rough parts.
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April 21, 2011


-Clears acne 98%!!
-Clear black heads, whiteheads, comedones.. ect
-Heals my scars!!


-Some what drying
-Can't be in all!! :[
-TOOK FOREVER!! 6 months... :(
-2 month outburst..

Wow this product has been the best ever! I live in California, and I'm an 18 year old Japanese boy who's been suffering EXTREME acne with so many clogged pores with clear comedones and black heads.. I used to use Japanese acne products.. but it didnt really do much for my face except get rid of the big pimples, not the small clear ones. and I've tried all sorts of acne products and lines for over 3 months of EACH product. Really nothing worked for me, proactive, exposed, natural treatments, lemon juice.. " even though ive been on the products for more than 5 months, nothing seemed to really work. now that i went to the dermatologist, she reccomended me retin-a. At first I was a little pissed because she told me that it would take 6 months to work.. and the first 2 months were HORRIBLE. :[ There was a huge outburst! But after the 3rd month my face seemed so much better, before ever single spot on my face had a little small comedone pimple, but now.. nothing!! This product really lightened all my acne scars, and this is finally my 8th month of use and I have absolutely no acne at all! Only minor scarring, but you can barely tell unless under a bright light. :] I got one large tube or retin-a for only 10 dollars since I have insurance.
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April 15, 2011


clear skin
red marks gone
scars improved
no more cysts


dry skin
takes a while to work

I joined this site just so I could write this review. Retin-A has made such a difference in my life and my confidence! My acne had gotten really bad with bumps everywhere and cysts around my jawline. I just turned 28 and I had mild acne growing up, but it had gotten horrible in the last couple of years. I tried all sorts of topical things and antibiotics but nothing was working. I started on .05, and experienced an initial breakout, but it wasn't so bad compared to what I already had. I was also taking minocycline at the time so that may have helped. I've moved up to .1% and it has made a huge difference. My skin mostly cleared up with the .05%, but the red marks weren't going away and with the switch to .1%, the red scars are going away and I'm sooooo happy! Try it.
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April 15, 2011


makes skin glow
fades acne marks
smoother skin
evan complex


takes months to works
skins gets worst first

i love this producct i went to the demertologist he put me on this it works u have to be patient it takes time its working deep inside your skin
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.