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How to Get It
Have a dermatologist or plastic surgeon? Make an appointment to get this procedure done. Don't have a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find a dermatologist or the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to find a plastic surgeon. Topical Treatments are also available over-the-counter.
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May 31, 2011


Smells wonderful (for people who don't mind fragranced cosmetics)
It doesn't actually work to get rid of my scars but keeps cysts at bay(?)


The amount of product is miniscule for the price you're paying!

I have NO idea how this keeps my cysts at bay. And if anyone knows (explain a scientific process in lay man's terms), PLEASE DO SHARE! I wash with a gentle cleanser, apple Benzaclin and then this serum as my moisturizer at night... and I don't want to jinx anything but it really does the job of keeping the cysts at bay. Before this routine, I used to use salycic acid as a toner and then Benzaclin (5% BP) as my moisturizer (YIKES!)... As soon as I stopped with my SA toner and went straight to BP + this serum, the cysts on my cheeks stopped (knock on wood). I have no idea why. However, although I do think it's a great product to have, the price is ridiculous. It costs me $55 CAD!!!!!! I wish I could find a cheaper substitute. I also have a nagging feeling that there are far more superior night creams out there. I haven't used moisturizer in 3 years, so I still find it mind-boggling that this step could help with breakouts. Give it a go! But I must warn you, it is HELLA expensive... especially for all broke students out there (HOLLA!)
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May 31, 2011


Smells good
Improvement on scars is seen within days
Fairly cheap


A bit too oily
It's easy to use too much

I have three acne scars on my nose, and they're only about a month old. I bought Bio-Oil a long time ago, but never used it as I thought it would break me out because I have oily skin. These three scars were really bugging me though, so I decided to try applying the Bio-Oil for a while to see if it would work. I've been using it for about a week now, applying it one or two times a day, and one of the scars has almost completely faded. The two others are getting there, slowly but surely. Although it may be a bit oily, it doesn't really bother me because I'm only using it on my nose when I'm at home and it hasn't given me any pimples so far. This is something you should definitely try out!
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April 30, 2011


Smells lovely
really moisturises
mixes well with moisturiser


you can use too much

I mix 1-2 drops mixed in with my day and night lotion and I love it. It stops my face from being dried out by the BP or Salicylic acid and I think it helps it sink in. It makes my skin so soft, has helped with the hyperpigmentation and has helped with redness and overall texture. I had a sunk in scar from a deep spot under my eye and I think the BioOil has helped it start to fill in and heal. Highly recommended. If you don't like it on your face then use it mixed in with your body moisturiser and it'll leave your skin so soft.
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April 24, 2011
Product used: MaMa (Lotion)


smooths out rough, dry skin
balances oils
gets rid of inflammed acne
lightens hyperpigmentation
helps cure folliculitis
gets rid of cysts
leaves skin shiny and supple
can wear underneath powder, concealer or other makeup



I use the 20% Skin Refinish alone. So far, I love this stuff. I've only been using it for about two weeks (and normally I'd wait longer to review a product) but this stuff is so good, I just had to share the good news with fellow acne sufferers. With M2 Skincare (formerly Mama Lotion) you get a LARGE 50 mL, 20% mandelic acid bottle for $25, instead of the TINY .25 or 1 mL, 10-15% mandelic acid bottles sold on GoW or Diana Yvonne for upwards of $40. GREAT VALUE, especially by comparison. The burning feeling lets you know it's working and YES, you can wear it under make-up with or without sunblock/moisturizer. CANNOT RECOMMEND THIS ENOUGH!!! I am Jamaican and thus get hyperpigmented brown marks from any place I've had a cyst, whether or not I pick them. Additionally, I had to get rid of gram negative folliculitis (inflammed acne-like tiny bumps which are resistant to everything, caused by prolonged use of antibiotics), which not only raped and pillaged my forehead but then spread to the sides of my face, nose and cheeks too. (For that I took Bactrim 2x daily, began seeing a Chinese herbalist and soaked my skin in vinegar at least 2x daily which really worked but left dry, darkened, almost scaly skin..and then began mandelic acid after a month to get rid of the "scaly skin" and now my forehead skin GLOWS its so soft and smooth.) M2 has left my skin soft, supple, smooth and literally almost PIMPLE FREE in a matter of a WEEK. Thus far, it's AMAZING and works BETTER than Tazorac. I'm definitely sticking with this brand if this continues! My acne WAS moderately severe but since I've stopped eating ALL dairy and began using "Mama Lotion", my skin has two grain of salt sized pimples and one small cyst which is shrinking.
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April 14, 2011
Product used: MaMa (Lotion)


