Emu Oil

147 Reviews

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September 2, 2010


absolutely brilliant.


not a single one..

okay so i was using olive oil to wash my face, followed by goats milk soap... then i tried jojoba oil... it was alright.. but then i tired emu oil WOW the difference is Huge. check out my log to see the pictures. i'm currently on week 6 of my accutane treatment, and i flared up like no tomorrow with the first 5 weeks. BAD cystic acne like i've never ever experienced before. lots of PIH and itchy scaly messy skin. i would call it angry skin. anyway i started using emu oil and in just this one week i have massive improvement, its actually a little bit unbelievable how much. i thought using any product to 'cure' acne was hocus pocus BS, but my skin tone, hydration, rosacea, dryness from accutane etc have all been greatly improved. not kidding i would say its a 180 turnaround, and that definitely has something to do with the emu oil. red marks are fading so fast, who would have thought.. :) i would not hesitate in the slightest to recommend this its been my Holy Grail. good luck!
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July 9, 2010


This product is a necessity for me. With it's anti-inflammatory properties I have found that applying emu oil to my large cystic pimples causes the swelling to go down noticeably and quickly and also reduces redness. It's also antibacterial! It helps your zits heal faster and gets rid of the horrible scarring which can make a zit seem like it lasts for wayy longer!


Some reviews have said that this product is not non-comedogenic, but I haven't noticed any breakouts caused by this product.

This product is a must for me!! I am in my early twenties and never had severe acne but when I do get zits they are the big nasty nodular/cystic ones that hurt, last a long time, and seem to show up at the worst times. I only get them on my chin and other than that I have blackheads on my nose but my face is pretty clear otherwise. I dab the pesky ones with emu oil after I wash my face before I put on makeup form the time I feel one coming in and throughout the healing process. If you are the kind of person who can't help but pick at your pimples -- this product will help with the healing and scarring and get rid of flaking that might occur. I haven't really used emu oil for any of its many other medicinal purposes but for this -- emu oil is incredible!
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April 1, 2010


it reduced week old red marks by 95% in hours and reduced old red marks by this amount within a few days. This is the bed red mark treatment i have ever used.


Looks greasy on skin

i dabbed some of this on my red marks and rub in slightly then left the rest to sink in on its own and this seemed to work best of all. The only bad thing is that it looks greasy on your face so you can only do treatment in the house...but who cares it KILLS red marks in hours!!!! plz try this
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July 29, 2010


Reduces redness
Helps speeding up the process of fading the red marks (I have only the stubborn ones left, which may seem like, to other people, that it "stopped working", but these marks are older, and therefore takes longer time to fade)
It's cheap compared to other products
It doesn't break me out
Good moisturizer
Can also be used on bug bites, wounds and more


Can seem a bit thick and oily, but that's only if you use too much at the time. A little goes a long way :)

Today I've used it for exacly a month, applied every morning and evening. It has cleared up a lot of my red marks (idk how many, though), and made my skintone more even. I really like it as a moisturizer-- Blah blah blah, check "Pros", that should be enough :).
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March 21, 2011


Tames frizzy hair
Good to moisturize body


I don't quite like the smell... it's a kind of plastic-ish smell
Greasy even if I use a tiny amount (doesn't sink in on my face)
Broke me out badly

Before I used emu oil, my skin had finally began to clear and smooth out. I had been using rosehip oil that had really reduced the redness and made my skin smooth and glowier than usual and then I used the Diana Stalder acne kit which seemed to be working ok and it was all going so well.... Until.... I was tempted by the many reviews saying how much of a miracle emu oil is etc etc and starting getting this idea that it would speed up my skin healing process and give me beautiful skin. So I went out and spent $22 on this. That night I was so excited, I used a small amount, about 2 drops and massaged it into my skin and I went to bed. The next morning I woke up and ran to the mirror smiling thinking I would see something great. But the face that stared back at me was extremely congested, red and blotchy and horrified. OMG I could have died. The months of clearing my face, all gone down the drain. It looks and feels like every pore on my face is clogged and I've got patches of red angry pimples and tiny little bumps everywhere. And the rosehip oil and diana stalder stuff don't seem to be working after this!! NOOOO!!! Anwyway I used some on my hair and it made it softer and my leg... but that's really not why I bought it, so I give it a 1.
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August 1, 2010


gets rid of my acne. i also have really oily skin and this has helped so much.


It has a kinda nasty greasy feel.

THis stuff is amazing. nuff said.
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November 8, 2009


Heals Acne, scarring (including scar tissue!), burns, cuts, sore muscles.

Fabulous product, how wonderful to be able to utilize the by product of the emu and not let any of the bird to go to waste. If your lookiong for a naturall cure, try this!!!! I LOVE IT! I am so excited to see what this does with long term usage, because the results so far are phenomenal! I have suffered from acne since I was 15 and am now 27. I wish I would learned of this product sooner!! God Bless You All!!!
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March 22, 2013


Fades red marks, scars
Gives skin an overall shine
Great moisturizer


Looks greasy when you have a lot on, not a big problem though

Works great for me! Have used it for about 3 months and have seen great results. For those of you who believe that Emu Oil can clog pores I have researched it and it does not. "But since it is oil, won't it clog my pores? Not emu oil. The Department of Dermatology, at University of Texas Medical School, showed that emu oil in concentrations of up to 100% is non-comedogenic (will not clog pores). This is one reason it is so popular in cosmetic applications."
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October 4, 2010


I love this stuff. I bought from Botanic choice, (which is in the main picture). Its amazing. Not only does it help with any dryness you have and is a great moisturizer, it really does help clear red marks! It takes a little time but its sooo worth it. 2 weeks and I was clear! It helps with any redness you have on your face. Just shake the bottle, and apply. Can also apply to your hair to give it a nice shine, onto cuts and bruises, and even stretch marks if you have any!


Not really for day use, as your face willl look greasy and oily.

Hands down try this. 100% satisfied!
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May 26, 2010


Inexpensive, fades red/ dark marks some


Will only work to a certain extent, in my case, a few weeks

It's inexpensive and maybe if you have really light scarring this could help you, but otherwise it only works for a couple weeks and then you will not see any improvement beyond that. Also, I have not had any breakouts from it.
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