Clears blackheads
Gentle and non-drying exfoliation
Fades acne marks
Pores appear smaller
No initial breakout after 2 weeks of use


Impossible to apply anything over top so best to use it at night

From someone who's been battling acne for over 10 years, I have tried a LOT of products and I can honestly say that MaMa lotion (also known as M2) is one of the few products that delivers on its promises. It is SO worth the money. The bottom line is that this is the first product that has any effect what so ever on the blackheads on my nose. I have used it every third night for the past 2.5 weeks and within that short time the blackheads have been reduced by 80%. The pores on my nose also appear much smaller. Prior to using this product I was using BP on that area for many months w/ no success. I also have some hyperpigmentation from old acne on my cheeks and the MaMa lotion, even in this short time, has faded those marks slightly. I have rolling and icepick scars on my cheeks and I have also noticed that they apppear slightly more smooth. I am having co2 fractional laser resurfacing done in a week and a half so I will discontinue this product for a few weeks while I recover but this is absolutely going to be a staple in my routine from now on.
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April 10, 2011


Excellent for acne scars and scarring


It tingle a little

I love the Gorgeous peel for my skin, it made a big different in the texture after one treatment and there was no downtime.
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March 31, 2011
I got this product in a desperate last attempt to fade SI scars on my legs. It's only been about a month and I'm astounded to find that my scars have faded and smoothed out substantially, compared to how they looked before. I'm honestly excited to continue using it for the next few months, until I'm satisfied with the appearance of the scars. I'm overjoyed that this is in existance, and it seemed like a stroke of luck finding it at random in the store, after months of hoping and searching for a solution to my problem. I'm so happy! I may have made a mistake self-inflicting the scars in the first place, but I am glad that Bio-Oil exists to correct it. Highly recommended~ And luckily I received a 5 finger discount, if you know what I mean ;) Not that I endorse theft, but it cost $14.00 and I'm dirt broke! So glad I got this.
March 17, 2011


Great moisturizer, skin looks great in the morning, dried up my acne first night I used it


none yet

I have only had it a couple weeks but LOVE IT I have dry cheeks and oily chin and break out constantly on chin and beside mouth. I was skeptical at first about putting it on the oily spots well cause its oil but when I woke up and the zits were pretty much gone I WAS AMAZED. And my skin looks great. Also I have very sensitive skin on my face almost every lotion burns when I put it on after a shower this stuff actually was soothing!
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February 27, 2011


Makes my skin feel heavenly
I look radiant and glowy (not oil once it sets in)
I personally love the smell of this product
Redness faded
Current breakouts dried out!


None for me as of yet!

Keep in mind that I do have fairly dry skin, I do not know how it would affect oily/combination skin types. Although I have dry skin, I suffer from pretty bad breakouts on my chin, but this product even helped those! I admit I was a bit weary before applying this, worrying that it might only worsen my breakouts. But nope! I am truly impressed. Two thumbs waaaay up!
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February 18, 2011


Remove Old / New Scars, Very Easy to use, Evens out Uneven Skin Tone, Aging Skin, & help with Dehydrated Skins. Works on all type of Skins. Cheap, and a little goes along way:).



I just started using this Bio oil and its shown some improvements. I'm hoping that 1 week into this will work so that i can make a nice appearance to a Family trip by next Friday, but i have a strong feeling that this will work. I have look at many other reviews online and there all shown positive's. so i hope that you can try to use it. It's basically simple to use and you just have to apply it on the face and body 2x's a day for 3 months for an excellent result.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.